Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 242

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 242

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 242

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 242 – I Will Not Stay With You

Beatrice’s POV:

“No!” And that was when Flynn’s response left me in fear. The awkward silence after that was worrisome. Nobody moved or walked away, and then the guard objected again.

“But it’s important. Before the Alpha Kings come looking for us, we should go finish our work and return to the cabin.” The guard seemed hesitant about skipping the attendance, and his hesitance was going to help me escape.

Title of the document

“What if she wakes up, then?” Flynn scoffed at him.

“We will have one guard at the door to let us know whenever she wakes up,” the guard explained to Flynn, and now he seemed to be silent as if he was considering the option.

“Fine! but be back soon. We cannot trust her; she can wake up anytime,” Flynn told the guards, and in the next few minutes, I heard them all leave one by one.

“Hm!” I heard Flynn clear his throat and approach me, saying, I will come back with vampire blood for you. I don’t know how I didn’t think of it earlier, but it’s going to be fun now. Every time I beat you up. I’ll give you blood. That will be the best punishment for you.” He whispered in my ear, steadily tucking my hair off my face and running his fingertips over my cheek.

“You are beautiful, Beatrice. Exquisite!! But unlike the others, I’m not into sharing. You have slept with all of them. I wouldn’t accept that. Hence, you will always be my sidechick. Don’t worry about Mariah; I

only wanted her father’s shares. But well—,” he sighed, playing with my hair.

“I’ll go now and come with a cure for your suffering. You’ll be needing it a lot for the next few months.” There was a mockery in his voice when he slowly got up from beside me.

Flynn didn’t even lay me down in the bed; he just left, closing the door after me. Just to be more cautious, I stayed on the ground with my eyes closed for another few minutes before I steadily opened my eyes and started getting up.

I looked around and found the cabin empty. I could see one guy’s head from the window, so I calculated how far he was from the door.

My heart was racing inside my chest as I concluded that this might be my only chance to escape and survive.

My head was not in the right space because of the concussion and the bump. I rolled my body to the side and finally got up on my feet. Making my way towards the window, I took the camera off the stand and then hid behind the door.

“Breathe in, breathe out!” I whispered to myself when I was calming my agitated nerves down.

After I’d managed to help myself feel much cooler, I kicked the stool and it landed against the window, creating a loud noise. The guard got attentive and barged in without giving it too much thought.

He was so focused on the window where he had heard the voice that he didn’t expect me behind him.

I raised the stand and hit him in the back of the head as hard as I could. My first strike resulted in him bending on his knees, but he immediately rushed for defense.

“Arghhh!” he let out another agonizing cry when he tried stopping the hit but hit him in the chest with the stand. After that, I repeatedly attacked him until he landed on the floor, covered in his own pool of


He couldn’t heal or transition inside the cabin, so I ran towards the exit and locked the door after him.

Once out of the cabin, I wheezed and inhaled as much fresh air as I could. I started walking around dizzily when I didn’t even know where to go.

My ankle was in a lot of pain, and my head was throbbing. In this moment, the rain appearing out of nowhere didn’t help me either.

The evening and then the clouds-the combination turned deadly for me. I was cluelessly wandering around, holding onto trees for support, and making my way towards anywhere safe.

Walking towards the endless path, I couldn’t help but tear up. My body could only take it to a certain extent. That’s when I remembered Ace might be awake.

“I know you are awake,” I hissed, dropping to my knees and breathing heavily. “Why did you stay silent for so long if you were always awake in there?” I asked through my blurred vision, as the rain and the tears were giving me a hard time seeing clearly.

“Why would I speak to you when you were the one keeping me captive?” She finally spoke up, proving my a*s*sumption right.

“You could have been there for me,” I argued, feeling betrayed.

“Really? Did you not hear what I just said? You kept me from transitioning, and now you want to question me for not giving you my company?’ I heard her yell at me. She sounded hurt, too.

“After how desperately you wanted me to be silent with you, you are asking me why I didn’t speak to you all this time? I am sorry, but you must be used to getting used by everyone, but I am not. You

cannot forbid the transition, but you can cherish my company at the same time. I will only speak when there is no medicine in your system. The minute you take a medicine, I am silent too.” I understood her suffering. The real reason wasn’t even that I hated her.

The world where we lived now was not for weredragons anymore. Does she not know what they did to Colt? Look at Maura’s mother. She is suffering too. The weredragons are deeply hated in this world.

Once I realized I could not waste my time here as Flynn and his guards would come back anytime, I got on my feet and pushed through.

“Beatrice!” The familiar voice made me turn around and stare at the person whose arrival brought shivers down my spine.

I watched him get closer, making me realize I wasn’t unwanted like Flynn had said about me.

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