Saving the overbearing CEO

Chapter 49

Chapter 49: First World: Teach That Pretty Boy Some Manners

Though not advised every boy has to at least get into a fight at least once in their lives especially if when it comes to defending a maiden's honour. Wen Qinxi had finally had his chance at this kind of fight though truthfully it was more like a chase than a fight. The only time he defended a girl slashing down her oppressors in cold-blood was in an online game rescuing the little female wudang but that couldn't be counted as a fight.

Being chased by a crazy bandit, he quickly discovered a secret skill that most nerds should be familiar with which is the skill of dodging from bullies. Well, in this case, it would-be dodging from bandits rather than bullies but to him, it was all the same. Like a slippery weasel, he had actually managed to survive for ten minutes straight with the bandit unable to grasp even his split ends. Lucky for him, the bandit wasn't smart enough otherwise he could have used the girl as leverage to get him to surrender.

On the other end, Qie Ranzhe reached the four bandits who were unsparingly pinning down a helpless girl when two of the bandits approached him, one wielding a hatchet and the other a dagger. They didn't seem all that surprised to see him as though they had anticipated his arrival. The men were both grinning maliciously whilst showing off their tobacco-stained teeth as they walked forward in an intimidating stance reducing the distance between them and Qie Ranzhe.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk...the forest is especially ridden with beauties today such great luck, isn't it? Look at this fuckin handsome young master offering himself up to us on a silver platter," said the lackey bandit following behind his leader. The other bandits heckled flooding the ever so quiet forest with aggressive speech.

"How about you walk away and pretend you didn't see anything otherwise l will ruin your face and turn you ugly? Let's see if any girl would ever look at you again," said the leader threatening Qie Ranzhe with the dagger hovering above the boy's face.

Qie Ranzhe almost dry heaved at the putrefying odour coming from the bandit's disgusting mouth. The rotten meat mixed in with rancid tobacco smell assaulted his nose making him gauge. It was too unbearable that he made a conscious decision to finish this as soon as possible. Seeing that the youth didn't respond and had no intentions of leaving the bandit leader swung the hilt of his dagger aiming for Qie Ranzhe's head. But before he could land his strike a forceful kick struck his chest sending him flying three meters away.

As he landed onto the ground with a loud bang, the leader struggled to sit up straight clutching his chest while spitting out blood. He viciously glared at Qie Ranzhe with murderous black eyes before yelling at his dumbstruck subordinates. "What are you fuckin waiting for? Kill that brat," he bellowed before letting out a low groan in pain. His expression remained fixed hiding the excruciating pain that felt like all his insides had been ripped out of him.

The bandit leader had initially held back his full strength seriously underestimating his opponent. The three bandits snapped out of their trance obeying their leader's command as they simultaneously dashed towards Qie Ranzhe armed ready to take vengeance and teach this pretty boy some manners. The quivering girl shuffled on her hands and knees hiding behind some bushes. She buried her head in-between her bent knees while closing her ears with her hands whispering a silent prayer. Qie Ranzhe scowled watching the three men charging at him like raging bulls at a bullfight.

Irritated by this nuisance, he stood tall all calm and collected like a skilled matador ready to tame the brainless bulls. Qie Ranzhe didn't even bother unsheathing his sword choosing to fight them with his bare hands. The first bandit pounced at him swinging his hatchet with a deadly glare aimed at Qie Ranzhe's neck, he was too clouded by his emotions that he didn't even notice the other's actions.

Qie Ranzhe swept the man's leg just as the hatchet neared its target causing the bandit to fall flat on his ass with a loud thud. He held the bandit down with his left leg crushing hard on the man's chest to stop him from moving while tending to the rest of the gang. The man under Qie Ranzhe's foot felt his chest tightening five times tighter than that of a woman wearing a corset. The man felt like he was going to die as his breathing became more constricted and so he viciously struggled like a rat caught in a trap clawing, punching even trying to bite Qie Ranzhe's leg. Qie Ranzhe glared at him with terrifying dark eyes that seemed to say 'behave' which sent chills down the bandit's spine as he stopped struggling.

The other two bandits seeing their comrade in this kind of predicament went after him even more aggressive than before. Judging from the boy's weight and height, the two men felt they were at an advantage especially if they attacked him at the same time. Regaining their confidence they brazenly attacked Qie Ranzhe making the same mistake their leader made before, they were completely blindsided.

One man ran straight into Qie Ranzhe's powerful punch instantly knocking out his front teeth while dislocating his jaw. Seeing an opening the other bandit grabbed Qie Ranzhe's shoulder pulling him into a chokehold. The bandit tightened his hold constricting airflow into Qie Ranzhe's lungs but the victim wasn't fazed in the slightest. Qie Ranzhe jabbed the bandit's stomach with his elbow exerting so much strength that the bandit subconsciously loosen his hold on the boy's neck.josei

The boy ruthlessly jabbed at him again and this time the bandit let go stumbling backwards his face flustered with veins popping out of his forehead cursing, "Fuck!" grimacing in pain. Qie Ranzhe wasn't done with him landing a swift kick on the bandit's face instantly knocking him out. The man's teeth and blood flew straight into the other bandit's face. Seeing his companion's blood splattered all of his face, the bandit couldn't help but feel petrified with his face as white as a sheet.

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