Shut up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 144 - Shadow Hand

Chapter 144 - Shadow Hand

Ever since Alexander received Dror's message, he has been a little doubtful and contemplating something.

Once he appeared at the spot of the fight and verified the situation his doubts were confirmed.

When Dror gave a vague description of the attackers, he had said that one of the True warriors was a young man in black suit that used the element of darkness.

Dror didn't know this but Darkness element techniques were very rare and only extremely talented people could cultivate them and there were only very few people who cultivated the Dark element techniques and all of them belonged to the same secret organization, The shadow hand.

This was the most secretive department of the entire alliance government and only had 32 members . They were assigned the most secretive and high priority tasks by the Alliance government president.

There was also a rumor going around that the shadow hand dealt the bidding of the real powerhouse supporting the Alliance government from the shadows.

The rebels have tried all kinds of methods to look into the information regarding this secret organization, but they couldn't find anything solid. The intelligence agency of the rebels sacrificed three of their agents to get the basic information on the organization.

That too only included a rough estimate of their strength and mode of conduct.

The shadow hand was supposed to have around 32 members all practicing the dark element arts, the weakest was at peak of the true warrior realm.

They don't appear unless the  matter is a  top secret of the alliance government and they also disappeared after appearing like a wind, without leaving any traces behind.

After observing the fight between Dror and the two opponents, Xeander was of the opinion that this young man was most probably someone from the shadow hand.

As Xander was pondering on what action to take he received Dror's message in the common channel.

  " How is the retreat progressing.."

It was Old Zhao who replied " we are out of the south wall, we will be detonating  the hidden explosives and smoke bombs, to create a smoke screen and stall for time, we will reach our vehicles in 3 minutes and will be out of their search radius within the next 10 to 12 minutes… Major, you can start your retreat after 15 minutes …"josei

Dror was really happy to know that everything went as they had planned.

"Then we proceed like that, Xeander I will lure these guys to the further north side and we will make our retreat in 15 minutes…"

Xeander hesitated a little before saying "Dror can you lure them to the forested area, in the North west …"

Before he could continue it was Old Zhao who spoke up " Deputy Major, what are you talking about our plan is going smoothly, why would you want to change it."

Xeander took a long breath as everyone was waiting for his replay

"I think one of the people Dror is dealing with is from the shadow hand…"

"what.. are you sure"

Old Zhao and Mark spoke at the same time.

These two had heard about the secret organization but Levi , Chaow and Dror were unaware of this secret organization.

The three people who knew were well aware how the rebel government had put a large amount of their resources and force to gain knowledge regarding this hidden organization and had miserably failed.

If they could gain even a little more information related to the secret organization it would be great help for the entire rebel army to gain a better understanding of the secrets of the alliance government and now one of its members was right before them.

There was silence in the channel other than the sounds of fighting.

Mark was the one who broke the silence " how sure are deputy Major.."

Xeander replied " around 80%, I know no one else who can use the Dark element techniques in the alliance government…"

Old zhao said with a sigh " do you want us to come and back you up…"

Dror has been keeping his silence the entire time as he didn't knew much about the secret organization, but after hearing Old Zhao's response he knew this must be something really important, otherwise Old Zhao who didn't want to put his men in danger at any cost would never offer to help out.

Xeander spoke with a determined tone " No need for that, You people retreat as per planned. Me and Dror will try to take out that guy…"

Levi couldn't hold it anymore and asked " Deputy Major are you sure about this, we will be risking it and exposing our trump cards with it, is the information relating to this secret worth it.."

This was the same thing both Dror and Chaow also wanted to ask.

Xeander spoke in a more determined manner "Dror do you trust me.."

The replay came without pause "of course."

" Then follow my plan.. I will explain the details later, you need to lure that guy to the place that I mentioned..  "

Dror who was engaging both the enemies has already taken a big golem form for better defense and was using Earth skip non stop and maintaining the speed as per the situation.

While five big stone spears the size of big pillars with Air element essence circling around them, were floating above Major Ryker and he himself was holding a blue spear magical artifact with runes glowing .

Mr 18 at some time had combined both his thin blades to form a thicker, wider and longer blade that exuded a more fiercer black aura, with different kinds  of black runes glowing in them also.

Certain slash marks exuding the black aura could be seen on Dror's golem body, clearly he has not remained unscratched throughout the exchanges.

Major Ryker heard Mr.18's voice in his head " Major this guy is really slippery, his movement techniques are top notch if you can distract him for a second and make him unable to use his shield on time,  I can use one of my special moves.."

Major Ryker already had a grim expression on his face " I have received a message that the rebel army is retreating. They might have discovered that the city enforcers will arrive at any time,  we need to deal with him now or he might also choose to run… I will try my best to gain his attention, you use your move.."

Ryker controlled the five pillar like spears to attack from different sides, while he himself used the embedded skill of his magical artifact.

" heart piercer"

Dror used the embedded skill of his shield to form a thick wall around his golem body, but unlike the previous times the five pillar like huge spear stuck with much more power and momentum destroying the earth elemental wall that he had formed completely while exploding themselves with the impact.

Boom … boom..

Then major Ryker appeared on the left side of the golem to land the heart piercer move.

Dror instantly felt the danger of the move and used his shield to defend the piercing spear, he had to completely burn the earth elemental crystals embedded in it to halt the spear move.

Even though he was able to defend, the move had enough power to send him flying tumbling all over.

But before the move had completely dealt its full force, nympho yelled out in Drors mind " above you "

While Major Ryker had made his first move of attacking with five spears and exploding them, Mr. 18 also made his move.

" chasing the shadow"

he appeared above Dror instantly and came down in a chopping motion.

"waning gibbous "

An aura of a humongous dark moon appeared above Mr. 18, as his blade neared the golem's head.

Dror knew he was in a real dangerous situation now and he should use his strongest defense move.

But what Xeander had requested was still lingering in his ears.

He used the next earth skip with full strength and pushed his warrior essence to the extreme to form an earth dome above his head.

Mr 18's move was not at all simple, it cut through the earth dome without much hitch,  but Dror utilized the force from Major Ryker's heart piercing spear and the full force earth skip to move himself to the right.

But Mr. 18's move was not so easy to escape from, the black warrior essence already penetrated the golem and cut into Dror's left shoulder, the blade itself was already cutting through the golem in an unimaginable speed.

This was the closest shave he had to death after a long time, Dror was able to avoid the blade from striking his head and avoiding instant death.

  But the sacrifice he had to make was also big, his left shoulder was completely broken and the blade aura clearly cut through closing near to his heart.

He stood a distance away from his enemies with the golem completely broken and his left hand hanging limply.

Of course he could have used the second embedded  technique of his shield but he chose not to so that he could lure his enemies further.

"Sand storm.."

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