Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 491

Chapter 491: Death Arena & Trap

He went completely dry. Every bit of blood in his body had been dried up in just a matter of seconds, that was clearly something shocking.

Just a few seconds ago he was thinking he had struck gold, that he had found an amazing treasure, and that he was extremely lucky.

His luck seems to have been too short-lived though as now he didn't even have his life and blood remaining in his body.

Something was weird with this place! This guy hadn't noticed it due to his high excitement at founding something, but in fact, he wasn't the only one in there.

There were more than a few other bodies lying in there, completely dried of their blood and vitality. Looking even worse than mummies.

The thing is, the moment that the white lightning bolt had hit this place, it had certainly erased the pressure of the mother tree in the area, but at the same time, it had created a more dreadful pressure.

Since space had been a vacuum for a few moments, a lot of vortices were created in order to refill the empty area, and the place still wasn't stable.

While the colorful show was over, the stability of space, elements, and energies in the area was a different matter altogether.

As a matter of fact, if one entered deep enough in the now created abyss they would easily encounter still some electrical shocks, left behind as after-effects from that gigantic white lightning.

Not only that but there were even places that were too hot to be able to breathe, as even stones were melting to form magma.josei

Some places were so cold that even the pee froze inside one's testicles, as everything in the area was frozen and turned into a mirror-like structure.

These were only a few of the most impressive environments created due to the instability of the energies in Heaven's Rage Abyss.

All these were discovered and passed with the sacrifice of a mountain of corpses, but nobody really cared about them, as everyone's eyes were on the treasures that could be found in there.

It was precisely that instability in elements, that made it impossible even for the Soul Kings in the Soul Land to be able to have a look down there.

No matter how much they tried, their spirit senses would always turn astray as soon as they entered the area of the Heaven's Rage Abyss.

So, this place had turned not only into a terrifying unstable environment but also into a safe murdering and assassinating spot.

A lot of people were using this place to clean up their enemies, rest their troubles, or just pillage and rob whatever they could.

Those dried guys at that dark corner were just a small example of what this place had become, a death arena where the strongest survived.

Not long after that last man died, another man approached the area. This guy was more careful about his steps and his surroundings.

The moment he saw the corpses on the ground he immediately started to look around himself even more.

He stretched his spirit sense the most he could, as he was paying attention even to the smallest movements, and noises in the place.

It was at that time, that his eyes fell on the shiny and sharp sword in front of him. The moment his eyes fell on that thing he knew that it was something special.

He couldn't lose this chance, but he couldn't rash it either. It was clear that this place was booby-trapped, so he had to find a way to deactivate the trap first.

The best that could come to his mind was that whoever or whatever was in there needed a lot of blood, so if he was able to satiate its craving, he would have a chance to take that sword away.

With that thought on his mind, and with his decision made, he immediately started looking around for other wandering cultivators.

In less than an hour or so, he was able to return with two big guys, who looked to be much more powerful than him.

As a matter of fact, they both were. Right now, they were intentionally using their cultivation pressure on the weak-looking guy, as they had 'forced' him to lead them here.

The two of them were in the Nascent Soul Realm, while their captive was just a Golden Core Realm guy.

In this place where strength was the deciding factor, a minor level was already showing a big difference in strength, so a Realm was almost overkill.

The moment they arrived at the place, the weak guy 'made a run for the sword' looking like he was about to run and steal it when one of the big guys grabbed him by the neck and threw him behind.

"Haha~! Trash, don't forget how weak you are in front of us! Even ants like you try to steal food in front of these bear brothers."

With that said, they both started walking towards the sword in front of them with big and sturdy steps, as they arrived in front of it.

The moment they arrived in there, the biggest of the two bent forward and immediately picked it up and started swinging it around.

'Swish, swishhh, swishhh…'

He was trying to test the power of the sword, but he didn't expect the sword to be that sharp and create that much of a ruckus.

With how strong those swishing sounds were, they were certain that more and more people would appear behind them.

They had to pick it up and leave as soon as possible, otherwise soon they might turn in the target of all the people that would be swarming in there.

But before that, they had something else to take care of, as they both turned their heads to the weakling that had brought them there.

If they wanted to leave this place without troubles they would have to take care of all the possible loose ends and he was certainly one of them.

The 'weakling' didn't seem really frightened as he saw those guys' looks, as a matter of fact, he had a weird mocking look on his face.

It was like he was challenging them to go and deal with him, which made both brothers really surprised.

Just what did this idiot eat to have earned so big guts? Just a moment ago he was nothing more than a sack of potato in their hands, and now he was behaving like that.

Could he have damaged his head when the little brother threw him behind, it was possible actually, but they didn't care. They only knew that they had to kill him as soon as possible.

It was at this time, that the little brother said to his big brother,

"How about we make a bet brother, the first to kill him gets to keep the saber. What do you say!?"

As he said that he had taken a step forward, but no sound came from behind him. It was really weird, as even his spirit sense wasn't sensing his brother anymore.

This Heaven's Rage Abyss was weird, but it shouldn't have been this weird. After all, they had been inseparable all this time, and this hadn't happened before.

Still, he didn't think that something might have happened to his brother, just that this place was getting weirder and weirder.

With those thoughts in his mind, he turned his head around, only to see no one standing behind him. What the fu*ck!? Where was his brother!?

He hadn't run away with that saber as he was coming to kill this weak motherfu*cker to not let a loose end, had he?

He tried to look around, but there was no sign of him, as a matter of fact, there wasn't even a trace of his presence or footprint of his escape.

He had no idea what had just happened, as he could only turn to the weakling that had been looking at them this whole time.

The moment he saw him though, he found out that his face was still weird, but differently from before he wasn't mocking him, but looking seriously in surprise in his direction.

That made him even more confused, as he sent a menacing mental message to that weakling, in a furious tone,

"Trash, tell me where did my brother disappear to!? Which direction did he run!? And you better not be loud to attract attention or I swear you are going to wish you were never born!"

The 'weakling' didn't seem really scared from his threat though, he was still looking towards him with that same weird, serious, and surprised look.

But even then, he didn't scream, or anything, he just made a sign for him to look down with his right hand, as he was still in a stupor.

The big guy didn't understand why he had to look down, but nonetheless, this trash wouldn't dare to lie to him, and even if he did, he would capture him and show him what real torture really was.

With these thoughts in his mind, he lowered his head to look down, but there was nothing more than a bag of bones in there.

That was what it looked at first, as all the blood in his body and his vitality had been sucked dry, making him look just like some wrinkled sack of potatoes.

But then looking carefully at the face of that sack of bones, he couldn't believe his eyes, as he recognized a birthmark of his brother.

No, there was no way! How could this be his brother!? But there was that birthmark, and even that shinny and a sharp sword. There was no doubt this was his brother!

For a moment he was shocked silent, but the next…

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