Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 492

Chapter 492: A powerful Saber & Victims

The next moment he also fell down on the ground, completely dried of his blood, without even understanding how it happened.

Leaving the only witness of the show completely baffled and unable to understand anything about what had just happened.

As that guy was looking at the scene still with terror, and shock in his eyes, another group of more than 5 cultivators approached the area.

It was impossible for him to leave the place, after all, these guys had everything on their side, the numbers, their strength, and had already sensed his presence.

Even though he was still shocked by what happened in front of him, he still managed to recreate the scene of what happened earlier.

He got up and immediately started running towards the sword in front of him, and at the same time looking like he was about to escape from the other side.

The group of 5 coming towards the place were already aware of him, and then noticing his sudden run, and direction they became a bit more alert.

Shortly after the sharp and shiny saber entered their eyes, and seeing that guy run for it made them even more agitated.

They couldn't let him pick up that sword, and make a run for it! That saber gave them a feeling of power and oppression.

It was certainly some really good stuff, that they could make use of, or sell on the outside. Either way that saber should belong to them, and no one else.

With these thoughts in mind, all 5 of them moved at the same time towards their target, but this time different from the two guys, they didn't grab him and throw him at the back.

No, all five of them went for his vital points, taking his life even before he could think of a way out. This time his smart and sharp brain hadn't worked out as it should.

But it didn't really matter, even these guys were most probably going to die just like the others. He didn't know what lied in this place, but one thing was for certain, it was hungry for blood.

Thinking like this, he closed his eyes with a mocking smile on his face, like wanting to say that these guys didn't even understand what they were getting into.

Right as he died, before he could even fall on the ground, something started to completely dry his blood from his body, when he fell on the ground he was nothing more than a sack of skin and bones.

The group of five were clearly startled by what happened in front of their eyes, as they did their best in order to look around the place where they were right now.

They weren't even able to say anything at this moment, as they were completely shocked by what they had seen.

Truly this place was weird and had all sorts of strange things happening around, but this was the first time they were looking something like this.

Something that could dry up someone's entire blood in less than a few seconds, was certainly something weird, and impossible, and yet it had happened right in front of their eyes.

The most shocking and terrifying fact of all this thing was that they weren't able to feel anything from around them, everything seemed normal.

But this place was anything but normal, how could it be after all!? Their doubts and thoughts were proved right the next moment, as they turned their heads to look at each other again, only to find two absent.

From the group of 5, only 3 were left, and that horrified them even more as they still hadn't understood what or how it had happened.

With fear piercing through their spinal cord like a hot knife through butter, the remaining three couldn't hold back anymore, as they started to run away like crazy, as they screamed,


They had just witnessed the scariest scene of their life, as even their lower part bodies couldn't be controlled anymore, as they peed on themselves.

But whatever was causing all this didn't seem to mind, as it attacked the three of them at almost the same time, making them empty sacks in less than 3 seconds.

At this moment, the sword started floating in the air, as it was swinging itself, making different noises. It seemed like the sword was hungry for more, and it wanted to pull as many greedy flies as it could.

In less than 3 or 4 hours another 8 cultivators died in the same way, as they left behind only their skin and their bones, with everything else being dried up.

Nobody understood how it happened, or when it exactly happened, they could only see themselves and their comrades turn into dry sacks of bones.

Not long after that last 8, a new group of 4 people was approaching the scene. It was a group of 2 men and 2 women.

The 2 men were clearly trying to enter the good books of the two women for their own reasons, and they were doing everything they could about it.

The moment they saw the sword, they immediately jumped in content, as this could be the moment they showed their strength, and value to vow these two ladies.

The two ladies' eyes shined at the look of that sword, as they both thought that it would really add to their beauty, and dignity if they were to wield such a saber.

Seeing the sparkle in their eyes, the two men immediately announced their purpose of taking that sword to their sweethearts, and then immediately jumped to the location.josei

They were like puppies who were about to bring a stick to their owner, but they had miscalculated something, there was only one saber, and two of them.

Now they would have to decide who was going to pick up the saber and bring it back to the lady they were trying to court.

Both of them had strong and serious looks on their faces, but while one of them was loyal to his friend the other one wasn't, as he immediately used his chance, grabbed the saber, and cut his friend's head.

The moment he had touched the sword he had felt that it wasn't a normal one, and even more so when he had just used it. He could feel that he was at least twice stronger, or more.

With such a sword he could have all the women he would want to have. Why did he have to pick one of the two, when he could have both of them and the saber for himself!?

With the death of his friend, he just turned around and started walking towards the two ladies with a different look from what he had earlier.

Right now, he looked at them like a pervert would, undressing them with his eyes, and having lewd thoughts about them, making both ladies startled.

But they didn't pay much attention to him, as they were already extremely surprised by what was happening behind him.

They also witnessed the scene of the other guy turning into a sack of bones, and couldn't believe their eyes.

The guy carrying the saber thought that they were afraid of him, so he continued walking forwards with more confidence and arrogance.

He felt like he was some kind of unstoppable Master, who was destined to rise above the normal crowds.

He would be a ruler, a King, or an Emperor with a big harem, and lots of women vying for his vigor. He felt like all these were in front of him, like they were touchable, as a new sensation started from his lower body.

It was a sensation of excitement and then numbness, like he was getting so high on the thought, that he wasn't even able to sense his body anymore.

Could this be what power, and strength made to somebody!? He had lived his whole life as a second-generation pathetic idiot, so there was no way for him to understand true power and strength.

So, feeling that numbness feeling conquer his whole body slowly, he felt like this was the feeling of power, from now on he wouldn't be a side character anymore, he was going to be the main.

Drunk on the thoughts of power, wealth, women, and new life, this guy didn't even understand how he died, as before looking at his drying body, he had already lost his heart.

The two ladies that were looking at the scene were even more shocked than the first time they saw it happen, in fact right now they were dumbfounded and terrified.

How could something like this be possible!? It shouldn't be, right!? Just what kind of monster could make something like this happen!?

What would happen to them now!?

As the two ladies were thinking like this, they felt the ground around them start shaking a bit, like a small earthquake was happening.

Something seemed to be trying to escape from the underground. They had no idea what it was, but it surely wasn't something good.

Most probably it was that scary monster who dried up everyone out of their blood, that was trying to escape.

They had to leave this place, but they couldn't. Their legs wouldn't move, and not even a single muscle of their body seemed willing to obey them.

With each moment the small earthquake was becoming more and more imminent, as the rocks were cracking all over.

One had to remember that this was the state left behind by Heaven's Rage, there was no way for normal people to be able to break these rocks and stones.

Yet this was happening right in front of their eyes, as the crisscrossing cracks were spreading through the whole place when finally, the stone ground couldn't hold any more cracks and broke like brittle glass.

Debris and pieces of rocks and stones flew all over the place, as a shadow appeared in the middle of the storm…

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