She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 425 - POLES APART

Chapter 425 - POLES APART

Chapter 425 - POLES APART

Erwin parked the car and stepped outside of the car. He was just about to open Sabrina's car when she opened it herself and came out of the car.

"Are you really sure you want me to play with you today?" He asked once again. "It won't be good for you if someone knows you're playing with someone's servant."

Sabrina smiled faintly and she even stretched out her hand to gently pat his shoulder. "No one will know that you are a servant. And what if they know about it? It won't really matter. Don't think too much. Let's just have fun." She pulled Erwin's hand and ran towards the ticketing booth to get all the tickets for the rides that they like.

Erwin looked at their linked hands and wanted to pull away but at the same time, didn't. He liked the warmth of her hold on him.

After getting their tickets, they lined up for the first ride which was the spinning tea cups. It was the first ride but Sabrina already chose something that could blow someone's mind away.

"This might make you feel dizzy but it's fun." Sabrina told Erwin just in case he hasn't tried it. An she was right, last time that he played with Luiz and Kyle, they didn't get to ride this spinning tea cups.

"I'll be fine." Erwin commented. He was observing how the ride was going while waiting for their turn. It wasn't really dangerous and the intensity of the spin wasn't very strong or fast.

Ten minutes later, Erwin was wobbling as he walked towards the nearby bench with Sabrina. He felt so dizzy and he wanted to vomit. "That's making nauseous." He stated while drinking the water she gave him. "Aren't you dizzy at all?"

"Nope. I'm used to this ride already." She sat beside him and looked at the other people who were passing by in front of them. "My foster parents brought me to amusements when I was a kid. Ever since then, I started liking it and whenever I have time, I'd go to amusement parks with friends."

"That's good for you." Erwin replied. He was looking back to his past and never remembered any event of him coming to an amusement park. "If my memory serves me right, the first time I've come to an amusement park was when we bumped onto each other. I never wanted to go out or have fun outside but young miss kept telling me to go out and have fun. Her brothers came with me as well. And honestly, it was one of the happiest days of my life."

"Then, let's make today another memorable experience for you."? Sabrina stood up in cheerful mood and even looked expectantly at him. "Let's go and try the rides that you haven't tried yet."

"Eh? Aren't we here because you want to have fun? You don't really have to mind me."

"There's no difference if we're doing it or not. I will still enjoy so, we might as well have fun with the rides that you haven't tried."

With her plans set in motion, the two of them decided to ride those things that Erwin hasn't tried last time. They all have the afternoon to themselves which made them less worry.

They tried the scrambler, tilt-a-whirl and pirate ship before taking a rest. "Let's go buy some snacks." Sabrina suggested and he nodded his head without any questions, letting her led him today.

They walked to the area where many food stands can be seen and decided to buy burger and cola. It's handy and not a heavy meal.

"Miss Sabrina?" A man called behind them and when they turned, they saw Erwin with his girlfriend, Rissy, Luiz' former teacher. "Erwin, too. Are you guys on a date?"

Erwin's eyes widened and he was just about to deny it when Sabrina linked her arms with his and nodded her head with a sweet smile on her lips. "Yup. We are. Are you on a date, too?"

"Yes. I'm free from work so, I decided to take her out on a date." Chris responded. "This is my girlfriend, Rissy." He introduced Rissy to Sabrina since she knew Erwin already. "Riz, this is Sabrina. He is Stefan's childhood friend."

"Nice to meet you." Rissy raised her hand in front of Sabrina.

Sabrina took it happily and shook it a few times. "The pleasure is mine."

"Ma'am, your food is ready." The stall owner called out to Sabrina.

Since she was still talking with Rissy, Erwin took their food and paid for it. "Let's go and eat this over there." Erwin pointed on one of the rows of table before turning to Chris and Rissy. "Do you want to join us over there?"

"That would be good. We need to take a rest as well." Rissy answered. She and Chris bought their food and after getting it, they sat on the same area as Erwin and Sabrina.

"I didn't expect you two to be together." Chris commented as he pulled a chair and sat on it.

"Don't let her words get into your head." Erwin replied after chewing his food. "She lied about us dating. I'm only here to accompany her because her friends couldn't make it."

Sabrina just chuckled but deep inside, she wanted to strangle him to death. 'How could you deny me in front of them?'? She questioned angrily but when she realized he was just telling the truth, her anger vanished and all that was left was sadness. A cold sadness that enveloped her heart.

"By the way, when did you arrived?" Chris asked Sabrina this time. "I didn't hear you're coming back there."

"Well, it's really a decision that I didn't put much thought." She answered. "I just wanted to go somewhere and my feet brought me back here." josei

"That's not very you." Chris commented with faint chuckles. "Are you having issues at home? Or are you trying to escape your responsibility as the next CEO?"

Erwin's breathing hitched and he felt that his scalp has gone numb. All this time, he thought that Sabrina's wealth was just a normal kind of richness, something that he'd be able to catch up if he really started saving now. He didn't expect that she'd become the next CEO of her family's business.

'Well, come to think of it, she's a friend to sir Stefan and was even one of the candidates for his marriage. I should have known from the start that we're poles apart.' Erwin started having an inner monologue, no longer listening to the conversation between Chris and Sabrina beside him.

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