Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: First World: Dashing Knights To The Rescue

The two walked side by side heading out of the forest with one complaining and the other comforting him. They both had a torn cloth wrapped around their palms as a makeshift bandage. "Qie Ranzhe, did you have to slice across my palm like this? A prick on my thumb would have sufficed. You are so excessive," complained Wen Qinxi in a plaintive cry over his throbbing hand that will most likely leave behind a scar.

Qie Ranzhe draped his arm around Lin Jingxie's shoulders drawing him closer while saying, "What can a small prick do? With these things you need to do the extreme to make sure they are effective enough. Anyway you made an oath to never leave me so l am very happy," with a beaming smile that could shake the heavens.

Wen Qinxi sighed looking at that gorgeous smile that touched his heart. "Young master please stop smiling otherwise you will bring us trouble," he said taking off the heavy sluggish arm weighing down his shoulders.

"l see so it means you want me to smile only at you?" replied Qie Ranzhe with an even more dazzling smile shamelessly twisting his words.

"That's slander sir, don't corrupt my words," replied Wen Qinxi shaking his head with his hands behind his back like a true young lord. "By the way, you still haven't told me what you named the sword. What's its name?" he asked trying to take advantage of Qie Ranzhe's good mood. He had asked this question plenty of times but never managed to pry a name out of the other. He began to doubt if the sword even had a name.

"If l tell you its name you would have to pay the price that comes with it. Are you sure you can afford it?" he asked with a smile that wasn't actually a smile while leaning down to meet Lin Jingxie's line of sight as he was taller than him.

"Ah forget it," said Wen Qinxi walking past him thinking, 'it's just a fuckin name anyway, what so special about it that you have to be this dramatic. Such a fuckin drama king.' While these two were engrossed in their conversation, somewhere within the shadows was a stalker harbouring evil intentions. Judging the direction in which two unsuspecting boys were headed, the stalker ran off to set their plan in motion.

Qie Ranzhe suddenly stopped walking looking in a specific direction with a frown on his face whilst contemplating on whether to go after the stalker secretly watching them from a distance. They suddenly heard a woman's screams crying for help just four meters away though they couldn't see anything as the trees obscured their vision.

Wen Qinxi wanted to run to the rescue but Qie Ranzhe stretched his hand blocking his path before looking at him saying, "Stay, it might be dangerous," with an authoritative tone only parents use on children.

"Seriously wouldn't it be much safer with you than staying here al-," he paused suddenly gasping in astonishment while wagging his index finger at Qie Ranzhe, 'unless you intended to walk away? Qie Ranzhe you are so fuckin heartless." Wen Qinxi dashed in the direction the screams came from just as soon as he finished his sentence.

Qie Ranzhe who had just been scolded was struck in trance for a moment giving Wen Qinxi enough time to slip away. By the time he realized what had just happened, the guy was already ten steps ahead. He ran after him with a solemn expression concerned if he could actually protect Lin Jingxie from harm. They arrived at the scene of the crime like dashing knights ready to save the day only to find an unconscious girl her head drooping with her dishevelled hair covering up her face. A rope was tying her against a tree and next to her was a short bald bandit with gross yellow teeth laughing while staring at her torn skirt.

There were also four other bandits surrounding the other girl screaming out for help. Qie Ranzhe looked at Lin Jingxie as though seeking his approval but the boy didn't even look at him issuing some instructions. "You go save her, l will untie the one over there," said Wen Qinxi about to take off.

Qie Ranzhe had never seen Lin Jingxie fight not even once and couldn't help but worry though it was just one bandit. He grabbed Lin Jingxie's elbow, his eyes filled with concern saying, "Be careful," holding on tighter as though unwilling to let him go.

Wen Qinxi loosened his hand with a smug in his face saying, "I will," before running off to save the damsel in distress. He might have been smug a second ago but that was just for show to get Qie Ranzhe off his back. He was freaking out internally while breaking into a cold sweat.

'Shit! Jolie don't you have some power-up or something so l beat this goon. I am really bad at fighting,' said Wen Qinxi to the system while picking up a rotting log planning to sneak up on the bandit who was playing with the unconscious girl's hair.josei

'Your character's special skill is only literature boss. You can try bombarding the bandit with some fuckin poetry and maybe he will be inspired enough to let you go. Jiayou boss, l believe in you!' said the system before disappearing once more.

"Ah fuck it," he muttered before lunging towards the bandit amateurishly swinging the log. The rotting log broke into pieces barely inflicting any pain on its intended victim. The bandit glared at him like a pissed off fight viper ready strike him down. "Oh shit," he said before the bandit stepped forward in an overly intimidating stance.

"Young Master, l think you are in the wrong place. This here has nothing to do with," he said with a smirk on his face and murderous eyes. A terrified Wen Qinxi walked backwards trembling in fear. He was left with only one option which was running away aimlessly while stalling for time hoping Qie Ranzhe would have saved the other girl.

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