Shut up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 143 - Refusal

Chapter 143 - Refusal

Dror was in a really dangerous position but with that somersault he was able to push the shield forward to meet the blade move.

" great wall " 

Drro used the first embedded technique of the shield, a thick golden brown wall appeared instantly before the shield and blocked the two crescent moon slashes.

But the move made by the young man was not so simple, it started cutting and penetrating into the great wall and started pushing Dror back.

Dror used the moment to use an earth skip, to slide to the side and deflected the blade slashes to the right from where , major Ryker was rushing while unleashing volley of Earth spear's.

Dror didn't even pause for a second before unleashing the next, next earth skip to gain distance from the two attackers.

Mr. 18 had already disappeared again to appear on Dror's left side again to launch another attack.

But this time Nympho and Maya were both alert and alerted Dror instantly, Dror was also alert but the two spiritual weapons detected the enemy moves before Dror could detect it.

He deflected another one of the blade slashes and used another earth skip to gain more speed and distances, since Major Ryker was delayed by the same move for a second he was not able to block Dror's path completely.

Dror utilized the embedded technique of the shield continuously twice, this was the specialty of level 2 or above artifacts. Other than the main technique embedded in them the other secondary techniques can be used multiple times with a minimum amount of warrior essence.

Dror knew he was in a precarious situation while facing two peak level warriors at the same time but at the same time he was also feeling a little excited.

This was the first difficult challenge that he had faced after gaining the death impartation from Earnest.

" sand storm "

"one with the earth "

The instant the area got covered in sand storm Dror got an instant to take a breather.

He pressed the sky watch immediately .

" code red, code red… 

we need back up instantly, There is more than one True warrior in the facility..

Please respond immediately. "

An easy going voice relayed from the other side.

"Sorry you will have to hold on by yourself for the time being… we are currently supporting the b of the other teams…"

Dror had a cold expression on his face, from the moment this mission was issued he had his own doubts and shared it with the rest of the team.

All of them felt the same, that something stinky was brewing in the back side, otherwise how could Mr. Oliver, who was from the King's council, would be one of the teams in the mission conducted by the pro war faction.

Of Course in other people's eyes there was nothing suspicious, The young dragon Drac was just helping out the first prince with a mission on his request.

But Dror was not an idiot, he knew that the first prince had been displaced with him ever since he denied entry to anyone that the first prince  had suggested through Frank into his company.

And all of a sudden, Mr. Oliver with whom he had a disagreement with had becomes a mission member, Dror and his team was waiting to see how this play out and they were prepared.

" is the B team also facing two True warriors on their side ? " 

There was a pause and the replay came

" The B team is facing more soldiers than expected. Even Major Drac had gone to their support, I am sorry Major Dror you will have to hold on for yourself for the time being…. We will come to your assistance the instant Major oliver return.. and I can't make any decision without the instruction of  Major oliver" 

"Then Please connect me to your Major, directly… " 

" Sorry sir, we can't do that at the moment … if  that's all then I will be disconnecting .."

beep , beep…

the call was already disconnected, the coldness in Dror's eyes deepened. This was supposed to be an emergency channel to request for help and reinforcement and this guy just disconnected from the channel. It was a rule in the army that the emergency channel should never be disconnected unless the situation is resolved or reinforcement has arrived, because even if help has not arrived the other party would be able to evaluate the situation of their allies through the information provided and know how they were fairing.

  The emergency channel could also record the exact location of the team that needed reinforcement.

By disconnecting the emergency channel the other team clearly showed that they didn't care.

Dror pressed a certain switch in his sky watch and connected to a specific channel with only the higher ups of the company.

He spoke into  his ear piece.

" Everyone listen to me, the situation has changed Old Zhao, Mark start the retreat as we planned, Alexander, how is the situation on your end? I might need your help soon. "

Alexander replied

" We are almost done with our part, and will return, what happened .."

Everyone else kept their silence and listened to Dror .

" We have been set up, There are two True warriors here and I am holding them off for the time being.

I have also tried to ask for reinforcement, they not only denied me by citing some reason but they also disconnected the emergency channel.."

Old Zhao couldn't hold from cursing " Those sons of a bi… how dare they, cancel the emergency channel…"josei

Everyone else was also angry, but they knew this was not the time to lose their temper.

Alexander spoke up " They might not be completely abandoning us, even the first prince or Oliver would dare to do something like that… I think they only want us to take some damage and will come to our help after the delay.."

Dror spoke " that is what I am also thinking, so we will go by the strategy c , as we have planned before, we don't want to lose a single man and Alexander after you are finished, just stay in stealth besides where my fight is going on and only make a move if absolutely necessary. 

We don't want to reveal our hidden cards if possible. I think I can hold off these two and gain enough time for everyone to retreat. If all of us can retreat without any problem that would be the best…"

Alexander spoke  " We are done here I am already moving towards your location…"

Before Dror could continue with his chat a volley of  earth spears assisted with wind push was approaching him.

Major Ryker was also someone who had great affinity towards the earth element, even if others would find it almost impossible to locate dror while he is using Sand storm with One with the earth technique.

Major Ryker  could sense Dror's location very vaguely and he didn't hesitate to make a move.

Of course if Dror was utilizing one with the earth technique without moving inside the ground it would be entirely different.

But now Dror was still using the earth skip and giving out a slight aura so that he could lure both the enemies further away from the army and his men could retreat more swiftly, without the interference of true warriors.

While, to Major Ryker and Mr. 18, it appeared like Dror was escaping and soon they also received a message from their  subordinates that the rebel army was also retreating.

Mr. 18 sent a spiritual message to Major Ryker " Do you want me to delay the rebel army until the enforcers arrive.."

Major Ryker paused " No, if you do that I won't be able to keep this guy here by myself, I am sure he will escape. You too know who this guy is right, he has an enormous bounty on his head. If we can catch or kill him it wouldn't matter how much soldier I have lost today, I would still be making a profit… not to mention the private award sponsored by the Lomba family… What say you we take out this guy and split the reward.."

" of course that is what I was also thinking, then let's go all out .."

The volley of spear and black crescent moon slashes were homing on Dror even inside the sand storm.

Dror had to release the sand storm technique as it was also slowly consuming his warrior essence little by little and even Alexander would find it difficult to close in with the technique activated.

But Dror  was really happy about the fact that both his attackers were still pursuing him and was not showing any signs of going after the rebel army.

Dror had already sent a message to Alexander alerting him on the abilities of his enemies, especially regarding the young man, who was cultivating a special element, the element of darkness.

Dror was close to the left wall of the facility compound by now while his men at the south wall. He was continuously using earth skip but maintaining his speed so that the enemy could catch up.

"I am here..."

Dror received Alexanders spiritual message.

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