Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Unlocking profession!

By the time he realized that he had been abandoned, it was already too late to make a run for it for the monster was just 20 feet away from him.

"Magic shield!" Furkhan hurriedly lifted his hands and used his ability when he saw Marvin coming up to him.

As he used his ability, a transparent, white, spherical barrier generated around him, protecting him from all sides.

"A magic shield, eh?" Marvin said nonchalantly while walking at his pace. He wasn't hurried, and he only spared Darth a single glance. In his eyes, they were both dead but one will die earlier than the other.

Magic shield was one of the most common yet extremely useful defensive abilities that most people will awake before becoming an ability user but this ability comes in different versions.

In the first version, the Magic shield can block all attacks from bladed weapons and elemental attacks. In the second version, it can also ragdolls the attacker. However, Furkhan Magic shield was rarer, a mutated version. It has an additional effect to absorb all damage and reflect it to the attacker, and he was counting on this.

He believed that when the shield reflect Marvin's attack, the handsome boy will die, and he couldn't but show hopes in his eyes, and a smile formed on his face, which he covered with his hands, afraid that Marvin will find him suspicious. However, Marvin had used Inspect on the shield and already knows what the shield does.

"Do you think something as fragile as that can stop me, Furkhan?" Marvin said as he halted in his step.

Hearing his words, Furkhan felt the surprise of his life. His mouth gaped, and his eyes opened wide enough to pop out of their eye sockets. "H-How do you know my name?" He asked shocked as he is, nothing made sense to him. 'Did someone betray us and send this monster our way?' He internally thought.

"You don't need to know," Marvin replied to him as his lips thinned into a murderous smile, and he then got in a fighting stance, lifted his right foot, and slammed it onto the ground while at the same time he inputted 10 units of Magic power on the toes of the same foot.

BOMB! WHOOOSH! Two sounds echoed at the same time as Marvin's body was blasted ahead, leaving a massive crack on the ground which spread far and wide like spider cracks, and at the same time, he vanished from Furkhan vision.

"What?!!!!" Suddenly, a black dagger blinded his vision and his heart palpitated in fear.

Puchi! Right after, the inquisitor dagger stabbed into the middle of his brows, the glabella as to say and mashed his brain. The only thing he saw before his death was a dark dagger, he couldn't even make out the figure of his killer before his life was reaped.

‹ Slain rank-8 Ability User, 80 XP gained ›josei

‹ 180/500 XP ›

‹ Gained 1 essence of time ›

‹Ding! Congratulations for successfully face slapping Furkhan. His heart and soul were clutched by the fear of death before his death›

‹You have obtained 10 System store credits›

Noah notified Marvin. He had betted that the inquisitor dagger will be able to bypass the magic shield, and looks like he was correct.

"So instilling fear before killing someone also counts as face slapping," Marvin muttered before striding towards the direction where Darth had ran in.

Today, no one can leave alive, and he wasn't stupid enough to let Darth live. He was a slave trader and must have a lot of connections with people in power. Letting him live can bring trouble upon him. He was reaching rank-9 and was already powerful enough to even fight the lower-district master but what about his family? What about his mother who's working day and night for their sake? What about his sister who still hasn't tasted the joy of life?

He could go rouge after slaughtering what comes with his way but could he leave his family in trouble? The answer was no, and he won't act out of place and come in light until he can ensure the safety of his beloved.

Darth ran at the top of his speed. He was running as fast as a cheetah. As a battle master who specializes in converting magic power into battle energy – the energy used to enhance physical capabilities well above mortal limits, running as fast as a horse was pretty average.

"I should have left him in the dust by now! But I should be careful, and cover some more distance!!" Darth internally said while making a run for it. Occasionally his head would turn about to look at the sides and behind him but he didn't catch anyone in his sight and that was such a relief for him; however, before he could exhale a breath of relief, a voice resounded from behind him.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Darth suddenly found out that he has lost all control over his body. It was as if the voice was a death sentence and he bound and immobilized by ropes, ready to be executed by the executioner from hell.

Surprise and fear was etched all over his body, as he found himself halted in place. If time halt wasn't in place then his pants would a wet patch as he would have pissed himself in fear.

'What the fuck just happened? I heard the devil's voice, where's he?' Darth thought, and at the same time, Marvin suddenly popped up in front of him.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear!

"Looking for me?" The devilishly handsome young man said as he brandished his dagger and drew a wonderful and mesmerizing red line on the slave trader's neck and body.

This man who has ruined hundreds of lives has angered Marvin twice. The first by slapping a Wolf Girl, and then poking fun at him!

Stopped in time, Darth felt no pain nor was his body chopped into pieces as the dagger only cut his skin deeply. As Marvin's slashes continuously rained down on his body, one by one, red scarlet lines were drawn all over his flesh.

Marvin was fucking inscribing the Flame Wave magical rune design on his body, and Darth could see it happening but do nothing about it.

"I don't know if I will burn in hell, but you sure as hell will, in both real life and hell!" Marvin notified Darth of his upcoming fate before he took out a flame elemental heart from the system inventory and added it to the runic lines he has drawn over Darth's body.

The end result was a quality piece of art. A wonderful Scarlet piece of art. 

He has used the human flesh as the talisman paper, and the dagger as a brush to inscribe a flame-type rune on Darth's body, all the while he was beaming a smile on his face.

‹The Gamer has successfully inscribed a flame wave rune for the first time!›

‹Congratulation, the Gamer has completed one/seventh part of his profession quest›

‹Congratulation once again, the Gamer has unlocked the profession Inscriptionist and talisman master.›

‹Fire Wave Rune 

Grade: intermediate

Effect: With a command, Absorbs 75% necessary mana from the Gamer and 25% from nature to activate. Once activated, a sea of flame will converge in a single direction, drowning everything in its path!] Noah notified.

The very next moment, he stopped using Time Halt and activated the Flame Wave rune.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" A horrific and painful voice echoed out throughout the gloomy forest and even reached the ears of Lara and Alina.

To them, it felt as if the sudden appearance of a terrific beasts have scared the shit out of someone.

Scared, Alina's body trembled in fear but Lara wrapped her hand around Wolf girl and embraced her in a tight embrace.

"Don't be afraid, if something happens then Big sister will protect you!" Lara comforted Alina in a soft-spoken voice but even her heart was beating furiously, and Alina could make out the sound of her heart.

"I will protect you too!" She replied and cuddled her tighter.

‹ Slain Low-level Earth grade Battle Master, 200 XP gained ›

‹ 380/500 XP ›

‹ Gained 2 essence of time ›

‹Ding! Congratulations for successfully face slapping Darth. Darth felt as if he had met a grim reaper from hell before his death, and his soul is drowned in endless fear›

‹You have obtained 60 System store credits›

Noah notified Marvin. His system credit has increased to 200 points but he wasn't in the mood to be happy.

He finally relaxed after killing Darth, and he took three steps back from the corpse turning into ash. He was mystified, horrified, surprised, a wide beaming smile that stretched from ear to ear, a mixture of expressions were plastered on his bloodied face.

"Is this really me? It felt as if I have become someone entirely else!" Marvin said in confusion. He had killed before but this was the first time he had killed someone so cruelly. Plus, he wasn't a crazy psychopath who will laugh while killing a person.

This only led up to Life Taker, the masked person whose memories he gained after leveling up Magic Empowered Martial arts.

"Noah, what's happening to me?" He asked, confused at his mental situation.

‹Because the Gamer has recently underwent a massive influx of the punisher, Life Taker memories, your mentality was heavily affected. However, there's no need to worry about it as the Gamer passive ability will soon nullify this effect. But Noah hopes that the Gamer will get used to it. Evolution requires a certain price› Noah replied mysteriously.

"What evolution?" He inquired.

‹Reach level 10 and unlock the system store, and you will know what I mean› Noah replied.

Marvin shook his head thinking that he should get to the fortress as fast as he can. The wilderness at night is dangerous, after all.

"Ehh, what's this?" Marvin's eyes were attracted to something shinning in the ashes of Darth's body.

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