Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 448

Chapter 448: Younger Sisters Lover X

As what happened on the basketball court was only witnessed by two classes of students, although the news spread afterwards, it did not cause great impact. There are several versions that have been circulated. Some say that the freshman have stepped in as recognized lovers on campus, while others imply that Shan Yao has split up and had a tangled relationship with the junior sister. People have different opinions. They naturally regard this as a piece of lace that is popular among seniors. When they bring it up after dinner, it is like a small stone thrown into the water and disappears after several ripples.

However, Wen Ying did not go to see Shan Yao again at this junction. Of course, he didn’t really hit her that day. After watching her silently for a while, he left.

Instead, she began to focus on getting along well with her classmates and paying attention to her academic achievements.

Her knowledge of high school had already been returned to the teacher. Fortunately, the original owner had good grades in junior high school, and had a solid foundation. It was only in the short year that she experienced family upheaval. She had just started to learn but gave up her own knowledge. She read the book from the beginning and did two more exercises to keep up with the rhythm of the teacher’s classroom.

There is an aura between people. After she plunged into the ocean of learning, both her roommates and fellow students gradually became friendly to her.

Of course, she had less time to get along with He Wei.

That day, after class, He Wei rushed to her and hugged her arm. She said coquettishly, “I don’t care. You’ve been giving me the cold shoulder for a long time. Someone is organizing a game tonight. Are you coming or not? One word!”

“Tonight ah……”

She dragged out her voice, showing headache and hesitation.

“Oh right, by the way, Gong Xuan will come too.” He Wei added this sentence and found that her expression had not changed. She immediately picked up the test paper on her desk and made a gesture that she was about to tear it up. “Will you go? I will tear up the ticket if you don’t!”

Finally Wen Ying nodded her head and agreed. He Wei was very complicated after she got her answer. She looked at her strangely and muttered, “Gong Xuan can’t beat a test paper?”

She really didn’t know whether to tell the other party this cruel fact.josei

During class time, the head teacher announced that the school was going to hold a celebration for the 50th anniversary, and that a school party would be held. Each class would have at least one program.

Although it was only the first year of senior high school, the internal competition in key high schools is fierce and there are few responders. As long as we think of the time occupied by rehearsals, we feel distressed and would rather do more exercises. When the head teacher saw that no one responded, he ordered some students who were good at singing, dancing and playing the piano to join the program. They were reluctant to drag others into the water. It’s a pity that the class’s overall willingness to participate is too low. Even if someone had an idea at the beginning, they were not willing to pick up this hot potato. They naturally wavered, listed its shortcomings, and then gave up the idea of participation.

The head teacher looked at their reluctant expressions and did not know whether to cry or laugh. Just when he was going to emphasize the collective sense of honor for them, someone “recommended” and said, “Teacher, Wen Ying dances very well. I have seen her have a pk with girls from other schools before.”

Hearing her name suddenly, she was a little confused. When she turned around, she found that she was impressed.

Once, the math teacher set a question on the blackboard and asked someone to come to the blackboard to solve it. The other person confidently solved the question once but was beaten x, and she wrote it behind her. Luckily, she got it right. In fact, the topic is beyond the outline. She wrote the correct steps and was praised by the teacher naturally, which may have brought a sense of threat to the other party. She felt a little funny. It can be seen from this that there is not no “cruel” competition in the innocent campus, but the means are gentle and childish.

The head teacher was deeply impressed by Wen Ying, the “backward” and “bad student” in the class, and looked at Wen Ying hesitantly.

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