She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 225 - Did You Really Forget?

Chapter 225 - Did You Really Forget?

Theodore took a few steps closer to Adeline and spoke in his softest voice, "Adeline… what are you saying?" He softly smiled and said, "It's me…"

But Adeline got even more scared when she saw his fangs. She stiffened her shoulders and asked while shivering in fear, "H-how d-do you know my n-name?"

Theodore frowned because he felt as though Adeline was angry at him for not coming to rescue her in time. "I am sorry, Adeline. I couldn't come sooner because I… because I was also in great pain."

"But I am here now. Tell me what Azriel did to you? Was he the one to hurt you?" He took a step forward so that he could hold her in his arms.

"Don't come any closer to me!" Adeline exclaimed and hurriedly stepped back to put as much distance as she could between her and that scary-looking man.

And in an attempt to do so, her foot got stuck on the dressing table's leg and she almost tumbled backward.

"Adeline…" Theodore held out his hand to reach Adeline. But his hand stopped midair. His eyes fell on his claws and that was when he realized that he was still in his Devil form.

He was staring at his claws for quite some time. And when he was distracted, Adeline stole the chance to grab a sword that was on display on the wall. She pulled that sword out of its sheath and pointed it at Theodore, and she screamed, "Tell me, who the hell are you? How did you even ge-get in here? Did the Dragon Immortal s-send you here?"

Theodore nervously chuckled and apologized, "Adeline, I'm sorry. I was in a hurry to see you and I didn't realize that I was looking like this."

Adeline felt as if that creature was deeply hurt. And for some reason, she felt bad for him.

Of course, she was right about him getting hurt. It would be a lie to say that Theodore was not hurt seeing the love of his life scared by his Devil form like that. And he was even more wounded when his woman refused to recognize him just because he had horns and wings.

Theodore quickly reverted back to his normal form. Adeline's eyes widened when she saw that terrifying man turn into the most handsome man that she had ever seen in her life. She subconsciously compared Azriel with this man in front of her. And for some reason, she thought that this man looked more attractive.

Theodore stole a quick glance of Adeline. She was still not letting her guard down and was still pointing that sword at his neck. And he asked in a dejected voice, "I scared you, didn't I?" He felt somewhat embarrassed of himself now that Adeline had seen him in his dreadful form.

He gave a mirthless smile and added, "This was why I didn't want you to see me in this form until much later."

"We can talk about this later. For now, tell me what happened to you earlier? I felt you in great pain." Theodore pinched the tip of the sword and then shifted it away from his neck. And he asked in a serious tone, "Did Azriel bring you here against your will? Did he do something to you?"

Adeline looked at that man and tried to remember if she had met him somewhere before. She gritted her teeth and thought to herself, "Why do I feel as though I should remember this man? But why can't I? Or is this man playing some trick on me? In his earlier form, he looked like a… Devil."

"Adeline, I am asking you something." Theodore held Adeline by her shoulders and gently shook her to bring her out of her daze. His beautiful face now looked grim. And he repeated his last question again for Adeline, "Why are you here in this room? He didn't force himself on you, did he?"

"What? Who are you to talk ill of my Deity? He was just…" She tried to remember what exactly was it that he did to her but all she could remember was some kind of glowing circle.

Irritated, she slapped away his hand from her and shifted away from Theodore's reach. "I don't need to tell you what he did to me. And you definitely don't have any right to speak against the Dragon Immortal when you are the one to sneak into a maiden's room using some kind of sorcery."

Theodore felt very sour when Adeline accused him of having an ill intention towards her. He stood there, motionless, trying to figure out if this was really his Adeline. His Adeline would never say such hurtful words to him, not even as a joke.

She stared at that man and this time she asked with a desperation in her voice, "And why are you talking to me as if we know each other very well? I don't even know you."josei

Theodore felt as if his heart was being blown into a million pieces. He closed his eyes and winced in pain. And he groaned while he was still in deep pain, "Adeline… have you really forgotten everything? Did you really forget all those precious moments that we shared with each other? Please tell me that you are just joking with me."

For the first time in thousands of years, his eye rims were glistening with tears. And he pleaded again, "Please tell me that you are just teasing me. Please..."

From his words and actions, Adeline felt as though she had a deeper level of connection with this man who was standing not too far away from her. But she was sure that this was the first time that she was meeting this man.

However, for some reason that was unknown to her, she wanted to cry in his arms. She got this feeling that she had done that a lot of times before. And that was the problem. Her feelings were too confusing for her, she was getting more and more anxious.

The discomfort that she was feeling because of the mismatch between her feelings and her memories was getting to her. She dropped the sword on the floor and she ended up crying and shouting at Theodore, "Who are you? Just tell me already! Who are you to me?"

"So you really did forget…" Theodore whispered under his breath. He felt a lump in his throat. He could not stand her crying like that. And he looked away from Adeline.

But his eyes widened as he noticed something. He faced Adeline again and focused his gaze on her pendant. He whispered again, "Or did someone make you forget?" There was something different about the pendant from the last time that he saw it.

What he did not realize was that he was staring at Adeline's pendant for quite a long time, trying to figure out what was different. But to Adeline, it looked as though he was staring at her chest. She felt really wronged and vulnerable. She crossed her hands over her chest and shouted while still crying, "Stop looking! And get out of here."

Adeline kept on glaring at Theodore but he was not moving an inch. He was lost in his own thoughts, trying to think of the spell that Azriel could have used to wipe Adeline's memories.

And Adeline took that chance to run out of that room to find Azriel. But Theodore caught her by her waist before she could get out of the door and walked back towards the bed.

"What are you doing? Leave me! you monster." Adeline was scared again. She began to throw her hands and feet at Theodore. But now that she didn't even have the extra strength, her punches and kicks didn't even manage to tickle the Devil.

Theodore gently placed Adeline on the bed. He held her by her jaw and made her look into his eyes. "I am sorry. But I need to look into something."

Adeline's eyes widened in horror thinking he was going to do something really bad to her.. But before she could react in any way, Theodore put a compulsion on her, "Sleep."

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