Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 518

Chapter 518: Using Herself As An Example

Chapter 518: Using Herself As An Example

Keeley couldn't tell her daughter what she needed to hear using herself as an example. She had already said too many partially-true things about the bizarre way she and Aaron had ended up together. But she could invent a fake college friend.

The only college friends of hers Violet actually knew were Valentina, Jennica, and Erica. Explaining her former situation using someone who didn't exist would be simple enough.

"Your situation sounds a bit like one of my old college roommate's," Keeley said lightly. She could tell Violet's interested was piqued so she continued. "She had known this guy for a long time and had a bunch of misunderstandings with him so she thought she could never consider him in a romantic light.

"But she did care about him as a person and wanted him to be happy since they had been through a lot together. When she found out he was in love with her, she was shocked and ended up rejecting him. They stayed friends because he wouldn't give up trying to be a part of her life. He loved her too much to leave her even though she didn't love him."

Violet frowned. "That doesn't sound like my situation."

"I'm getting there!" Keeley reassured her. "Anyway, my roommate ended up spending more time with this guy and reached a point where she accepted his sincerity even though she wasn't in love with him. She cared too much to hurt him. She went through the motions of being his girlfriend for months and felt horrible guilty about it even though he knew her feelings and said it was okay. Is this part sounding familiar?"

Violet nodded so she went on. "The more time she spent being loved by this man, the more her feelings started to change. Every reason she ever had for not loving him slowly melted away until one day, she realized her affection for him was romantic love."

Keeley had to water down her story leaving out details like his family not accepting her and them only getting together because of a pregnancy because Violet might pick that up. She was a sharp girl and always had been. josei

She could see the wheels in Violet's head turning as she mulled over the story. Eventually she looked up at her mother and hesitantly asked, "What happened to them?"

"Oh, they're happily married with kids. They've been together for more than twenty years now."

Twenty-six, to be exact. Keeley couldn't believe how much time had gone by. The days where she agonized over her conflicted feelings for her formerly ex-husband seemed a lifetime ago now.

Sometimes it still amazed her how well everything turned out. She and Aaron had both suffered so much to get where they were now. In her past life, she never would have imagined being this happy with him.

She had loved him then but loved him so much more now since he cared enough about her feelings to change and grow as a person. No one from Aaron's first life would ever believe he would become a devoted family man if they could see him now.

Keeley used to wonder if things would have been different if Lacy hadn't conspired to kill their child and prevent her from having any more. Then she realized that they wouldn't have been.

Aaron likely would have treated their children the same way his father treated him because he didn't know any better back then. They would have been raised under the cold, harsh restrictions of high society. And she still would have had to deal with the constant rejection of the people around her.

No, they wouldn't have been happy then. It took losing his wife for Aaron to see the error of his ways. And it took being able to freely fulfil her dreams for Keeley to overcome her trauma enough to give him another chance.

"How long were they together before she fell in love with him?" Violet asked a bit nervously.

Keeley had to think about it. She decided to stay with Aaron in September and that was when they started acting like a couple. But she didn't realize she was in love with him until Lacy was dead, which hadn't happened until the following summer.

"About nine months, if I remember correctly. You can't rush love, Vi. You and Noah have only been trying this couple thing for two months. I know it's frustrating for you but you need to be patient with yourself."

"About that…I actually wanted to take the initiative and try to do something romantic for him. Do you have any suggestions? I'm drawing a blank," Violet admitted.

Keeley's smile grew as she saw how earnest her daughter was. She really did love Noah even if she didn't realize it yet. It was obvious the way she talked about him. Anything to help move things along. That poor boy had waited long enough.

"That's a great idea," she replied. "Give me a minute to brainstorm."

With that, they spent the rest of Keeley's lunch break trying to come up with ideas. Violet thanked her profusely and gave her a big hug as she made to leave. She hesitated a moment at the door.

"Hey Mom…could you pass a message to Dad for me?"

"Sure thing, sweetie. What is it?" Keeley asked.

She took a deep breath before speaking again, as if she really didn't want to say what she was thinking.

"Gray is engaged. I ran into him at the pet store yesterday where he was picking out a fish tank with a woman I'd never seen before. He was acting weird—his voice was different than usual—and it makes absolutely no sense that he's engaged that fast.

"I saw him a few weeks ago on a bad date while I was out with Noah and wished him luck with the next one. He said it was fine and there were plenty of fish in the sea. It seemed like he had a pretty casual attitude about dating, making this supposed fiancée even more suspicious. I know Dad doesn't trust him. I don't either but I trust that woman even less. They might be up to something. Let him know, will you?"

Keeley was stunned. None of what she had said sounded like the Gray she knew at all. Aaron wouldn't be happy about this development since he had thought he was up to something ever since he was in prison. Did this woman have something to do with that?

"I'll pass it on," she promised. "Have a great day and good luck with your surprise for Noah."

Violet nodded with a slight smile on her face as she shut the door behind her.

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