Shut up: You, Nymphomaniac Evil Sword

Chapter 156 - One Five Six

Chapter 156 - One Five Six

After looking at both the people in front of him,  who were having a conversation  that was on the verge of turning into an unpleasant one.

With a sigh he interfered

" We can discuss these things later, let Dror have a look at the facility first and have a discussion with Xeander…"josei

Dror was a little surprised by what the commander said , he couldn't help but complain in his mind

" I have only just arrived from a continuous journey, do you want me to have a long journey without taking any break…"

The commander who was reading Dror's facial expression said,

" You don't need to worry the journey will be very swift this time…"

The master of raven besides him also had a smile agreeing with the commander.

Then Dror was led by the two seniors, towards  the west of the earth base on a hover vehicle.

There was a tunnel that was safely guarded, Dror knew this was another facility that he was not familiar with inside the earth base and soon he knew the tunnel was climbing up and stopped at an upper level.

Dror got out to see the magnificent site of a military airfield, he knew that the earth base had its own air force but seeing it with his own eyes was an entirely different thing.

It had all the facilities like a runway, air traffic control tower and other facilities. The only difference was that this whole airfield was not in open air, but in a space that was carved out inside the mountains there were different runways that led to the outside like tunnels from inside the mountains.

After watching the whole airfield he had his own doubts, this was a well maintained facility but he had never heard of the Earth base utilizing it much.

The commander gave a sigh and explained to Dror  "  Don't be surprised, we don't use our air force much unless it is an urgent situation or important matters,  you should know that even the captains and pilots of our Earth base trains at the space base and Air base.

The chances of the entire base being discovered by the alliance forces is very high for our Earth base if we utilize it all the time, that is why we only use it for important matters and that too after following certain protocols…. I won't be joining you on this journey , take care "

Dror was before a pitch black spaceship with wide wings and  big laser guns attached on the lower sides of the wings, the entrance of the airship was under its belly .

As Dror and his companion were going to enter the space ship, 10 people dressed in black specially crafted light suit armor with masks covering their face  and  identity followed Dror and Lady Elektra into the spaceship, Dror knew these were Lady Elektra's subordinates, the experts from raven.  Their movement and positioning was similar to each other; it felt like they were ready to deal with an attack from any direction at any time and their eyes scrutinized everything going around.

Dror could only sigh at the fact that they were this vigilant even inside the fortress known as the Earth base and started focusing his attention on the space ship itself.

This was the first time he was inside a spaceship and he couldn't stop from showing his amazement.

The inside of the spaceship was spacious enough to carry at least 20 people.

This was considered one the fighter class spaceship focusing more on agility and stealth, with the given name of  Cowbird 217.

What Dror found interesting was the carving that he found inside the spaceship, it was of a Black raven flying up with an exquisite knife in its mouth and a scroll held tightly in its legs.

This was the symbol of the rebel intelligence service, the raven, and the ship belonged to them.

The space ship didn't take off immediately but waited for some time before receiving the order to take off.

Dror had heard that the alliance government had its spy satellite watching over the planet at every time, the rebel  spaceships could only take off when there are no more spy satellites watching over the area and enter the wrap before another spy satellite comes to position.

This also made Dror remember the exact location of the Earth base according to his understanding of the map and geography.

Dror could more or less guess that the Earth base was the closest one to the alliance government, in fact the earth base acted as the most forward hub and fort for the other four rebel bases.

While he was pondering all these things, he was urged to fasten his seat belt as the space ship moved and flew out of the base to enter the warp.

The captain's voice resounded " We are entering the warp..."

Within no time the cowbird  217 arrived besides a forested mountain range.

This was the first time Dror had entered a wrap; he felt a slight disorientation but what was more troubling for him was that as soon as they appeared besides the mountain range.

He heard the captain's voice again 

" prepare to land …"

Then Dror felt like the spaceship just fell down from the air and stopped just before the land.

Dror had the sudden feeling of vomiting but he controlled his warrior essence to relieve this feeling.

The master of the raven who was sitting beside him gave a chuckle after seeing his predicament.

" The stealth capabilities of this spaceship is only subpar, we can't stay in the air for long as the spy satellite might detect an unknown spaceship, so we need to land and use the earth to improve the stealth capability…. Don't worry, captains and pilots of our air force are well trained in this type of landing maneuvers and you will also get used to it after two or three times... "

Dror didn't know what to reply to that and just nodded.

They have landed very close to the recently discovered secret facility and it wasn't long before they were at the entrance to the facility which was hidden away and under tight security, Dror had found that their was another space ship already present very near to  where they had landed, but this space ship was a different class of fighter spaceship.

The soldiers who were keeping a close watch didn't show any sign of change in their expression as Dror's team passed by, Dror knew this was a group of elite by just looking at their unflinching demeanor.

It was not long before he met with his friend Xeander.

Xeander had a beaming smile when he saw Dror, but had a serious expression when he looked at the person beside him. Dror had felt it weird that Xeander had a very serious expression closing to respect and even a little fear, whenever he met with this beautiful lady known as the master of raven, but Dror never got a chance to inquire about this with Xeander.

" I am really glad that both of you are here , please come…"

Xeander led them to a room that was spacious and looked like a guest room.

Before entering the room Lady Raven gave her subordinate a nod and they stayed back.

" How is the situation here…"

Lady Elektra directly asked Xeander without any pleasantries.

"Lady raven , we were able to bring power back to the facility, with the help of the secondary power generator , which is very similar to the ones we have recovered from other ancient facilities as for the primary power generator it will take some time. 

For now we can only maintain the basic function and stability of this facility. If we want to start manufacturing and utilize the other functions, we will need to activate the main power source …  As far as details regarding different departments and equipment's inside the facilities are considered the experts from different field are still working on the details and identifying the different things… that is why I have requested the commander to Summon Dror so that we can improve the speed of reorganizing this entire facility much quicker with his expertise…"

The Lady Elektra nodded as if satisfied with the development and spoke

" I have requested for more experts  from the council, they will arrive here by tomorrow… I think they will also be more helpful to you…. For the time being I will be in charge of everything related to this facility.."

Dror could see a relieved expression on Xeander's face, Dror knew that their was all kind of politics going around in the rebel forces, but this Lady Elektra seems to more of an unbiased person and if she took upon the administration of this place it would be much better than some other high official with some political inclination.

Xeander discussed some more before leading them to take a general tour of the entire facility.

Dror was shocked to see that the entire facility was much larger than he had imagined, he could only take a  long breath and think.

"  If I have to help with making this large facility work, how much time would it take and how much office work would I have to deal with….. Hah I need to think of something…. Hmm .. wait a minute, that is right.."

His gloomy expression disappeared as if he had found a way out of this humongous load of work that was heading towards him.

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