She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 222 - Chaos In The Gambling House

Chapter 222 - Chaos In The Gambling House

Theodore was roaming around the Gambling house of Hell, looking into the deepest and darkest desire for revenge among the guests. He walked with his arms on his back and as he would pass by each and every table, he would wave his fingers. He was filling their minds with vile thoughts and an urge to act on their revenge in that instant.

Theodore was going to create chaos in the Gambling house so that he would get the limitless supply of the aura of revenge. As he walked by the countless tables occupied by monsters, dark creatures, and evil souls, he thought to himself, "I have to make myself stronger than Azriel if I am to protect Adeline from his schemes."

"I should not have wasted all those years just playing around. I should have gathered as much aura as I could have and should have worked towards increasing my power." He subconsciously glanced at an ancient gargoyle and flicked his fingers to heighten his desire for revenge.

He flipped his raven black hair and frowned, "Had I known I would have met Adeline, then I would have prepared myself at least a thousand years earlier. Maybe I should have used my Divine Vision one more time to look into my woman back then. But there is no use in regretting this now."

Theodore saw two of the evil souls ready to fight one another at the table at the end of the hall. He smirked and flicked his fingers again. A light purple aura whooshed and entered their head and a brawl instantly started.

Theodore stood at the center of his Gambling house and then uttered under his breath, "What I can do now is start gathering as much aura as I can. It's not too late to start."

Theodore could sense that ancient gargoyle from earlier slowly creeping behind his back. He knew that the gargoyle was after him to exact his revenge for smashing his son into pieces some decades ago.

But Theodore didn't mind him because soon after he would absorb all the lingering aurae around the house, everyone would calm down on their own. That gargoyle would come to his senses and realize that his son was the one who provoked the Devil Prince in the first place.

That massive Gambling house was now filled with the sweet aurae. Theodore's lips curled up, impressed by his own work. He raised his arms with a swift movement and inhaled deeply. He closed his eyes and then he began to absorb the aurae to quench his thirst for power.

When he had not even finished absorbing a quarter of those lingering aurae, Theodore suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart. He crouched a little and clenched his fist over his chest.

The gargoyle which was after him stopped abruptly on his track wondering if the Devil Prince was trying to tease him by acting as though he was hurt even before he did anything to the Prince.

But then in the next moment, Theodore let out a deafening scream and dropped down on his knees. Everyone in the room was startled by that sudden scream from Theodore. The whole gambling hall went quiet, no one made a sound except for the Devil Prince himself.

The gargoyle understood that Theodore was not acting, there was something wrong with him. And his confidence suddenly soared.

"Adeline! Something is happening to her…" Theodore thought to himself while writhing in agony. Needless to say, his pain was a hundred times worse than what Adeline was feeling. But still, he was trying to get a hold of himself. He was worried that something worse was happening to her at the moment.

He fisted on the floor and tried to push himself up and stand. He staggeringly tried to get up on his feet while still grimacing in extreme pain.

Two of Theodore's servants who served at the Gambling house came running towards their master.

One of his servants asked as he approached Theodore, "Master! Master! Is something wrong with you? Shall we take you to the resting room?"

Theodore gently waved his hand to dismiss them, "No, I need to be somewhere else."

Theodore was about to teleport himself to Adeline's Palace. The dark aura was surrounding his body but he felt a huge rocky fist right on the back of his head. Theodore was already vulnerable and getting hit by that ancient gargoyle almost made him tumble to the floor.

Theodore took a few steps forward and managed to hold his ground. He turned around while still trembling in pain. And he warned that gargoyle, "Do not interfere with me now. Or else…"

"Or else what?" The gargoyle flexed his biceps and spread out his wings. Then he roared at Theodore, "You are not going anywhere until I turn you into a pulp…" he gave a sinister smile to Theodore and mocked him, "...Your Highness."

And as if all the guests of the Gambling house wanted to see the Devil Prince getting beaten, they all began to shout and cheer for the fight.

"Yes, beat him to a pulp."

"Devil Prince… come on, what's the matter? Smash that gargoyle into pieces."

"Why are the two of you staring so intensely? Are you two lovers? Fight already!"

Because everyone's heads were messed with by Theodore earlier, they were all excited for a clash between the gargoyle and Theodore. And the hall was filled with a loud chant, "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The gambling house's head servant came running towards the hall to see what all the commotion was about. And to his horror, his master and the gargoyle were standing at the center of the hall. And the Prince already looked very weak.

"Protect His Highness, you fools!" The head servant shouted at the top of his lungs and ordered all the servants. All the servants were standing still because they didn't know what was wrong with their master. They had never seen Theodore this vulnerable before and thus they didn't know how to handle the situation.

After hearing that order from their head, all of Theodore's servants ran towards Theodore and placed themselves between their master and the gargoyle.josei

"Don't hide behind your servants, you coward. Come and face me!" The gargoyle flapped its wings and angrily charged at the servants who stood between him and his prey. Though the servants were powerful dark creatures, they did not stand a chance against the berserk ancient beast.

The pain that Theodore was feeling began to increase even more. His whole body began to burn as if he was thrown into the pit of Hellfire. He fell down on his knees again. He was squirming in pain and was already drenched in sweat. His insides felt like they were going to explode.

"I have to find Adeline. I have to save her..." Theodore mumbled with quivering breath and tried to teleport again. But he was unable to concentrate due to the excruciating pain. 

He tried to call his head servant, who had the ability to teleport, in order to ask him to take him back to Earth. However, he could see that most of his servants were being beaten and thrown around by that gargoyle. The head servant was also busy fending off that berserk gargoyle.

And before he could think of another way to get back to Earth and look for Adeline, his vision started to get blurry and he fell down unconscious on the floor.

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