Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 47

Chapter 47: First World: Blood Pact

The statement 'do you know what you did wrong' was said to Wen Qinxi but somehow it felt ambiguous leaving the atmosphere a little awkward. Wen Qinxi nervously played with his fingers with a lowered head ridden with guilt. He knew he was wrong breaking the bridge of trust that he had painstakingly built. Wen Qinxi wanted to admit to all his faults ripping off the bandage as quickly as possible but was suffocated by the dark oppressive force coming from the person sitting next to him.

They sat in silence with Qie Ranzhe patiently waiting for him to answer but Lin Jingxie didn't speak for a long time inciting Qie Ranzhe to say, "If you aren't ready to talk then come back when you're ready," in a dismissive tone as he lay back down. In all fairness Wen Qinxi's mind spaced out after going through an influx of emotions in such a short period of time forgetting all the lines he had been reciting for three days straight.

When he saw Qie Ranzhe going back to sleep Wen Qinxi finally snapped out of it saying, "I am sorry Ran-ge, l shouldn't have touched her hand. I am not the type to touch other people's stuff. It was all a misunderstanding," he said a mouthful of words trying to clear his name but Qie Ranzhe seemed absent with his hand covering his face and his left leg bent at the knee.

Wen Qinxi didn't say anything else deciding to leave and give him some space but just when he was about to stand up, Qie Ranzhe finally spoke, "Are you interested in her?" in a gruff tone with his eyes still covered.

"No, l am really not interested in her. Why would I think of my saozi in that way? I am an upstanding citizen with no intentions of stealing my brother's wife. Now, come on cheer up," he said shaking him gently, " you can't stay angry with me forever."

Qie Ranzhe finally relaxed with his eyes a shade brighter than before peering at him searchingly before sitting upright still holding Wen Qinxi's gaze. The distance between them drastically reduced till they were in close quarters with each other. Qie Ranzhe couldn't detect any signs of deceit and so smiled satisfied with his answer.

The one thing he feared the most was being betrayed or abandoned by Lin Jingxie and when he saw their intimate actions his entire world shattered right before his eyes. The pain was extremely unbearable that he had to walk away otherwise he might have strangled Zhao Huangzhi on the spot. If they couldn't reconcile, he planned on getting powerful enough to imprison Lin JIngxie so he could always keep him by his side. Lin Jingxie belonged to him and him alone.

Qie Ranzhe had already irreversibly blackened with an evil root fully established within him instigating such dark psychopathic thoughts. "I can let this go but l have some conditions of course," said Qie Ranzhe in a honeyed voice that one shouldn't trust but Wen Qinxi had less experience dealing with such a personality and fell under his trap.

"Sure, I will do anything as long as you can forgive me," he replied slighlty shifting his body while further reducing the distance between them. When he spoke his warm breath grazed Qie Ranzhe's face resulting in an involuntary fission that made him tense.josei

"One, you must promise to never betray me," he said in a stern voice, "don't answer lightly. Think it over carefully because l won't tolerate it if you betray me."

Wen Qinxi shook his head while gently pushing him back, "Of course, of course," he said with a smile on his face thinking, 'I am not that fuckin stupid.'

Qie Ranzhe decided to add on a couple more conditions when saw how eager Lin Jingxie was to win him over. "You have to cook for me for the rest of our lives," he said leaning in closer with his arm lazily dangling on his bent knee.

Wen Qinxi, "...."

'Does he want to hire me as a fuckin cook for the rest of the game even when gets married?' thought Wen Qinxi shaking his head in refusal but seeing how Qie Ranzhe's face darkened in an instant, he began to nod in agreement instead. A satisfied smile emerged on Qie Ranzhe's face stretching his hand out to pat Lin Jingxie's head.

Wen Qinxi's eyes followed that willful hand reaching out for the top of his head and unconsciously leaned backwards before smacking it with a pa sound reprimanding him, "Dage, do l look like a little kid to you? No patting otherwise you will have to take responsibility if I get a bald spot."

Qie Ranzhe chuckled lightly whilst staring at his hand that had been smacked by Lin Jingxie thinking, 'l will let you off the hook this time but if you ever smack me again, l will smack you right back somewhere else,' with a sprinkle of crazy in his phoenix eyes.

"Okay, then one last thing," he said unsheathing his sword with a loud shiiiiing that startled Wen Qinxi causing him to quake a little. "let's make a blood pact to stay together forever," he continued before making a long cut right across his palm. A steady stream of blood flowed down to his wrist as a faint smell of blood filled the air.

At the sight of blood, Wen Qinxi widened his eyes horrified by the sudden turn of events. 'Fuck what blood pact? Laozi is afraid of pain okay,' he thought looking away.

His reaction surprised Qie Ranzhe who pinched Lin Jingxie's chin forcing him to face him. "Are you not willing?" he asked looking deep into Lin Jingxie's eyes as though trying to subdue him into obedience. Well, it seemed as though it was working with Wen Qinxi's open palm suddenly inching closer as though under a spell.

Qie Ranzhe's eyes sparkled pleased to see him comply but as soon as their fingertips touched, Lin Jingxie abruptly withdrew his hand cursing in his mind, 'Fuck am I not immune to the protagonist's halo. Almost fell for it,' said Wen Qinxi in his heart feeling vulnerable. There was no point in hiding it, Qie Ranzhe was truly disappointed with a wan look that could move mountains even gods would be moved gifting him with whatever he wanted just to make him smile again. Wen Qinxi studied him with a scowl wondering what this crazy person was so sad about. "Don't you trust my words? There's really no need to do this, I would never betray you," he said trying to cheer him up.

With a lowered head Qie Ranzhe exaggerated his sadness while saying, "Last time you said you weren't interested in her but ended up touching her hand flirting in the kitchen. You have never allowed me to help you cook but you allowed her. How can l trust only your word?"

"You...," said Wen Qinxi short of words while feeling helpless, "Fine fine fine, you can do it. Whatever makes you happy." He turned his face away unwilling to look while being sliced open by Qie Ranzhe. Pain was his worst fear, he was even famous in his local hospital for running away whenever the word injection was mentioned. One time he had to be vaccinated the security guard had to hold him down as his mother was to weak to hold down that fiesty six year old. Wen Qinxi patiently waited for the excruciating pain but nothing happened so he asked in a croaky voice, "is it done?" still looking away.

"Yes, you can look now," said Qie Ranzhe with a sly grin. Thinking Jolie had lowered the pain index to an all time low, Wen Qinxi relaxed and turned to look at his hand but was stunned speechless when there wasn't any laceration. Realising that he had been tricked he yelled, "Qie Ra-, Fuccckkkk" with last part said when Qie Ranzhe finally moved his sword to cut his palm.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" yelled Wen Qinxi with the entire forest filled with his gruesome screams that had wildlife fleeing and birds flying away in terror.

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