She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 223 - Spells... Spells...

Chapter 223 - Spells... Spells...

"This is for Athena," Azriel lifted his palm again and his fingers started to glow azure blue. This time, he pointed his fingers at Adeline's forehead. He began to chant the ancient spell again. Soon, a magic circle appeared between Azriel's fingers and Adeline's forehead.

He bit his thumb again and dripped the blood on the magic circle. And after the ancient runes appeared on the circle, they started to glow and come alive.

This time, the azure light began to pull Adeline's memories towards the magic circle. And her memories began to play out in front of Azriel's eyes as if they were moving pictures.

"I've not seen anyone called 'father' here. Are you lost, little human?"

"I'm Theodore. May I also know your name?"

Azriel kept on watching Adeline's memories with an expressionless face.

"I am going to treat you like a woman from now on… my woman."

"I love you, Adeline. I love you with all my heart."

Adeline fluttered her lashes and wrinkled her brows. It looked as though her memories were affecting her. But she was still lost deep in the sea of her unconsciousness. The magic circle didn't stop sucking Adeline's memories just yet, her memories were still playing out.

"Do you think I will be able to keep myself away from you for another decade? I would die of heartbreak, Adeline."josei

"And don't ever try to push me away and ask me to leave. I don't think I will be the same if I have to stay away from you. I will truly turn into the Devil that the world thinks I am."

At this point, Adeline made a whimpering noise and warm drops of tears began to roll down her temple. She was moving her fingers and toes. It looked as though her mind was trying to fight back, that she was trying to protect her precious memories. But everything was in vain. The only thing that she could do was shed her tears.

Azriel was seeing all that and yet, he looked indifferent. He had no remorse whatsoever for what he was doing. He was sealing each and every piece of Adeline's memories related to Theodore. He was making her forget the love of her life. He was going to separate the two lovers.

"I am the future husband of Adeline."

"I just wish that I could embrace you forever in my arms…"

After quite a while, the very last shred of memory that she had of Theodore was sucked by the magic circle. And with her memories about Theodore sealed away, the ring that Theodore had gifted her also vanished from her finger.

Azriel then made the magic circle shrink in size and he pushed it on Adeline's forehead.

Adeline stopped whimpering after another inscription spell was successfully cast. But her tears were not taking any name of stopping. They kept on breaking the barrier of her closed eyelids and kept on gushing out because of the sorrow that her mind was now unaware of.

Azriel approached Adeline's face with his palm and wiped her tears. And he whispered to her, "I am not sorry for doing this to you. Consider this a way of protecting you from any future troubles. Nothing good would have come out of your association with the Devil."

His pupils dilated and he whispered more to himself than to Adeline, "You two belong to two different worlds. You would have separated with him anyway. So I just did you a favor by making you forget him while you still have enough time ahead of you to start over." It sounded as though he was trying to convince himself that he had just done a good thing for Adeline.

Then he abruptly got up and teleported at the foot of the hill. He appeared in front of the guards that had escorted Adeline. They used to come with the King as well so they knew who Azriel was. They all bowed to the Deity of Wyverndale, "Long live, Dragon Immortal."

And Azriel ordered them, "Adeline is currently resting. I have performed a soul purifying spell on her so her body won't be able to handle the long-distance travel in the carriage. I will personally bring her back to the Palace in a while. You all may leave without her."

The guards did not dare to raise their voice against the Deity so they agreed to do as he said, "Yes, Dragon Immortal. We will leave our Princess in your care."

Azriel clenched his teeth and teleported to his own chamber. He then lied down on his bed. "I guess I should sleep for a while and wait until Adeline wakes up." He closed his eyes to get some sleep. But no matter how much he twisted and turned, he was unable to fall asleep.

He heaved a great sigh and sat up on his bed. He then flung himself out of his bed and teleported to the room where he had left Adeline.

Azriel glanced at the defenseless Princess and rubbed his palm. He was ready to perform another spell. He chuckled and whispered, "I must be mad to be doing this… But here it goes."

He held out his palm towards Adeline's chest. Unlike earlier, his fingers were not emitting light. Rather, the pendant that Adeline was wearing was attracted to his palm and it hovered a little above Adeline's chest.

Azriel cast a different spell this time, not on Adeline but on the pendant. As he continued the spell, his breathing got heavier and his free hand was digging on his thigh.

The pendant glowed brightly after some time and then it landed back softly on Adeline's chest.

Azriel seemed to have exerted too much of his power to cast this spell because he was panting and was sweating profusely. He was already pale and now he looked paler.

He then teleported himself to the top of his hill. He was not done with casting the spells yet. He held out both of his palms while making them face the sky. Then he began to chant a spell.

It was still afternoon and the sky was very clear without any signs of clouds. But soon enough, the sky was engulfed by dark clouds. The sky looked menacing with the thunder and storm. And it began to pour down.

A large magic circle that encompassed almost all the sky of Wyverndale appeared below the dark clouds.

Azriel was casting another inscription spell. This time, he was going to wipe the memories related to Theodore from everyone in Wyverndale.

Azriel gritted his teeth and kept on holding out until the memories of several people of Wyverndale were sucked by the magic circle. And after everyone's memories were sucked out, he destroyed the circle itself.

Even though he was the son of God, his powers were still limited. The spell used too much of Azriel's power. And the moment he destroyed the magic circle, he collapsed.

Everyone in Wyverndale forgot about their actual encounters with the Devil Prince. They forgot the real stories that they knew about him. Theodore was now limited to the myth.. His identity was now limited as the Devil that people used to scare their children at night.

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