Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 241

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 241

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 241

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 241 – Stuck Between Two Girls.

Author’s POV:

“What is going on? You have been ignoring me,” Reign entered Mykel’s cabin to complain. They barely got a minute to talk these days, as he had been ignoring her since he received the video from Dream.

“What are you doing here, Reign?” Mykel sighed, staring at her and looking exhausted.

Title of the document

“I heard you are not taking any more cla*s*ses in school—,” she was complaining when he interrupted her.

“I wasn’t a permanent employee there. I was just helping some students and preparing some teachers for how to train their students. My job there is done, so there is no point in me going to school anymore,” he answered, giving her a rough look and packing his bags.

“But I still need you,” she said, and then instantly added. “For my wolf.”

“You need to find yourself another s*lav*e then, princess! I am done helping out everyone without a cost,” he muttered, holding back the urge to show her the video.

“Why are you saying that? Did something happen?” Reign watched him, not even wanting to look at her, and all she could think of was her sister.

“Is it because of what Dream said to you in the office the other day?” She held his hand, but the way he instantly freed himself was a sign he was mad at her. “Did I do something wrong?” her eyes instantly

formed tears as she watched his face. He noticed every detail of her and consumed every bit of her actions before taking a deep breath and shaking his head in defeat.

“I have been a bit stressed out regarding your battle with your sister, and the way you are not even serious about taking lessons is making me frustrated,” he lied, hiding behind that excuse to make Reign comfortable.

“Oh! I am sure Dream does not want this match either. It is insane how my father — wait! Did I tell you about it?” Reign stopped yammering when she started questioning her memory. She was certain she had not told him she would kill her sister to become the alpha of the pack. Some of the details of the match were kept secret from everyone.

“See! You don’t even remember anything. Where are you busy these days, anyway?” Mykel folded his arms over his chest and leaned his back against the wall, staring at her face nonstop.

“I—,” she cleared her throat and then uttered a lie, “I am just very down these days.’ The awkward silence between the two made Reign feel judged. She could have sworn that Mykel was looking at her the way someone would look at someone they were judging.

So she pulled near him and rested her hands on his chest. While he didn’t move a muscle, she reached for his face and crashed her lips against his.

For the first few seconds, Mykel did nothing until his body gave up. He cupped her face and s*uc*ked her lips gently. His hands explored her body, and her hands felt his heartbeat.

“Mmmm,” she moaned on his lips when he deepened the kiss until the memory of the video popped up in Mykel’s head and he had to break the kiss. Reign looked worried, but to make her less concerned, he gave her a smile and said,

“I have a flight to catch.”

“Are you going somewhere?” she questioned, watching him get away from her and pack his bags.

“Yeah! I am given the task of gathering some herbs. It is an order to get a new kind of powder ready for the students,” he said.

He would usually stay at his apartment in the pack, but then someday he would stay at his cabin.

“Oh! Do you want me to help you pack?” Reign offered her help, but she noticed she had already packed everything. He seemed to be in a hurry, so Reign reckoned she should leave him alone for now.

“I will wait for you,” she said, and Mykel dryly nodded, focusing on the bags instead of her. Feeling a little ignored, Reign marched out of the cabin and thought about paying a visit to Beatrice.

She seemed to have found more peace with her than anybody else. For Reign, Beatrice was someone who didn’t really make things awkward. She was pretty open to accepting people and not judging them, and that quality of hers was very much liked by Reign.

After going to the cafe, Reign was parking her car when she saw Flynn dragging Beatrice into his car and his guards blocking her way.

“What the f*uc*k is going on?” Reign exclaimed as she climbed into her car and followed them down the road. The roads were jam-packed that day, so she was having a hard time following them, but at the same time, she called Maddox the very next second after watching Flynn take Beatrice away.

“I saw him take her away,” she told him, knowing very well that Maddox would only pay attention to Beatrice now.

“Don’t let them out of your sight, no matter what,” Maddox ordered her, and she nodded as if he could see her. There was no surprise to Reign that Maddox would ask her to compromise her own safety for

Beatrice, and she kind of accepted that fate. What Maddox had with Beatrice was something Reign might never have had with him.

“Don’t worry, I am following them,” she told him, putting him on speakerphone. “That a*s*shole is dying by my hands today,” Maddox grunted, taking his bike and following Reign’s instructions to where the car was headed.

“He is taking a wild turn to the mountains,” Reign said to Maddox, expecting him to ask her to keep following him. That’s when he shocked her with his orders.

“Fine. I will take it from there. There are not many paths he can turn down from that road. You go back home and be safe. I will save her,” Maddox commanded, keeping Reign’s safety in mind. For a moment, she couldn’t even respond to him, but she liked how considerate he was, even when he was so worried for Beatrice.

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