She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 424 - PLAY WITH ME

Chapter 424 - PLAY WITH ME

Chapter 424 - PLAY WITH ME

Erwin arrived in front of Sabrina's door but he didn't know what he should say. He was still hesitating and was doubting himself but he also wanted to know what he did to upset her. He was torn between these two things and was pacing back and forth in front of her door.

Sabrina, on the other hand, was busy looking for clothes. She planned to go out after lunch and she will drag Erwin along to annoy him again. She had no idea that the man was right in front of her room.

'What should I wear?' she thought while rummaging through her clothes. 'Should I put on a dress? Or should I just wear something comfy?' she raised her clothes one after another and tried them in front of the large mirror. "This isn't a date so, let's choose something comfy." She picked up her blue -faded shorts and her white-and-blue stripe shirt with three-fourth sized sleeves. She paired it with blue high-top canvas shoes and a white sling pouch for her phone and wallet. "I should look great in these things."

She jumped onto her bed and played fully like she was a child. After jumping up-and down for a minute she got out of bed and ran for the door to come out and look for Erwin.

The two were stunned while looking at each other.

"Is there anything that you want?" Sabrina asked while crossing her arms across her chest. She didn't invite him inside her room.

Erwin rubbed his nape and his eyes were darting left and right while still thinking what he should say in front of her. "I…uh…I…-"

"If you don't have anything else to say you can go back downstairs and continue to cook." Sabrina closed her door behind her and walked ahead of him back to the kitchen.

"Did I do something wrong? Did I upset you?" Erwin blurted out which stopped Sabrina on her track. Erwin catch up to her and stood in front of her. "What have I done to make you avoid me?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? I'm not avoiding you, okay? And I am not upset."

"But this morning, you made your own coffee, you didn't eat with us as well. When I ask you what you like, you would say nothing. Earlier, too. I asked you something for lunch but you said you'd cook your own food. If you're not avoiding me then, what is it?"

Sabrina took a deep breath and sighed. "Didn't you tell me on the day that I arrived that you are not my servant? So, I'm just doing best not to inconvenient you."

Erwin was speechless and he kept blinking his eyes to find something to retort but his mind went blank. He did say those words to her once but he reminded her of that word several times.


"It's fine. Really. You don't have to do everything yourself. I can perfectly handle myself. I can take care of my food as well. There's no need to worry about it. By the way, I'm going out in the afternoon, is there anyone who can drive me to the city square?"

"I can take you there." Erwin volunteered himself. "Your safety and life were put in my hands when young miss left. If something happens to you, I'll be responsible for it."

"O-okay."?Sabrina nodded her head and continued walking to the kitchen. She found Lucia and her daughter, Daisy, cooking food for lunch while Dalia taught Justin how to recognize numbers, adding up and subtracting them too.

Sabrina opened the refrigerator and found many ingredients that she can choose from.?She wanted to cook the shrimp but she remembered Cayenne loves this thing so she gave up the idea. Erwin noticed it, though.

"Auntie Lucia, it's fine if we cook the shrimp, right? Young miss didn't want the shrimps to last for three days in the fridge and if I remember correctly, it's the third day already."

Lucia remembered this and nodded her head in agreement. "I forgot that madam won't be around. I bought them altogether with the other stuff we're missing."

"It's fine." Erwin smiled and looked towards Sabrina. "Do you want to cook the shrimps?"

Sabrina bit her lips and nodded her head. She really wanted to eat them and now that she was given the heads up, why would she deny it. "Can I really cook them? Really, really cook them?"

"Yeah. Go ahead."

Sabrina instantly took the shrimps and some other ingredients that she would be needing. Right now, she's really hungry after only having three loaves of bread in the morning. And even though she said that she would eat later, she also wanted to share a meal with everyone.

Hearing Erwin's words earlier on how he called the elder woman, Sabrina followed him and walked up to Lucia. "Auntie Lucia, I will be cooking the shrimps for lunch. How many dishes are you going to cook?"

"I was supposed to cook three for all of us but since you're cooking, I'll make two."

"Okay. Thank you."

Sabrina started working on her dish and Dalia helped her clean the shrimps and peeled their shells. She was smiling happily while talking to Dalia about cooking stuff.

Erwin was leaning on the counter top while watching them and a smile was hanging on his lips as he watched her do her stuff. Lucia noticed how he look but she didn't say anything.

After five minutes, Sabrina noticed someone gazing at her and when she turned her head, her eyes meet Erwin's eyes, making her instantly blush.

"Why are you standing there?" Sabrina snapped at him. "Go away. Didn't I say we'll leave in the afternoon? Why are you still goofing around?"

"Alright. I'm leaving now. You don't really have to get mad."

"I'm not mad."

"Yeah. Yeah." josei

Dalia pursed her lips together to stop her smile from spreading on her face. Lucia also turned her back to avoid Sabrina seeing her grin. As for Daisy and Justin, they kept bowing their head while smiling foolishly. The four of them just witnessed a lover's quarrel.

Erwin went back to his room to take a shower and to change his clothes. She asked him to send her to the city but he knew that he won't be going back without her. Thus, he chose some casual clothes to go out with her. If she's meeting with friends, he can just follow her from a distance.

He didn't know that Sabrina was planning something in hand. If Erwin agreed to let someone else drive her to town, she would change her plan but since he volunteered, the plan still stands.

When he was done prepping, Sabrina and Lucia was also done cooking. They were currently arranging the dishes on the table. Daisy and Justin were calling for the guards to come inside and eat their meal.

After lunch, Sabrina went inside her room and took a quick shower before putting on the clothes that she chose earlier. Remembering what Erwin said about make-up, she stopped herself from putting them on. She only fixed her eyebrows and put some sunscreen to avoid getting too much radiation from the sun. She put a light lip stick to make her look a little lively.

Grabbing her wallet and phone along the way, she walked out of her room and met with Erwin in the living room.

"I heard that women took so much time when it comes to skincare and other routine but you're like young miss. She's very quick as well." Erwin commented as he led her out to get the car. "And you look prettier without make -up." After saying these words, he walked even faster.

Sabrina just smiled and didn't say anything. She's slowly getting his attention. But with limited time, she knew that she won't achieve so much from this trip. 'When can I go back here again?' she asked herself while thinking for another reason to leave Italy and come back to City B. She hasn't gone home yet but she's already thinking how to leave again.

The two of them boarded the car that Erwin chose to use and left the property to go to the city. "Where exactly do you want me to drop you off?" Erwin asked. His eyes were focus on the road but he would steal side glances at her from time to time.

"At the amusement park where we first met."

Surprised with her answer, Erwin choked at his own saliva and had to cough several times to calm himself. "Are you meeting with your friends, there?"

"Nope. I just want to have fun."


The car sank into a deafening silence since they couldn't find any common topic to talk about. Sabrina played with her phone and logged on to her social media account to stalk what Cayenne and her family was up to. She wanted to see how their trip was going so far. She found lots of their photos and she really envied them.

"Hey, Erwin come with me to the amusement park. I think it will be boring if I go alone." Sabrina softly spoke while scrolling through Cayenne's pictures.

Erwin didn't dislike the idea but it won't be good for other people to see her with him. "What about calling your friends?" He suggested without looking at her.

"I sent them messages but they couldn't come."

Seeing her sad expression, Erwin felt bad for her as well. "If you don't really mind hanging out with me, it's fine for me as well."

"Really?" her eyes lit up in an instant after getting his confirmation. "Don't take back your words. You're going to play with me."

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