Single Stat System

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: 3v1?

"This thing is quite interesting..." Dante muttered as his hand was raised at chest level. Floating above his palm was something like a bubble. It wasn't surprising that inside of the bubble was the unmoving Blood Servant of Sakim as it appeared that Dante had caught it the moment he arrived there.

"Oh? For you to praise it, it should really be an interesting insect." Simon Charlotte who was also in the area responded as he stared at the Blood Servant trapped inside the bubble. To think that he would fail to detect such an insect even with his current level. He could only agree that this insect was quite interesting.

"It's a good drone..." Dante muttered as a response. He already had his eyes on this red dragonfly even before when he was still on the cliff. He had guessed that it was something owned by the vessel as he used it to watch over the surroundings.josei

Dante was just astonished about the capability of that dragonfly. To think that it could hide its presence even from someone like them who were in the SS-rank level. If not for his passive skill that could help him detect strange creatures, he too might have failed to notice this dragonfly.

So now that he had caught it, and had also removed the ownership of its master onto it, Dante intended to tame and use it for himself. He might as well try how good of a drone was this dragonfly for real.

With that being said, Dante's eyes flickered with a steely glint. His mana gathered in his hand as the bubble floating on his palm glowed a little with white light. After a short moment, he opened his mouth and muttered,

"Soul Possession."

As a Hunter: Beast Tamer, and a young master of one of the top strongest families at that, taming this insect was a piece of cake for him. As a son of the Mohon family, a family with an ability to control soul, his ability to control soul was simply extraordinary.

As such, by putting a portion of his soul into that red dragonfly, Dante had tamed it pretty easily. So knowing that he was successful in taming it, Dante took off the bubble caging it as it burst and disappeared.

"Oh, so that's what it is..." Dante muttered with a slight smile. He didn't expect that this dragonfly was actually made of the blood of the vessel. Who would have thought that besides his Greed Energy, the vessel could also pull up such a feat?

Dante then nodded his head in realization. He raised his hand a little as the dragonfly flew onto the sky. It was surprising to know that this thing could zoom in its sight as it could also communicate with him through feelings. With this as a drone, it wasn't exaggerated to say that he had just gotten another eye. Dante could only smile thinking of the benefits of his new toy.

"It seems like you are happy..." Simon suddenly spoke seeing the always nonchalant Dante smiling like that. It appeared that that dragonfly was really pretty good.

"Anyway, should we go there as well?" Dante replied as he gazed in a direction where Sakim was sent flying.

"That's good. But let's just watch those three first. They would probably fight each other on who could defeat the vessel first. If we join in, then things might only get more annoying." Simon sighed.

Dante nodded his head in agreement as he said, "Alright, let's go there and watch first."

After saying those words, Dante disappeared with a swoosh. Not long after, Simon had also disappeared from where he was standing and then went towards Sakim. They were just hoping that they could already awaken the Greed Energy of the vessel onto the level enough to be an energy core for the Behemoth.


Gasp! Gasp! Gasp!

Sakim was having a hard time breathing after finally managing to stop himself from being pushed away by the strong force caused by the furious punch of Leonard. And even with the Greed Manifestation helping him to block the attack, he still had received significant damage as he even felt his arms had their bones being broken.

So upon coming to a halt after his limbs slid on the ground, Sakim stood up straight while having shortness of breath. As he did so, he retracted his Greed Manifestation. He felt exhausted as if he would lose his mind if he used that thing for a longer time. It appeared that he was still not accustomed to using such an ability.

In any case, Sakim was just thankful that he had many healing items to spare. With that, even after the damage he had received, he could heal himself right away.

So after using enough amount of HP to fill his HP bar, Sakim had calmed down a bit. However, it didn't last for too long as another shocking news greeted him. He had just learned that his connection towards his Blood Servant had been lost. It really was surprising but at the same time, worrying, now that he had lost one of his eyes. He only relied on that Blood Servant to keep an eye on these people and he would have lost it just like that? No matter how hard had he thought about it, it could only spell trouble for him.

"Hmm... You didn't receive any damage?"

Sakim was still thinking about his current predicament when suddenly, a surprised voice sounded right beside him. His heart skipped a beat as his eyes widened in surprise. He slowly shifted his gaze onto his right side and to his horror, just about three meters away from him, he saw a person standing in an imposing manner. Lightning was flickering and crawling on his body as an overwhelming and oppressive aura was exuding out from him. Just when did the other party appear in there anyways?

But then, staring at the other party now more clearly, Sakim finally got to recognize him. To think that this person was actually the one who punched him a little while ago and flung him away pretty far away. He was just astonished that this person, upon seeing him this close, was actually so much stronger compared to him. He felt very small in the presence of the other party as if he was standing before the mighty waves of the ocean.

Without his Greed Energy, Sakim felt that if he fought the other party, he wouldn't stand any chance of winning at all. Just what should he do now? Even if he racked his brain into the hardest, the only thing that Sakim could think of to escape his current situation was to rely on his passive skill: Extreme Greed.

However, it seemed like his passive skill didn't affect the other party. Even if he used his Greed Domain and tried to suppress him with Greed Energy, the other party appeared to be fine. Not only that, when he blocked the other party's attack previously, he tried to steal his HP or anything he could steal from him. However, he still failed to do so as he was instead sent flying. To think that his passive skill: Extreme Greed had also had such limitations. Just how could he deal with such a monster anyway?

Sakim then narrowed his eyes, but to his another shock, he felt the presence of someone else standing behind him. There was also someone on his left side. But what was terrifying was that their presence didn't pale in comparison to the person on the right side that he was staring at. Just how could this be... To think that upon losing his Blood Servant, his detection capability would deteriorate up to this point. Was he really going to deal with this kind of people? Even dealing with one of them seemed to be impossible for him. And now, he needed to deal with the three of them at the same time? Although he didn't feel any fear, the frustrations he felt right now were just too overwhelming.

"Or perhaps, you have healing items to spare and healed yourself right after receiving the damage dealt by his attack?" Jino who was on the left side opened his mouth and made a guess. But his guess was on point as Sakim had really used healing items to survive the punch of Leonard.

"Nah, I think he didn't receive any damage from Leonard because it was too weak." Keith who was standing behind Sakim had also made a guess. But it appeared that it was more of an insult.

"Oh? My attack is weak? Why don't you try it out?" After hearing the remark of Keith, Leonard had immediately retorted and glared at him fiercely. The overwhelming mana within him became violent as it caused a terrifying and suppressive aura. This bastard dared to challenge him again? He must be dreaming if he thought that he could win this time.

Keith, on the other hand, didn't want to lose as he too had released a suppressive aura. He glared at Leonard fiercely as he forced a smile. "Do you think I am afraid of you? You only won before because you've got lucky."

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