Run, Girl (If You Can)

Chapter 519

Chapter 519: Awfully Domestic Of Him

Chapter 519: Awfully Domestic Of Him

Keeley didn't know what to think about what Violet had told her regarding Gray's mysterious lady friend. She put it on the back burner by returning to her research after lunch but it began bothering her again on the drive home after work.

Aaron actually beat her home today so she snuck up behind him and placed her hands over his eyes. He laughed at her antics.

"Keeley, I know it's you. You can't pull this trick anymore since we're pretty much the only ones left at home."

She released her hands and shrugged. "There's still Nate."

"Nate is always at school this time of day," he pointed out. "Anyway, how was work?"

A troubled look crossed her face. "Violet told me something rather disturbing at lunch today."

Keeley relayed everything Violet had told her about Gray, trying to remember it all word for word. Her biggest concern was that the fake fiancée might be a bad influence on an already dangerous man.

Aaron appeared more thoughtful than worried, which surprised her. Normally he was the one who was the most suspicious of his half-brother. So why didn't he seem all that concerned?

"She said his voice was different?" Aaron asked curiously. "And he was shopping for a fish tank?"

"That's what you're concerned about?"

He still didn't seem bothered by the news. "That seems awfully domestic of him. Gray has been talking about wanting to fall in love lately. It is ridiculously fast but I think he's probably serious about this if he isn't using his usual suave tone."

Falling in love?! That long-time playboy? Keeley couldn't believe it. Men like him weren't capable of settling down.

"Since when has he even cared about something like that?" she asked incredulously.

A half-smile appeared on her husband's face. "I think that might be your fault, actually. He's seen how happy we are and wants the same thing for himself. It's only a guess but I've been observing him whenever he's with us. Occasionally his facade breaks for a moment and I swear he looks jealous."

She hadn't noticed. Could it really be that simple? He was such a complicated man; she never would have guessed his desires were anything like an average person's. josei

Keeley was the first to guess Gray was interested in family ties because of his obsession with Aaron back in the day. But she never would have thought that would extend to wanting a wife and children. He had seemed perfectly content having a relationship with his brother.

If Aaron was right, he might be desperate for love and feel like he was running out of time because of his age. It would explain settling for the first woman who came along to a point, despite the fact that he had always been picky when it came to women.

What it didn't explain was what kind of woman would want to marry someone as dangerous and insincere as him. Though Violet did say his voice was different...was he actually being more genuine with his fiancée? Even if he was, she couldn't possibly know the truth about his time in prison.

Keeley couldn't imagine any woman accepting someone who had murdered before. If it were her, she would always worry about getting hurt if he happened to get angry.

Gray didn't seem like he even got angry about things though. His darkness was calm rather than fiery. Which might be more frightening, to be honest. There would be no way to tell when or if he would strike.

This woman was probably a gold digger. Distasteful as it was, there were plenty of woman in New York City who would eagerly latch onto a rich and available bachelor no matter what kind of person he was.

Not for the first time, she felt a bit sorry for Gray. Nothing in his life was real. Not even himself. The last bit was of his own doing but it was still a sad way to live.

"But who would love him?" Keeley blurted.

It was a rude thing to say but it wasn't like Aaron hadn't ever said worse about his brother. He had never liked how fake the man was at all. She couldn't help but wonder if it would have made a difference for their relationship if Gray had been more genuine with Aaron from the start.

Probably not. He had still been a former enemy and had proven time and time again that he was dangerous. Aaron didn't like people in general but his least favorite ones were those he knew he couldn't trust.

Aaron surprised her by laughing. "I really doubt it's love. He's been lonely and desperate but nobody falls in love that fast. Gray has always been a shrewd one; he probably weighed his options and accepted the least offensive candidate."

He had a point but that made Keeley feel even more sorry for the guy. If he truly wanted love like Aaron thought, there was no way he could find it that fast.

Gray's uncharacteristic behavior must be because he was lonely after getting out of prison. People tended to get more sentimental in his time of life anyway. This was quite possibly his version of a midlife crisis.

A thought occurred to her. "Hey Aaron, he probably expects you to call him. He knows our family is close-knit and that Violet was likely to tell you what she saw."

A dark expression crossed his face. "You're right. He would expect me to call him. I better do that now and get it over with."

Aaron made the call and a female voice answered on the third ring. He and Keeley exchanged a look. This had to be the fiancée. If they had been picking out fish tanks they were probably already living together but he would have thought a man like Gray would guard his phone more carefully. He had a lot of dark secrets to hide; why would he want someone getting into his phone?

More importantly, wasn't it a little rude to answer someone else's phone for them? Why would she do something like that?

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