Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 480

Chapter 480: Hunt & 2 Months

This time Tianlong Yun didn't need to hold any kind of ceremony or speech to boost their morale, and hate, as they were already on the edge.

Certainly, the way these guys were at the moment wasn't the best possible condition, as right now they were blinded by their anger, and hate.

The moment they went out there they would most probably turn into berserk animals, as they would only think of destroying their opponents, and not care about their lives.

But Tianlong Yun had no other choice, he needed these guys to fight with their lives on the line in order to go out there and deal with this situation as soon as possible.

There were two big reasons for that! First, he had a bad premonition these days, as if Tianlong Yue, Lu Bing were in peril, and he wouldn't be able to calm down if he didn't have them by his side.

Secondly, according to the information he received from the level 3 tree, the mother tree who was already level 4 was about to level up.

With the current strength, and power he had in disposition right now dealing with level 3 trees wasn't a problem, and level 4 trees were already a stretch, so level 5 trees were out of his league.

He knew very well his limits and wouldn't do something as stupid as go looking for his own death, so he had to finish this quickly if he didn't want things to get even more difficult than they were.

But it wasn't like he was sending his disciples to die out there, as he was more than certain that with his new skills and abilities he would be able to give them a hand when they were in need.

Furthermore, the situation was already better than before as the pressure outside had fallen by at least 10%, and it wasn't as dark anymore.

With these thoughts in mind, Tianlong Yun waited for all of them to get together, as this time Irina, and the two princesses were also involved in the team, as with a thought he took everyone out.

The moment they appeared on the outside everyone proceeded with their tasks, as around 300 disciples created the Soul Severing Formation, with 300 more on standby.

The rest of them had only one job, and that was to attack, and take down as many trees as they could. It was time for Revenge!josei

Even though they started on the wrong foot, as too many disciples were blinded by their hate and anger, they still managed to recollect themselves soon, and turn into a real chainsaw!

Even though their numbers were smaller than when they started dealing with these trees, they still were managing to work at a faster rate.

This was mostly due to their experience, strength, and anger, but nobody cared about the reasons as long as they did what they should and got their revenge.

As a matter of fact, they weren't even paying attention to their own growth as cultivators, or the rich battle experience they were getting.

All they could think about at the moment was take down each and every one of these trees, to revenge the blood of their fellow disciples.

It was quite a scene every day, as they would attack like ferocious omnivorous beasts towards the trees, and would even surpass their own limits to fight for a little longer.

When it was their time to take care of the Soul Severing Formation they would all feel really downhearted, and disappointed, but still would do their job perfectly.

They had already lost far too many people, and couldn't afford to lose more, so they would do their best in order to protect themselves, and their fellow disciples, and friends.

Like this more than 2 months easily passed…

In these 2 months, a lot of things had happened, but the disciples' enthusiasm for fighting the trees outside didn't seem to exhaust.

Each and every one of them was still fighting with the same spirit, and determination that they fought the first day, but some things had clearly changed.

After the second day of coming outside to destroy the little trees, more than 3 disciples lost their lives because they had gone too far.

Despite Tianlong Yun's attempts to save them, the trio couldn't make it, as they were 'eaten' away by the trees.

This was a huge hit for the disciples' who already had opened wounds from what had happened these days, as they were losing more and more of their comrades.

If they were in the Immortal World they would have thought of this as an opportunity, if they survived they would most certainly have their Patriarch's support.

But this wasn't the Immortal World, and even though most of these guys had been faced with the ugly face of the world, they were still unable to accept it, and act by it.

Still, those three disciples' death wasn't a bad thing for the group in general, as they started to become clearer about their situation.

And especially after they heard their Patriarch's words,

"It's true that we are here for revenge, but don't forget that a dead guy is unable to exact revenge! If you want to do it you have to take more care of yourself, and survive no matter what!

Only if you are alive and strong will you be able to revenge your comrades!"

Their Patriarch was right, if they died there would be no one to exact revenge for their fallen comrades and their hurt feelings of friendship and brotherhood.

For that reason, from that day forward all the disciples started being more careful and attentive of their movements while keeping the same spirit and resolve.

From that day on things became easier even for Tianlong Yun who could now have some more free time to hunt down more of those trees.

But at the end of the first month, they were finally able to make contact with the second level 3 tree, as Tianlong Yun managed to take it down.

Rather easily this time since he used his saber 'Life's Regret' from the beginning and was able to cut through the level 3 tree, like cutting through tofu.

The more he used his sword, the more he got used to it, the more he mastered it, and the more strength he could show using it.

He couldn't help but just imagine what would happen once he was able to put a soul inside this thing!? Wouldn't it become much more powerful than it already was?

He couldn't help but become really excited at the thought of it, but in order for the sword to demonstrate its maximal strength, he needed a really tenacious and powerful spirit.

No matter what, this sword was a quasi-divine artifact, and the only reason why it wasn't a genuine divine artifact, was due to the fact that it wasn't able to give birth to a soul.

Seeing that hadn't happened, Tianlong Yun would need to transplant a soul inside the sword, in order to make it complete, and a genuine divine artifact.

To make that happen though he would need an extremely strong soul, that was either divine or had the potential to reach the divine in Soul Cultivation.

He already had a target in mind, but everything would depend on what happened next, right now, he could only make a plan B in order to be ready for everything.

This time, since he knew the weak spot of the level 3 root after consuming, he was able to take care of the remnant soul, and refine the core rather easily, as his soul cultivation knowledge, and skills all improved by at least one level.

After the second level 3 tree, things once again became rather easier, as the pressure in the Nightmare Forests fell by another 10%, and so did the darkness.

With these new conditions, Tianlong Yun and his army were able to take down the third level 3 tree, in the next 2 weeks.

Even though this level 3 tree had much more fighting experience than the other two combined, as it seemed to understand that Tianlong Yun's biggest strength was his saber, so it tried to block it as much as it could.

That certainly made things a bit difficult for Tianlong Yun, but that was all it did, as it was true that his saber was a large part of his strength.

But there was another trump card on his hands that he hadn't used for some time now, as he activated his Nirvana flames, and started rotating in the air.

In no time a large, big, and powerful flaming tornado had been formed around him, as he took a missile trajectory, and using his saber as the tip, he jumped towards his enemy.

The next thing he could remember was the fact that he had gone through the level 3 tree really easily, and had even grabbed its root on the way.

Without giving this annoying thing an instant to try and surmount an attack, he had already killed it and isolated it.

Not wanting to lose time Tianlong Yun refined that level 3 herb root that night, as the next day they would be busy once again.

This turn the time they needed to take care of the last level 3 tree was so fast that he couldn't even believe it.

In but one week they had been able to sweep clean the outside forest, as the pressure in the area had fallen at 50%.

Now all that was left, was to enter the inner area of the Nightmare forest and take care of the mother tree.

Surely this fight wasn't going to be easy…

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