Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 213

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 213

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 213

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 213-The Sick f*uc*k!

I took the picture when Pamela walked downstairs with a broom in her hand. “You are leaving?” She saw me turn on my heels and asked a question.

“Yeah! I think it is better we stay away from this stuff for now. It reminded me of my own childhood.” I smiled awkwardly, watching her grimace at me.

“But you wanted t—” she couldn’t deliver her words because I have run past her to upstairs already. I had this weird feeling inside my heart that I couldn’t shake off.

Title of the document

From the picture I found, there was no doubt that my mother was the sidechick. Does that mean I am Flex’s daughter?

But Pamela said the baby died.

I had a sh*t ton of feelings and questions, and none of them could be resolved by themselves. I realized it was time my mother left this goddamn bed and started answering me now.

“Wake up!” I entered my bedroom and snatched the blanket away from my mother, who had hidden so many things from me that I keep finding things every second of my miserable life.

“Hm? When did you come home?” Mom rubbed her eyes and stretched, cracking her bones and comfortably sitting up after grabbing a sweet nap.

None of which I could do because she had made my life pathetic.

“Did you recognize Pamela?” I muttered at her, leaned over her, and pointed my finger at her.

“Behave!” she muttered back, grabbing my finger to twist it, but I freed myself with a sudden jerk.

“Don’t f*uc*king avoid my question. Did you know she is Elex’s wife and mate when we came here?” As I asked her that question with anger filled eyes, she took a deep breath and folded her arms over her chest, refusing to speak to me. “You cannot stay silent and think I will leave you be. I have been working my a*s*s off so that you can enjoy whatever phase you are in, but now I want answers. Either you tell me or I will start digging, and you better believe it will be nasty for you,” I was yammering, listening to my own words and my heartbeat.

“I did not know Elex, okay?” She scoffed, thinking that would be enough to fool me.

“Then what the heck is this?” thankfully, I have grabbed the picture, or else she would have fooled me with her manipulation. She stared at the picture for a moment before her face turned pale and her eyes began to turn watery.

“Oh, come on! Don’t act like I am hurting you or something. I just want to know if I am— if Elex was a weredragon? Is that why he was killed?” I questioned, watching her lower her face even more and then gulp.

“f*uc*k SAKE ANSWER ME!” as I shouted, she rushed out of the bed to slap me, but this time, I was prepared for it. I grasped her hand mid-air and prevented the hit. She was still glaring into my eyes, but this time from much closer.

“Tell me,” I demanded, making her shake her head at me.

“I don’t have anything to tell you,” she muttered, clenching her jaw with every word she delivered. That’s when the door opened, and Pamela rushed in to separate us.

“Let go,” Pamela freed my mother’s hand from my grasp and pushed us apart, asking, “What is wrong with you two? All you do is fight,” she started lecturing us while my mom was pacing back and forth. Something was bothering her, and I wanted to know what it was.

“I will not let go that easily.” I yelled at my mother, making her stop pacing and turn my way.

“You are going to question me even after I did so much for you?” She shouted at me from afar.

“That’s enough. You two are scaring my son,” Pamela held my hand and started dragging me out of the bedroom, “Just stay in my room for now,” she softly spoke, making it seem like she was feeling bad for me for having a mother who was always either shouting at me or hitting me.

“Please!” Pamela eyed me and pushed me out of the room while she locked herself inside with my mother to lecture her on how to take care of a young she- wolf.

“She doesn’t treat you right.” I was jolted by the voice from behind me, breaking my stare at the door.

“Go away, Markus. The last thing I want is a lecture from you.” I rolled my eyes at him, trying to get past him when he blocked my way.

It was ironic how quickly his actions would change when his mother would come into view.

“Why do you hate me?” he demanded to know, carrying a hint of the childish demeanor he had picked up over the years to fool others.

“Is it because I kissed you that day?” He insisted on knowing, not letting me walk past him.

“Get out of my way!” I clenched my jaw and demanded.

“You don’t come to my floor to hang out with me anymore,” he complained again, making me agitated.

“It was only one time, and that too, because I didn’t know you were a sick f*uc*k!” I muttered at him, not scared to look away from eye contact.

“I got you angry, didn’t I?” He pouted, “But I know how I can make things right. I heard pretty girls like you enjoy gifts. I couldn’t buy you something lavish, so I made you a gift. Look!” He then stepped back to bring out a drawing of me. The instant I looked at it, I lost it.

It was a drawing of me getting f*uc*ked by him in several different positions. I instantly wanted to gag and throw up.

“What is this?” I demanded angrily, clenching my fists and taking slow but alarming steps in his direction while he kept backing away from me.

“This will be you and me very soon,” he mumbled, and a smirk appeared on the corner of his lips.

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