She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 226 - Death Invitation

Chapter 226 - Death Invitation

The moment Theodore said the word, Adeline instantly went to her deep sleep. Theodore gently lay her on her back. And he also sat down on the bed beside her.

He gazed at Adeline with loving eyes and swished his palm across her body while incanting, "Revelare."

The pendant revealed nothing as he had expected, but that spell revealed the other two spells that Azriel had cast on Adeline. Theodore gasped when he saw those ancient spells on her, the spell that their mother had taught them when they were still young.

"Why are there two inscriptions on her? What else did you do to her, you scaled lizard?" Theodore glared at those glowing inscriptions on Adeline's chest and forehead. And he inwardly cursed his arch-enemy, "Azriel, you just gave an invitation to your own death."

Theodore tried to calm down the rising tides of anger inside of him. He wanted to lift the spell first and deal with Azriel later.

He took a deep breath in and then placed his hand on the inscription spell on Adeline's chest. He then closed his eyes to look into that inscription and find out what it was sealing.

He opened his eyes after some time and cursed Azriel again, "So he really was the one to sever my connection with Adelineā€¦ And he made her vulnerable to magic attacks again! It is fixed, he dies tonight from my hands."

Theodore didn't need to check what the other inscription spell had sealed. He already knew that it was Adeline's memories of him.

He then prepared himself to lift both of the spells. He didn't care if it would take half or all of his powers in the process. Theodore pointed his fingers at the inscription on her forehead first. An azure light appeared on the tip of his fingers. He closed his eyes and began chanting a counterspell.

The inscription lifted about an inch from Adeline's forehead. Theodore kept on chanting the spell but after a while, the spell began to shake violently. Theodore abruptly stopped his spell and the inscription returned back to her forehead. He then tried to lift the spell that had bound her demonic powers but the same thing happened again.

Theodore opened his bloodred eyes and dug his nails in his palms. "And he had to blend the blood spell with the inscription spell!" The tides of his anger now turned into a tsunami of fury towards Azriel.

(A/N: Only the one who cast the blood spell will be able to lift that spell.)

Theodore swiftly lifted Adeline in his arms and then teleported Adeline to her own room back in the Palace. He was going to destroy the whole Dragon Crypt so he took her to a safe place first.

He lay Adeline on her bed and wrapped her with a blanket. He closed all the windows and doors of her private chamber so that no one would be able to sneak into her room when he was not there to keep an eye on her. And then he teleported back to find his brother in the Dragon Crypt.

When he appeared on the other side, he was already in his full Devil form. He was burning with fury and hatred towards the fake God.

"Azriel! Where are you hiding your scales, you coward? Get out here and face me directly!" Theodore flew from one room to another while screaming and cursing Azriel.

He barged into several rooms and blasted several doors in the process. But Azriel was nowhere to be found.

But he still kept on yelling and searching for Azriel. "You had problems with me so you should have fought with me. Why did you have to involve Adeline in this? Come out and fight me, you conniving trickster."

Theodore was already pissed off. He faced upwards and shouted at the top of his lungs to make Azriel come out of the hole he was hiding in, "Or don't you have the guts to face someone of your own size?"

Azriel would have already appeared in front of him to poke fun at him if it was any other day. But for some reason, he was not coming out. But Theodore did manage to get the attention of the dragons and maids and everyone in the Dragon Crypt.josei

Theodore saw a maid hiding behind the door in fear and pulled her out of her hiding spot. And he growled at her, "Where is your master? Tell me or else I will drag you down to Hell."

That maid shuddered and then replied, "M-master had a meeting with the P-princess of Wyverndale. We were asked to not disturb him today. Please forgive me, De-devil Prince. I don't know where our master is."

Theodore had tried using his Divine Vision but something was interfering with his vision. He stormed out of that room. Then he went and stood in front of the entrance of the Crypt. He stared vacantly at the thunderstorm and thought of the places where Azriel could have been hiding.

And then a thought suddenly hit him. "Why is it raining so much when this is not even a rainy season? He cast some more spells, didn't he? Yes, this must be his doing."

Theodore flapped his wings and flew out of the Crypt. He guessed where he would be, and he was right. He saw Azriel lying down on top of the mountain and getting drenched in that heavy rain.

Theodore flew down with rage. He was going to wreak havoc on Azriel. He landed in front of Azriel and grabbed him by his collar. Azriel already looked like his life was drained out of his body. Theodore pulled Azriel up and shook him violently. And he shouted, "Don't you dare die before I kill you, you useless dragonfly. Get up!"

But Azriel just mockingly smiled at Theodore and whispered, "You know you can't kill me even when I am at my weakest. So why bother? Just go home, baby brother."

"Shut your foul mouth! I am not your baby brother." Theodore tightened his fist and punched Azriel right on his mouth and sent him flying to another corner of the hill. The crash created such a great impact on the hill that a small piece of the hill crumbled down.

Azriel fell off the hill but his trusted dragon, Mimi, came to his rescue. She carried her master on her back and flew away from the enraged Devil Prince. But Theodore was not going to let Azriel escape just like that.

He teleported in front of Mimi and then blocked her path with his massive wings. He glared at Mimi with his burning eyes and ordered her, "Mimi, stay out of the matter between us. This has nothing to do with you, so don't get in the middle."

Theodore held out his hand and tried to speak as politely as he could, "Be a good girl and hand him over to me."

But Mimi shook her head and tried to flee again. However, Azriel stroked her and asked her to stop. "Mimi, he is right. This fight is about to get ugly so stay out of it. And ask everyone else to stay out of the Crypt."

Theodore sneered and said, "Glad to hear that. At least you know what is coming to you.." And without waiting for Mimi to let go of her master, Theodore grabbed Azriel by his neck and flew away.

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