Second World

Chapter 1067 1067. Power Leveling

Chapter 1067 1067. Power Leveling

"Your Majesty," All of them saluted except for one.

"Jaacckkk…!!!" Amy ran towards Jack and jumped into his hug. He had known Jack's real name for a long while. Lindsey glared at Amy's disrespectful act but Amy didn't seem to be aware of the glare.

Jack chuckled and patted her head. It was indeed a long time already since they met. Ever since he was arrested, they only saw each other from afar during his coronation day.

"Come on, you can't treat me the way you used to," Jack said, and then whispered, "Unless no one is around." This caused Amy to giggle.

Jack observed the five. Duke Alfredo and Jonathan were still at the same level 71 & level 55 as when he last saw them, which was just a few days ago. Jonathan had completed the quest to destroy the monster settlement. Unfortunately, the exp was not enough to level him up again, but he was close to another level-up.

Lindsey was level 38. Amy and Howard were both level 35. The power leveling arranged by Jeanny had been efficient, pushing up their levels rather rapidly. Lindsey was especially so because of her Fast Growth talent.

Jack had sent telepathic messages informing them about this call. Jeanny's power-leveling arrangement was good, but he believed he could do better.

Firstly, he could hunt higher-level monsters. Secondly, he could power-level them by himself, which meant fewer exp points to be shared and more for these low-level members.

Jack had also sent a message to Arlcard asking him to join, but the vampire refused. He was not interested in putting in the effort to level up others. Jack didn't impose on him.

"How do you do? I believe this is the first time we meet," Jack greeted Howard. He was a young man that looked to be in his early twenties, which made him around the same age as Jack.

"I–I am fine, Your Majesty! Thank you for choosing me as your royal agent. I am deeply honored," Howard said and bowed.

"Don't be so tense," Jack clapped his shoulder.

"We are all friends here., aren't we?!" Jack uttered. Only Amy nodded at his words. The others displayed serious expressions.

Jack sighed. He guessed he had to be glad about these people's professionalism.

"Okay. Let's start our exp farming!" Jack declared. "Duke and I will take lead. The three of you stay behind us. You can help with ranged attacks or support magic if you like, but don't come into direct conflict. Jonathan, you stay close to them. You have to protect them if anything gets past us."

Jack summoned his ten wolves. Duke Alfredo summoned his Asura. The ten wolves spread out to their flanks, while the Asura watched the rear. This formation ensured Jonathan and the three rookies at the center were protected.

Jack used his radar to search for monsters. He first went to an area that didn't have too many red dots. He wanted to study how dangerous the monsters were first.

The first type of monster they encountered was Sabretooth Walrus. Three of these monsters were in the area. They all rushed to Jack's group when the group came within their area of perception.

They were classified as aquatic monsters. But since they were currently on land, these walruses were considered amphibians. These walruses looked cute like their real-world counterpart, but their behaviors were anything but. Their speed was also impressive and they were capable of doing very high jumps despite their seemingly fat bodies.

As they came into melee contact, sharp thorns came out of their bodies and damaged anyone who came near. They could also shoot these thorns at distant targets, which they did so at the three rookies.

Luckily, Jack sensed the change in the walruses' attack patterns using his mana sense. He cast Magic Wall just in time to protect the three.

The most dangerous attack of the walruses was their bites using their extremely long canine teeth. Each bite delivered massive physical damage.

When the canine teeth glowed, Peniel warned them to do their best not to get bit. The bite when the teeth glowed had the effect to ignore all defenses. It also had the chance to cause Poison and Bleed.

The battle was not difficult, though. Most of the sabretooth walruses were level 62 to 65 special elite monsters. They found a few rare elites but these rare elites usually were only one in a pack. So, the exp farming went on smoothly. All they needed to take care of was just keep the three rookies away from harm.

Free to use any skills, Jack took care of these walruses with incredible speed. The three rookies tried to help with range attacks. Amy and Lindsey who had magical abilities could shoot standard magic attacks, while Howard fired using a bow.

Howard's speed of firing arrows was very fast. But since his level was very low, the damage he inflicted was almost unnoticeable. Yet, his passive ability which slowed down every enemy hit by his arrows was useful despite their small damage.

Their assistance was not needed, but Jack didn't discourage them. He, however, told them to prioritize safety. He reminded them that there was no need for them to prove anything. Their time to shine would come after they leveled up to a decent level.

"If you people already get the hang of these walruses, there is another type of monster in this cluster of islands that can provide much more exp points. I think they should be on this island," Peniel informed.

"Really? Let's go find them then. I'm getting bored gutting these cute walruses," Jack said.

"See those lean tall hills over there? Those hills should be their lair," Peniel pointed to a row of hills in the distance that looked like a row of giant teeth.

Peniel said as they made their way there, "Jack should go first and the others stay back and observe. You can be caught off guard by these monsters if you aren't aware of their most powerful attack."

"Which is?" Jack asked.

"Their kamikaze attack," Peniel answered.

"Kamikaze? As in suicide?"

"They will trigger self-explosions once they get close enough to you."

"The explosion is powerful?"

"You better transform into your supreme dragon form and activate your gold scale armor if you want to find out," Peniel said. "But if you survive their suicide explosion, imagine how much exp you can get since the monsters immediately die after they exploded. It is the same as if you kill them in one hit."josei

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