Show Off Once in Every World

Chapter 449

Chapter 449: Younger Sisters Lover XI

“I have no problem.” Wen Ying answered in one breath, “it’s an obvious matter of course to help the class. I’ll try my best to find a dance teacher, then you can arrange for it, if at that time, you don’t think it’s good, then we can plan a more exciting set, what do you feel?”

As soon as this was said, the students in the class suddenly felt embarrassed. Some of them raised their hands to suggest a program as an alternative, and some of them came up with ideas.

The head teacher’s face was a little surprised, as if he was looking at the poor student for the first time.

Wen Ying, who had just become a good student for a few days, skipped self-study that night. But this time, she had a legitimate reason as she had to go to the dance teacher to choreograph. He Wei was laughing hysterically all the way, shouting that she was about to become a demon. She must have agreed on purpose, just to make excuses for her leaving school. When she arrived at the place, she still kept it in mind, and gave everyone a brief on the new skills of Wen Ying.

Everyone responded, “This is good, this is good, We should learn it now!”

They were not yet adults, and the bar is not accessible. The place where the group organized to meet was naturally a KTV.

The group next door was singing “Love even through death”, which came through the wall at the top of their voice and made young boys and girls laugh. There was beer on the table. While the atmosphere was lively, someone opened two bottles of beer first. A girl said that Gong Xuan had not come and wanted to wait for him. He Wei leans over to Wen Ying’s ear and tells her, “This one hasn’t caught Gong Xuan after chasing for a year. Be careful.”

Just then, Gong Xuan pushed the door in.

“Why are you laughing?” He picked up a piece of popcorn on the table and threw it into his mouth. He was immediately dragged and punished to blow the bottle. He still laughed. “Someone is waiting for you with big eyes. Why don’t you have a wedding toast?”

Gong Xuan brightened and hooked his arm over then smiled badly. “I just had a fight with those sons of bitches in 17th Middle School, and you want me to give you a round too?” He simply didn’t answer the other question. The girl’s shy face soon turned ugly.

“Hey hero, is this hero even afraid of drinking? Come come come and let’s celebrate your triumphal return!”

“Don’t you know that heroes are under age? They will be scolded when they go home after drinking.”josei

“Bullshit.” The other party laughed and scolded, “you obviously live at school, which home will you be returning to?”

“Go back to me…… my wife’s house.” He glanced at his seat and saw Wen Ying. His eyes suddenly lit up. He sat down beside Wen Ying and put his hands on her shoulder. “How about it, is it beautiful?”

Wen Ying had not responded to him yet the girl couldn’t sit still. She was angry and didn’t hide it. She asked maliciously in front of everyone: “I heard that you two had a room together. Where is it? Ah Xuan, it’s the first time for a girl. It wouldn’t be at just any small hotel to deal with right?”

The karaoke box roared with laughter, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely warm. The singer stopped singing and stared at her.

Such a private question should not be discussed in front of people, but they seem to be the most daring people in the world. They don’t know embarrassment, don’t know consideration, laughed loudly, and don’t pay attention to anything without asking questions.

Gong Xuan’s eyes were cold, and with the evil smile he provoked, he stared straight at her like a wolf, “Do you think everyone is like you, even agreeing to those beneath the grass?”

The girl didn’t expect him to know, her face suddenly turned white. Just now, there were many loud whistles towards Wen Ying, and now they all rushed to her.

However, some boys still interrupted Wen Ying and asked, “How did our Gong Gong perform?”

Wen Ying didn’t answer his question. Since that question appeared, she has been in a mood. She went to see He Wei first. Seeing that He Wei was also inexplicably like that, she turned to see Gong Xuan. He scratched his head with his index finger, which indirectly indicated that he was the one who leaked the secret. He did not feel a trace of shame, and just like them, he waited for her to answer with great interest.

“He can’t perform.” The girl turned back, just like revenge. She gritted her teeth and emphasized, “his technique is not good.”

The answer was too loud, and everyone’s laughter seemed to explode.

“He is not skilled, how about I perform?”

Gong Xuan couldn’t continue smiling. The boys were all proud yet they were slapped by her. He didn’t have such self-restraint. But without waiting for him to retort, his hand beside him was suddenly grabbed and it hurt. He looked sideways and found that it was not quite right.

The girl lowered her eyes and white lips, which made him stunned.

If she didn’t care, he certainly didn’t care, but her discomfort and her innocence suddenly aroused his desire for protection. He remembered the first intimate contact between them. She was like this. She was angry and stubborn on the surface, and refused to submit, but she was really afraid of doing it. She could not help shaking.

Feeling the trembling of her fingertips at the moment, his heart was inexplicably soft.

“That’s not good.” No matter how hard she grasped, he forcibly held her hand and smiled at the person. “She’s mine, and no one is allowed to rob her.”

He didn’t get angry, which made people feel bored. They wanted to pick another problem, when they heard him suggest drinking, cards and games. He usually smiles and fights fiercely. He has the right to speak in the small group and arranges everything. The focus of everyone’s attention has shifted.

While playing with others, he also turned to her from time to time and asked, “Do you want to sing?”

Wen Ying shook her head.

He asked again, “Are you hungry? Do you want to eat barbecue?” It seemed that suddenly he learned to be considerate without a teacher.

Gong Xuan sees that Wen Ying has never been involved. Her friend over there has gone crazy singing and playing, so he suggests that she take her place. He just thought that she was scared by what happened just now, and his voice was even quieter. “Just play a game, and I’ll drink for you if you lose. If you don’t like it then we change to something else.”

“Alright.” She agreed.

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