Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 197 196-John’s Revelation (1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 197 196-John’s Revelation (1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 197 Chapter 196-John's Revelation (1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

After pondering for a moment, Elder Anderson inquired, "Then why, as you suggest, can't we coexist peacefully with the seemingly benevolent factions among them?"

John sighed helplessly, murmuring, "Because even the most righteous deities see us humans merely as a source to draw power from."

"With their elevated status and unparalleled power, they'd never regard us as their equals."

John left another thought unspoken, for it sounded a bit sad.

That was: No matter how weak humans might be, they'd never consider allying with mere bugs.

Though John hadn't voiced that particularly harsh sentiment, Elder Anderson and Shadowswift inevitably fell silent.

With their exceptionally sharp intellects, they immediately grasped the implications of John's unsaid words.

How tragic it was...

Humans, who prided themselves as the crown of creation, stood at the pinnacle of this planet's food chain.

They held dominion over life and death for all species.

Yet when faced with the so-called deities of another world, they appeared so vulnerable...

John paused for a moment before continuing, "Even these deities are subject to the influence of the ORDER of time... They aren't immutable and eternal. With time, they too begin to wane."

"To maintain their existence and power, these deities must derive a unique form of energy from weaker life forms... That is the power of faith." josei

At this point, a wry smirk formed on John's lips, "Thus, humans and other species in the Godslayer world are merely pets kept by the deities..."

"The classes they take pride in are just rewards from the deities, designed to extract a more potent form of faith..."

After reflecting for a moment, Elder Anderson hesitatingly asked, "So once the two worlds merge, we humans will also..."

John nodded, speaking softly, "Exactly, humans in the real world will become the same kind of entities. By then, Earth will be another battleground for the deities vying for faith."

"Even worse, regardless of how these deities perceive humans and other species, they at least share the same origin and were born in the same world. These deities have been spreading their faith on the Godslayer Continent for countless years. Almost all beings have become their followers, and to some extent, they still bear a semblance of compassion..."

"But we're different," John stated gravely, "In their eyes, we too are beings from another world. When these deities descend upon our world, they'll likely use even more brutal and ruthless methods to swiftly assert their dominance and enslave us."

The countenances of both Elder Anderson and Shadowswift were wrought with the utmost concern.

The despair and defiance in their eyes were palpable, almost impossible to mask.

John spread his hands in a slight shrug, "So, don't harbor any illusions of finding allies in the Godslayer world. It's virtually impossible..."

"Against these otherworldly deities, our only choice is to fight..."

"And there's an even grimmer reality. Once our two worlds merge, the true threat to our world won't just be the deities. It will be the Abyssal species, representing chaos, disorder, and evil."

"While the deities of order and righteousness might view us as a source of faith, hoping to cultivate us, the Abyssal species will see us merely as lambs for the slaughter, unleashing merciless carnage..."

Both Elder Anderson and Shadowswift seemed at a loss for words.

Even though John's tone was calm, each word he spoke felt as if it weighed a ton, heavily pressing on their hearts.

Their breathing became laborious.

They desperately tried to process everything, but their minds seemed paralyzed, haunted by John's words, particularly the term "carnage."

"So, are you implying that there's no hope for humanity? That we're just to wait for our inevitable doom?" Shadowswift's voice was now devoid of its earlier pride and was filled with confusion instead.


Elder Anderson slammed the table abruptly, drawing the attention of the other two.

The usually serene elder now looked furious, his eyes ablaze, "No matter what, we won't sit idly by waiting for our doom! Even if annihilation is upon us, we will face it standing tall! Thousands of years ago, humans struggled in the wild, competing with beasts for resources. Now, we are the true masters of this planet. I refuse to believe that with our resilience, we can't find a way out!"

Perhaps moved by Elder Anderson's impassioned speech, Shadowswift's spirit seemed to lift, "You're right! The evolution and continuation of a civilization always face countless challenges. As long as we unite, we'll find a way to keep the flame of our civilization burning."

John sat quietly in his chair. Seeing the two of them so animated, he found it amusing for a moment.

With a light chuckle, he said, "You know... this situation isn't entirely without hope."

Elder Anderson quickly turned his head, his gaze fixed intently on John, "What do you mean by that, Mr. Foster?"

John calmly replied, "As the saying goes, 'To use one's own spear against their shield'. Since we're already aware of the Godslayer world and an increasing number of players are venturing into the Godslayer Continent, why not try to acquire their powers?"

Elder Anderson gave a wry smile, lamenting, "But that's all just smoke and mirrors. We can't truly possess those classes. That miraculous system projects ordinary people from our world onto the Godslayer Continent through a mental connection, but it doesn't grant players those incredible abilities in reality."

John, with a mischievous grin, inquired, "Oh? Is that so? As one of the world's leading scientists who's dedicated a lifetime to research, you should know very well that 'practice is the sole criterion for the truth', right?"

Elder Anderson looked momentarily puzzled.

Without further ado, John stretched out his slender right hand in front of the two.

Both Elder Anderson and Shadowswift were left scratching their heads in confusion.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound filled their ears.

The next moment, something that left both of them dumbfounded occurred.

From John's palm emanated a soft blue light.

The glow grew brighter and brighter until it became almost blinding.

Elder Anderson and Shadowswift had to raise their hands to shield their eyes.

When the brilliance subsided, they were astonished to see a pale blue energy sword in John's hand.

"What... what is this?!" Elder Anderson exclaimed, his whole body shivering involuntarily.

John weighed the energy sword in his hand and laughed lightly, "This sword is named the 'Divine Blade'. It's a skill associated with my class in the game."

With trembling lips, Elder Anderson said in complete astonishment, "You mean... you've brought a power from your game character into the real world?"

John nonchalantly nodded, then with a gentle shake of his hand, the Divine Blade disintegrated back into its elemental form and was absorbed back into his body.

"That's precisely my point... As players level up in the game, these abilities will gradually manifest in their real-world selves through their consciousness."

"Why worry about this at all? Think about it. If we can use materials calculated from those spatial rifts as a medium to successfully project into the Godslayer world, why can't elements from the Godslayer realm do the same and appear in our world?"

Elder Anderson remained silent. At his side, Shadowswift's shock grew more profound, his eyes shimmering with an intense gleam of desire.

No man could resist the allure of supernatural powers...

After a brief moment of astonishment, Elder Anderson soon regained his composure.

His gaze fixed intently on John, he pressed, "What level must one reach to bring these otherworldly abilities into our reality?"

John gently shook his head, replying, "To be honest, I don't think it's much about the level. When I mentioned higher levels earlier, I meant that higher-leveled players have a better grasp of their abilities, which can accelerate their awakening in the real world."

"It's probably as the distance between the two worlds narrows, the chances of these unique abilities manifesting in our world increase."

Seeing Elder Anderson and Shadowswift still in a state of dazed stupefaction, John felt compelled to demonstrate once more.


With a flick of his fingers, a dark flame, the Shadowflame, emerged from his fingertip.

Inside the enclosed private room, the temperature began to spike dramatically with the appearance of the Shadowflame...

In just a minute, the room became oppressively hot.

Elder Anderson's eyes were fixed intently on the Shadowflame at John's fingertip, his expression shifting from bewilderment to a steely resolve.

John gave a knowing smile, feeling that he had finally gotten his point across...

This was the first time John had revealed his abilities in front of others.

His reason for doing so wasn't a whimsical impulse, but rather, he hoped to reignite the confidence of these two influential figures before him...

And indeed, John's display seemed to have the desired effect.

At least for now, both Elder Anderson and Shadowswift seemed to have had their spirits lifted by the skills John had demonstrated...

"So, you're saying, one day in the future, we might have the chance to become these super-powered beings?"

Elder Anderson leaned back, trying to avoid the heat of the Shadowflame ignited by John.

John reabsorbed the Shadowflame and replied with a light chuckle, "Of course, anything's possible..."

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