Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Reaping lives like the grim reaper!

‹Chain Quest activated: Ending the insidious practice.

‹Task 1: Save Lara and Alina from slave traders›

[Description: With the arrival of the new era the people in powers have started to indulge themselves in the traditions of the other world. One of the most followed traditions is purchasing sex slaves and using them to please themselves. Lara and Alina got kidnapped by slave traders and soon they will be sold in an auction as sex slaves]

‹Save Lara: Incomplete›

‹Save Alina: Incomplete›

‹Quest Rewards: 100 XP, a sword skill from Life Taker inheritance›

'Life Taker? He's probably another one of the many experts. Whatever, let's first save the distressed beauties, and release some anger and stress,' Marvin internally thought as he silently observed the slave traders while hiding behind the huge tree.

'They still haven't noticed me, great!'

While he was pondering on what to do, Noah's notifications rang out, and he then also made up his to increase his strength and upgrade his skill. He poured 15 attribute points in the magic power stats.

[Magic Power increased by 15: 24.5»39.5]

Almost immediately, Marvin's strength increased from rank-5 to the peak of rank-8, and he is now only half a step away from reaching rank-9. With that done, Marvin allocated his skill development points into Magic Martial Arts, and Time Halt.

It required 2 skill development points to upgrade them from lv2 to lv3 but he had 4 SDP, and he used 2 points in each skill to upgrade them to lv3.

Magic Ability: Time halt (lv:2) upgraded into Time halt (Level:3)

[Magic Ability: Time halt (Level:3)]

‹Level 1 Effect: The power to stop the time of three beings or things while still being able to move around normally. Time halt can be activated with a single thought. The Gamer can stop the time of any living or non-living thing in his vision or perception. Consumes 1 Magic Power Per Seconds for each person›

‹Level 2 Effect: Create a time field that allows the speeding and slowing of time of anything within. The time field is erected around the host and only follows his thoughts. The consummation rate of magic power depends on the number of people that are affected by the time field›

‹Effect 3: The Gamer has obtained a low-rank Time Bank. The total amount of essence of time the time bank can store is 100. Now each time the Gamer kills a person, the Gamer will obtain the essence of time which will be stored in the time bank. The essence of time can be used to utilize time halt and other time magic. Costs 1 essence of time to utilize the halt for 1 second›

[Magic empowered Martial arts (lv:1) upgraded into level 2

Effect 1: The Host can now perform more than just a mere martial artist. The Host has learned a grand style of martial art that melds Magic power into the body to empower your attacks, increase your speed, helps you maneuver through enemies, and thwarts your opponents' strategies with overwhelming physical might!

Effect 2: The Gamer can now utilize magic power to perform Burts movement and attacks›

‹Tutorial of Magic Empowered martial arts shall be played in 3... 2... 1›

Marvin stood behind the tree which hid him from the sight of the slave traders. He stood in a daze as memories of another world, another place, someone else life suddenly began to play in his vision.

A black-haired boy with abyssal eyes utilized magic empowered martial arts to face off against thousands of inhumane beings, each so grotesque that Marvin felt his stomach churning but he gritted his teeth and didn't puke.

'Just what's this?' He felt mystified as the experience of that fight became one with him. It wasn't something as simple as gaining memories. He also gained muscle memories.

He felt as if he has been practicing Magic Empowered martial arts for years. He felt as if he had fought thousands of inhumane beings and came out victorious.

He felt overpowered as if nothing could stop him now!

"Quick. Pack things up. Now that it's night, no one will be scouting this area. We are just about three miles away from the Fortress. Let's reach there. We'll be safer then." Darth said to his lackeys.

Through the intel he received from the other party, he came to know that after the sun falls, there's little to no chance of encountering a scout in this path. That's why they have been waiting here.

"Finally we are about to make it big. Hey, boss! How much do you reckon they'll sell for?"

"Wolf Girls and hot brunettes go for a lot. Keh, they are also virgins, and only I know how hard it was for me to pluck their flowers, they'll sell for twice their original price as they are virgins." Dark excitedly replied to them. 

"You guys won't be selling them to anyone. None of you are gonna live to see the sun rising tomorrow." A heroic–not, a demonic yet enticing voice rang out as Marvin confidently stepped out from behind the tree with a dagger clutched in his hands and entered their vision.

The three slave traders looked at the handsome youth with an amused gaze. 

Although some parts of Marvin's face and clothes were dyed in blood, they didn't help much to hide his exceedingly handsome looks. He has been becoming handsome with the increase in his magic power and strength. Currently, his looks matched up to models

"This boy toy will sell for a lot. His skin is milky white, a top-quality product!"

"Yeah, he also seems stupid. He's just the type of boy every madame like between their legs. He will sell for double the price a normal boy toy is sold for."

"You both are right! His looks aren't that bad but we should rough him up before selling him to a brothel or auction back home." Darth said as he scanned Marvin from head to toe.

Ignoring their taunts, Marvin walked towards them one step at a time. 

"Go away, don't come near. They are dangerous!" Lara alerted Marvin as he passed by their cage.

"NOOO! RUN AWAY! YOU CAN'T FIGHT THEM! THEY ARE AWFULLY POWERFUL! RUN AWAY!!!" Alina, who has just woken up, worriedly shouted at the top of her lungs but Marvin continued to walk. 

He only left behind a single sentence to calm her heart,

"Wolf Girl, your worries are unfound," 

The memories of that person has raised a subtle change in Marvin's personality. What he saw him doing with magic empowered martial arts has shocked his soul to the core, and he could now do the same.

"Valhander, go mess him up a little but don't break a lot of his bone otherwise, it will be hard to get a buyer for him!" Darth shouted.

"Yes, boss!" Valhander rushed at Marvin with a two-handed sword in his hand.

Marvin yawned while thinking why's he so slow?

WHOOSH! Valhander swung his two-handed sword after he reached up to Marvin.

The moment the sword was about to crash into him, he used spatial step and disappeared from his place but everything happened so fast that Valhander sword swung through his afterimage and crashed to the ground.

"Ah, where did he go?" Valhander exclaimed in confusion. 

"Dumbass, he's right behind you!" Darth and Furkhan exclaimed at the top of their lungs but it was already too late.

Marvin spatial stepped right behind Valhander after he smoothly dodged the attack, and he then horizontally slashed the inquisitor dagger cleanly beheading Valhander without giving him a chance to respond or anyone else to save him.

SPURRRRRRRRT! Blood spurted out of his headless body which dropped to the ground, and at the same time, the head landed on the ground with a thud and rolled to the side.

‹ Slain rank-8 Ability User, 80 XP gained ›

‹ 100/500 XP ›josei

‹ Gained 1 essence of time ›

‹Ding! Congratulations for successfully face slapping Valhander. He didn't even know what killed him before he died! The look of confusion in his eyes shows it all›

‹Ding! You have obtained 10 System store credits. Keep up the good work!›

Right then, Marvin heard Noah's mechanical words, notifying him of successful face slapping. 

"Wtf! Who is this demon?" The slave traders watching this scene gasped in surprise. For them, Marvin should have died. For them, it looked as if the sword had crushed his body, but then it seemed as if he has passed through the sword and Valhander, and reaped his life like a fucking Grim Reaper from the underworld.

It all happened too fast, and what happened was just too mysterious.

"You... You, just who are you?" Furkhan shouted in disbelief. Whereas, Darth composed himself. As a battle master from the world of Camelot, he had seen space magic and could deduce that Marvin has used a void type ability but this just made the matter worse for him.

The person in front of them wasn't just more powerful. It was a person that can control the element of void. It was a monster above their league!

"Now it's your turn, say your prayer!" They both felt a chill up their spine as Marvin stared right at them and uttered those words in an icy cold tone.

"Make a run for it, each man for himself!"

Darth shouted as he turned around to get as far away from Marvin as he can with all the strength he could muster up, leaving behind Furkhan who stood still unable to make sense of the situation.

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