Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 212

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 212

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 212

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 212 – His Dirty little Secret

“He had a sidechick,” Pamela uttered, forming a defeated smile, and putting the batter down on the table.

“Oh! I’m sorry,” my mouth snapped shut after I watched her tear up even at the farthest memory of what her mate put her through.

“It’s alright. It was truly amusing for me as well, because how can a fated mate fall for someone who he doesn’t even feel a mate bond with?” She seemed to have never found an answer to that question.

Title of the document

I had that question for a while, but after I found out I’m a weredragon, I understood why my mates can’t be affected or f*orc*ed to love me due to the mate bond.

A mate bond for weredragons is simply not what it is for werewolves.

For us, it’s more like a choice. We feel mate bonds just for acknowledgment that a certain person can be our partner. The rest is up to us to decide what we want to do with that knowledge. As for a mate bond between werewolves, I heard they feel a pull towards their mate, but then again, these powerful alphas can surely fight that feeling.

“Did you ever meet her?’ I inquired, watching her fix her stare at the dough she was kneading for a good croissant recipe.

“I did plan to once. I wanted to see what she has that compelled a man to look away from his fated mate? But then I heard she was pregnant, and my mate forbade me from causing her any stress.” Her

voice held so much pain when she reminisced about the past. Her mate seemed to have shown her a middle finger with how defensive he got for his sidechick.

And you know what is funny? I was pregnant at the time with Markus. But surely he didn’t care about the stress he’d caused me,” she scoffed to herself as she formed the dough into a disc, wrapped it in cling film, and prepared to place it in the refrigerator.

“That’s not funny at all,’ I commented, following her to the refrigerator. “Well, some men have a dark sense of humor,” she joked.

“I hope it’s okay for me to ask you, but – how did your—” I paused when I couldn’t find appropriate words to converse with her over.

“How did he die? It was a sudden death!” She shrugged. “I heard they found his body in the mountains.” She seemed to care less, and I didn’t blame her for it.

He wasn’t genuine to her, so why would she waste her precious tears on a man like that?

“What happened to the sidechick?” I questioned, as it intrigued me to know Markus has a sibling that nobody has mentioned in the past.

“I heard she moved on to spreading her legs for some alpha,” she commented, looking tired of talking about it.

“What happened to the baby?” She could tell that I seemed to have been taking more interest than she was.

But I’m sure that didn’t bother her because she knew sometimes I was a bit too curious to hear about mates as they still fascinate me. The way these werewolves mates are able to feel a strong connection with each other yet they never stop cheating is indeed amusing.

“It was a baby girl,” Pamela recalled, cleaning the table.

“But she died.” Before I could even ask more questions about the baby, I found out that it didn’t even get to live.

“It was a cold night, and the bitch had forgotten to cover her up. She woke up to her baby dead in the bed,’ she shrugged, showing little to no remorse over a child’s death.

“Your mate used to work for Mr. and Mrs. Vasquez at that time, didn’t he?” I quickly looked away and pretended to collect the dishes to wash, not looking sneaky enough to avert the topic in that direction.

“Yeah, he did. In fact, the day he died was the day he was bringing all his stuff back from the mansion because working there was taking a toll on his health and he badly craved some time off,’ she recalled.

“Oh!” I nodded.

His stuff! A loyal servant must have something, at least something, in his belongings that could expose a little of these royals.

“Have you ever gone through his stuff?” I asked and noticed her throwing the apron to the side and resting her fist on her waist to look at me. “Come on! It’s a good way to cope.” I rolled my eyes at her for questioning me.

“Actually! I’ve never. It was too hard to get through it,” she admitted, loosening her posture a bit.

“Do you wanna do it with me? I can be a good moral support,” I smiled confidently at her. I knew she was considering that option from the way she was staring blankly at my face.

“You know what? f*uc*k it! Let’s do it,” she smirked as she grabbed the keys and gestured at me to follow her to the basement.

Since she had never opened his stuff, there was a high chance she wouldn’t be able to hide anything in sight.

We walked down to the basement and found all his belongings clumped together in one corner.

The pitter-patter of the rain was pretty intense here. One would think we wouldn’t be able to hear anything in the basement, but it was due to the fact that there was a hatch on the corner.

“Oh shit! I forgot to clean this up,” Pamela complained when she encountered the heavy dust and debris all over it. The cobwebs were crazy in that corner, as if nobody had ever walked into this side of the basement.

“I will go get a duster and return to you, okay?” Pamela warned me before she got up and rushed upstairs again.

I ran my finger over the bags and almost gagged at the thick amount of soil and dust present on them.

The musty smell was compelling me into opening the windows and even the hatch, yet I stubbornly unzipped one of the smaller bags under the bigger ones to the extent that I could only peek through a little.

The instant I did that, the very first thing in sight quaked me into stepping back. It was an old picture of Pamela’s mate, with none other than his sidechick.

With my freaking mother!

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