Second World

Chapter 1066 1066. Going Exp Farming

Chapter 1066 1066. Going Exp Farming

Jack came out of the arena and saw Disco Rain, Coca, and Purple Mist aside from Four Winds. "Oh, hi everyone," He greeted.

"You know, you can't use your beast form when you accompany me in the tourney," Four Winds said.

"Why?" Jack asked.

"Because that dragon form is too unique. Everyone will know who you are once you transformed."

"Oh, right. Shit…"

"You also can't use your bloodline skills and divine skills," Peniel added. "Those skills were also very particular."

"Double shit…"

"How long will your pet be unavailable?" Four Winds asked.

"What's the point? His pet is also rather unique. I never see any beastmaster having the same pet as his," Disco Rain said.

"Right…" Four Winds said.

"Actually, Therras Beast is not exactly one-of-a-kind. Other beastmasters can get one too," Peniel said. "But it is extremely rare, even believed to be extinct. So, the chance of others having the same beast is pretty low."josei

"That means people will still be suspicious even if the beast doesn't directly confirm his identity," Four Winds remarked. He then said to Jack, "Hey, man. Will you still be useful without any skills? You basically can only rely on your martial arts and a few non-standard skills accessible to a beastmaster."

"I'll manage," Jack said.

"Show us then. Blizzard, have a go with him again… Hey, where's she?"

"She ran off after she lost," Coca informed. "She didn't look happy."

"Don't worry, man. Trust me," Jack said. 'You have tasted my sword art, right? I can still beat many other players with that art and my stats."

"The problem is we are not just going against players in the tourney. There are natives as well," Four Winds said. "But I also think that aside from my master, no other player will be able to win against you even if you don't use any skill. Fine, I will take you with me to the tourney."

"Won't people recognize his sword art?" Disco Rain asked.

"His sword art might be special, but Master said there are others who can also use that art. So, it should be okay," Four Winds said.

He then turned to Jack. "We will depart five days from now. What will you do till then?"

"I want to go exp farming. Got any good spot nearby?" Jack asked.

"We got a few islands not far away with monsters around level 60," Purple Mist said. "I'm leading a team to go exp grinding there. You can join us if you want."

"A few islands? Can you drop me in one so I can have the island all for myself?"

"Grinding monster with a party will give you faster exp gathering," Purple Mist said.

Jack chuckled. "Lady, I don't mean to appear cocky, but if I'm alone. I'm free to use all my classes' abilities. I'm faster at mopping up monsters than any party you can form. Unless of course, if your team is formed by only members whom you can absolutely trust, then I don't need to worry about exposing my identity."

"Just drop him at one of the islands," Four Winds instructed. "Save us the hassle of negotiating loots distribution."

"Okay," Purple Mist said.

"Remember to come back here in the morning five days from now," Four Winds said to Jack and gave him another of their guild return scroll.

"Thanks, bro," Jack said. "By the way, congratulations on getting a first-class special class."

After knowing Violent Blizzard had gained a special class, Jack suspected the other top members of Cipher Flight might have one as well. He had used Inspect on the lot here. Turned out only Four Winds had a special class. His Berserker class had changed to Barbarian King.

Peniel informed Jack that Barbarian King was a first-class special class.

"I'm just lucky," Four winds said. "I'm sure you will get yours one day."

Jack didn't use his Cloak of Shadow, so everyone could inspect his class. But he had set his disguise to only show the standard elite class. Hence, everyone saw him as only a Beastmaster, not his actual Beast Monarch class.

Jack didn't bother to correct him.

The group dispersed and Jack followed Purple Mist. Coca followed as well. They went to the dock where some ships were docked. They were caravel-type ships that could hold thirty people. Fifty if everyone didn't mind cramming.

The party that Purple Mist gathered composed of around thirty people. Once everyone gathered, they boarded one of the caravels. Coca took the steer and the ship started sailing.

This was the first time Jack had sailed the sea of this world. He was very excited. He had missed the opportunity to see the sea when John went on the adventure to capture the dragon turtle. Now, he could finally experience it himself.

He looked down the starboard side and watched the water below. He had heard about John's adventure. He wondered if he should just dive down and grind the monsters down there in the deep. Peniel advised against it. She said that the sea region was unpredictable. The chance of an overpowered monster roaming outside their natural habitats was more likely to happen than on land.

So, Jack stuck to the original plan and just enjoyed the sailing. After a few hours of sea travel, they soon came to a cluster of islands. Their ship headed further into this cluster until they stopped near one of the larger ones.

"You can grind here," Purple Mist said. "The monsters here are slightly higher levels than the one we planned to go to, some can be level 65, but I think you should be all right."

"This is perfect!" Jack said. He then jumped into the water. The island didn't exactly have a dock so he needed to swim a bit.

The others who didn't know Jack's true identity were confused. What was a single player trying to do on such a high-level island alone?

Purple Mist spared a few seconds looking at Jack swimming toward the shore. She then turned around and asked Coca to take them to their destination.

When Jack came up to the shore, he saw the ship leaving. He waved them goodbye. Only Coca who was steering the wheel waved back.

After the ship disappeared over the horizon, Jack changed to his original appearance. He then took out his King Badge.

After interfacing with the badge, five figures appeared. They were his royal agents.

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