Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 198 197-Elder Anderson’s Invitation (2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 198 197-Elder Anderson’s Invitation (2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 198 Chapter 197-Elder Anderson's Invitation (2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

John first summoned a magical pale blue energy sword, then with a snap of his fingers, he cast a shadowy flame.

Such a mystical power left Elder Anderson and Shadowswift in utter astonishment.

Especially Elder Anderson, who looked at John as if he was witnessing a miraculous new species.

"My word, I never imagined such a wondrous power existed in this world. It completely defies everything I knew," Elder Anderson muttered, "This seems more like something you'd see in movies or TV shows... John, do you have any other tricks up your sleeve to show this old man?"

John replied with a light chuckle, "I do have more, but this isn't the right environment to demonstrate them."

Elder Anderson nodded in understanding.

John continued in a nonchalant tone, "Actually, having these powers isn't necessarily a good thing. When I'm the only one in the world with these abilities, I'd merely be seen as a freak. So, under normal circumstances, I wouldn't use them in the real world."

"I showed them to you both so you could understand that, faced with the imminent merging of worlds, we are not entirely defenseless."

"The saying goes, ' To defeat the enemy, learn their skills'. If we can level up the players in time, reflecting these abilities back onto the real world, we will stand a fighting chance against adversaries from other worlds."

Elder Anderson wholeheartedly agreed with John's perspective.

The vibe between the two eased slightly, appearing far less tense than before.

Shadowswift, who had been silent all along, was about to speak.

Suddenly, a knock echoed through the tightly shut door.

A respectful voice followed, "Sir, your coffee has arrived..."

The three immediately stopped discussing, ensuring the confidentiality of their conversation.

All the matters they'd been discussing were top secret and shouldn't be shared with others.

A server entered the private room, carrying three steaming cups of coffee and placed one in front of each man.

Shortly after, the server brought two plates of exquisite pastries before bowing and leaving the room, thoughtfully shutting the door behind.

John poured sugar into his coffee, stirring gently with a delicate spoon, "Honestly, I've never been fond of this drink. It always tastes so bitter to me..."

Elder Anderson laughed heartily and remarked, "I often drink coffee. My daily work is just too demanding, so I rely on this to keep me alert."

John took a small sip, the rich bitterness causing a slight frown.

Looking up at Elder Anderson, he said with a smile, "For someone as valuable to the nation as you, it's crucial to take care of your health. There's no need to rush these matters. We still have some time before the worlds merge, enough to prepare adequately. The last thing we want is for you to wear yourself out before the real challenges even arise."

John had a genuinely favorable impression of this affable elder.

Despite his eminent status, he never put on airs and remained approachable throughout.

On the other hand, John's initial impression of Shadowswift wasn't particularly favorable.

But the middle-aged man had one undeniable strength: he was sharp, perhaps a result of his high-ranking position and vast experiences.

It was evident that Shadowswift noticed John's skepticism, and thus he mostly kept silent, letting Elder Anderson steer the conversation. josei

As John was lost in thought, Shadowswift asked, "Mr. Foster, just how powerful are these extraordinary abilities you've demonstrated?"

John raised an eyebrow, turning his gaze to Shadowswift.

Shadowswift met John's gaze with frankness.

There wasn't any hostility in his eyes, but an undeniable hint of concern was evident.

It became clear to John that his recent display of abilities had made this stern-looking middle-aged man perceive a potential threat.

Shadowswift's day-to-day tasks were different from Elder Anderson's.

While Elder Anderson was a dedicated scientist with a passion for academic pursuits, Shadowswift managed a special administrative bureau, viewing matters through the lens of national interests.

The extraordinary facets of John's power made Shadowswift feel a touch of unease.

These seemingly formidable abilities could pose a significant instability in their society.

Uncertain about the strength of these powers, Shadowswift was naturally unsure whether the state's machinery could counteract them.

John grasped this concern and, after a moment of reflection, smiled gently, "Mr. Shadowswift, I understand your reservations. Rest assured, while I may not have many virtues, I am far from being a ruthless criminal. I have no intention of using these powers against ordinary people."

Shadowswift's face softened slightly, but he persisted, "It's indeed reassuring to know, and I do believe that Mr. Foster wouldn't pose a threat to the nation or its people. But I remain curious about the extent of the destructive power you demonstrated."

John's smile took on a sly twist as he nonchalantly said, "To be frank, if I wished to, just with that black flame alone, I could wipe out hundreds of people in an instant."

Shadowswift visibly gasped.

Elder Anderson was evidently taken aback by this revelation as well.

Both men's eyes widened in unison, their expressions growing grave again.

"So, do all the enemies from that other world possess such terrifying capabilities?" Elder Anderson murmured, a glimmer of despair in his eyes.

John chuckled and shook his head, "You're overthinking it. Abilities of this magnitude, even in the Godslayer world, are quite rare. However, the deities I mentioned earlier—nearly all of them possess powers of this caliber. Those beings are our true adversaries in the future."

Seeing John's firm response, both men felt a hint of relief.

It was comforting to know that not every enemy was this formidable.

After a moment of contemplation, Shadowswift, with a hint of hope in his expression, inquired, "If we were to use our most potent weapons, could we obliterate these deities?"

John softly asked, "Are you referring to nuclear weapons?"

Shadowswift nodded gravely.

After pondering for a moment, John replied with uncertainty, "It's hard to say, but weapons below the nuclear scale would pose little threat to the deities. And concerning nuclear weapons, even if they could pose a threat, how can you be sure of a direct hit?"

"Keep in mind, these deities aren't fools. If they sense a threatening energy surge, they'll instantly retreat into the void."

"And even with the current strength of nuclear weapons, they can't possibly breach the dimensional barrier, can they?"

Shadowswift gave a rueful shake of his head, admitting to himself that he didn't even know what a dimensional barrier was.

John sipped his bitter coffee, silently awaiting their next question.

After some deep thought, Elder Anderson suddenly proposed, "Mr. Foster, would you be interested in joining our research endeavors?"

John looked up in astonishment, his gaze piercingly fixed on Elder Anderson.

What did this mean? Were they trying to co-opt him?

Shadowswift, sitting beside him, also showed an expression of surprise, turning to glance at Elder Anderson.

It was clear that Elder Anderson's sudden invitation was not part of their previously agreed-upon discussion but was rather a spontaneous proposition.

Elder Anderson chuckled and explained, "To be honest, we initially just wanted to know how far the top player of Godslayer had progressed in the game world..."

"We certainly didn't expect that you'd have reached such a pinnacle. We prepared a host of questions beforehand, thinking they were comprehensive, but now it seems they barely scratch the surface of our curiosities."

"That's why I took the liberty of extending this invitation, hoping to glean more secrets about the otherworldly realm from you."

John paused for a moment and then gently shook his head, "I'm sorry, but I currently have no intention of joining any organizations. I've always been a free spirit. Even in the game, I'm a solo player, never even joining a guild."

Elder Anderson laughed lightly, nodding as though he wasn't surprised by John's response.

He then made another offer, "Would you, Mr. Foster, consider holding a nominal position in our research team? Rest assured, it's just a title that won't impact you in any way but would facilitate our future communications."

"Except when we might need to consult you on specific questions, we won't disturb you for the most part."

John pondered for a bit; this arrangement seemed quite favorable.

It wouldn't disrupt his daily life and would allow the official channels to access the confidential information he had about the Godslayer world faster.

It appeared to be a win-win situation.

John quickly responded, "That's acceptable, but I have one condition..."

Seeing John finally agree, Elder Anderson silently breathed a sigh of relief.

His demeanor noticeably relaxed, "Feel free to voice any condition. As long as it's reasonable, we'll fulfill it without question."

John chuckled lightly, saying in a nonchalant manner, "It's nothing too drastic. I just wish for you not to interfere with my personal life. Moreover, I hope that you relay everything I share with you accurately to other governments around the world..."

John cast a pointed glance at Shadowswift and continued, "Because I'm well aware that sometimes, in order to have a larger say in matters, you might be inclined to withhold certain information, waiting for the right price."

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