Shut up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 155 - One Five Five

Chapter 155 - One Five Five

Dror didn't have a choice but to prepare to return, but he still had a day and he was prepared to utilize it to the maximum.

As the night arrived he went to the six locations in the outer sector of  the central city, to tweak and modify the communication equipment left behind by the ancient civilization.

After doing this for many times he had become really proficient at this, but still he was extra alert as he was inside one of the central cities and that too ruled by one of the most fearsome of the 7 families.

To his good luck he was not discovered  and when it was the next morning he left for the Earth base.

He used the fast train which connected  to the outskirts from the central city Ranbath to cover a large distance, then by using earth skip he traversed the rest of the journey.

After getting used to travelling all around the planet, he got acquainted with the customs and laws of Ayangdad. Other than some small brakes which he used to rest after continuous travel, he didn't stop for anything else and by night he was already at the Earth base.

He had thought of visiting the commander the next day but to his surprise he found that someone was waiting at the Earth base entrance checkpoint on the order of the commander.

Midnight had passed by now, but he found that the commander was still in his office along with other staff.

Dror was still a little confused about why the commander was so persistent on him to return immediately.

When he finally entered the Commander's office he was surprised to find the mature beauty master of Raven also sitting opposite to the commander.

Both the commander and the master of raven had a warm smile when they saw Dror enter the room. It seemed like they were welcoming a doted on junior.

The commander spoke in a happy manner " come have a seat..."

Dror didn't know much about this beautiful lady, in fact he didn't even know her name, he was not the only one most of the people in the rebel army didn't know her true name and referred to her with the title of the Master of raven.

But one thing was for sure, she only appeared when the matter related to  is a top secret of the rebel army and of large consequence to the rebels as a whole.

This has been his second meeting with a beautiful lady in a single month, which also showed that Dror was slowly but steadily making his impression on the rebel army.

Dror couldn't help but peek a second glance at this extremely beautiful lady before taking his seat.

Master of the raven was still scrutinizing Dror with a beaming smile, before speaking.

"Young man it seems like you are a blessing from the god to the rebel army, 

you are making one contribution after another for the rebel base, after looking at you I feel like none of the other younger generation is as good as you…

But as I warned you earlier, do not let the success get to your head and know that my eyes are always on you.."

Dror didn't know how to interpret the slight warning along with the praise, he could only nod and say humbly.


" Thank you , for the kind warning, master of  Raven and I am just another warrior, not worth that much praise.."

The master of the raven showed another beautiful smile.

" It's good that you are not arrogant, unlike the other young uns and  my name is Elektra Caimen, you can call me lady Elektra instead of master of Raven … "

The commander was surprised to see the master of raven revealing her name to Dror. Lady Elektar only did this to people who she deemed worthy.

The commander interrupted their conversation.

" Dror, you must be still wondering why I summoned you immediately.."

Dror nodded at what the commander said, he was still a little confused about the whole over-deal, he knew this must have something to do with the secret facilities that he discovered, but he hadn't deemed it that important.

The commander continued

" This time we have really hit it big, of the eleven facilities that you had pointed out, two of them are  above Level B.

Do you remember the secret facility that you discovered a while back, that focused on developing a special kind of plasma gun and laser cannons.

That facility alone could be only classified as a B grade facility at most because all the parts for the laser cannon and plasma guns were not manufactured their itself, but now we have discovered two other facilities that manufactured the parts for these weapons among the 11 facilities that you have marked.

Combining all the three facilities we have a full scale manufacturing unit making it a Level A facility.

The next one is a  body enhancement Serum manufacturing facility which will  boost the strength of the whole rebel army to the next level.

You must be aware of the body enhancement serum , this secret facility that we have discovered can manufacture A top grade body enhancement serum which has the least bit of side effects.

If we can start manufacturing such serum the number of peak level warriors in the rebel army will increase drastically and with more peak level warriors there are chances for more True warriors to appear…

Do you understand the consequences of this? Your contribution this time is so big that even the king's council is finding it difficult  to determine how to reward you.

Now coming to why I summoned you so immediately, we have heard from Xeander that you're more familiar with ancient language than anyone one he has met.

I should say he had met with almost all of the linguists under the rebel forces when he was still trying to be a scholar..

We want you to translate all the files and related information to the research team as fast as possible, so that we can  restart these facilities as soon  as possible…."

Dror kept his silence throughout the Commander's speech and listened carefully and after listening to everything, he took a deep breath and  pondered.

" So that is why I was summoned immediately, that guy Xeander, he has become a loose lip lately,  But from the looks of the commander and the master of raven, I think  the rebel base don't care much about how I got my knowledge regarding    the ancient language.

Hmm… that guy must have also taken into consideration everything before revealing one of my secrets.

This is not bad I guess, but the whole translation thing is going to be an arduous work and my plan will be stalled for an unknown time..

Hmm this would not do, I am also constrained by time… I will figure things out once I personally look into everything and meet with Xeander…"

Both the commander and Lady Elektra were waiting for Dror's replay, but they kept their silence when they saw Dror in deep thought.

Finally Dror broke out of his pondering and spoke.

" OK, I will help with this matter. But I would like to look into how much time it would take with this task before committing to anything.

I have other things to work on too."josei

Lady Elektra's eye's shined and she spoke " don't worry whatever your important task is, give us the details and we will complete it for you…"

Dror was troubled now he couldn't reveal his grand revolution plan, he had the belief that he may be able to convince the commander, but this master of raven the cunning lady, he didn't know what kind of person she was other than she was extremely beautiful from the outside.

After all she is the head of the intelligence department of the rebel army.

But with a humble manner he replied.

"The lady need not be troubled..  I can take care of my own work.."

Another glint passed through lady Elektra as she spoke " Does, this personal work of your's involve

you visiting all kinds of cities and towns…. I wonder what kind of personal task you have taken upon…"

Dror could only curse in the mind and show an amiable expression on the outside.

" So even with my disguises and careful way of dealing with things, the intelligence department had still gotten clues of my travels… Still I don't think they might have found out anything solid …. Hmm I need to be more careful next time and I should find someone else to prepare the identification documents for me. I have heard that the Ravens have eyes and ears almost everywhere, so every time some officials check my credential there is a chance that the raven would get knowledge of it.

Asking the commander to provide with fake identity is troublesome ...."

The commander was an intelligent person and he more or less guessed what both the people before him were thinking.

He had faith in Dror that he would not go against the rebel base and his friends, that is why the commander had always provided help for this young man and didn't look much into what Dror was planning and doing.

At the same time he knew it was the duty of the raven to look into everything. 

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