Single Stat System

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: Taking Turns

A chance!

Seeing that the other party was fighting each other, Sakim didn't waste any time as he disappeared from where he was standing. He tried to flee from them and think of whatever he could do to separate them.

Because he knew well that if he fought those three by himself, he wouldn't stand a chance of winning at all. He was thinking that perhaps, if it was just 1v1, then he might win and overcome his current predicament. So using the speed of sound as the means of escape, Sakim fled in a hurry.

However, when Sakim thought that he had already made some distance, a figure appeared right beside him taking him by surprise. Sakim widened his eyes when he shifted his gaze at that figure. He could tell that it was one of the three people who surrounded him a while ago. Perhaps, the one behind him.

The person who caught up to him had a wide grin forming on his lips. But what was scary was that his fist was tightly closed as he was ready to throw a punch at him at any moment.

So feeling the incoming danger, Sakim had immediately used his Greed Manifestation and covered his entire body. And soon after that, a loud boom echoed accompanied by strong shockwaves as it appeared that the other party had finally given him a punch.

But even after shielding his face with his right arm, Sakim was still sent flying and rolled on the ground for quite far away. Just like before, he had received significant damage as he found it hard to halt his fling.

"Did you see that? That's how will you give a punch." Keith said with a satisfied smile. He followed his gaze at Sakim as he added afterward, "Look at him, he can't stop rolling."

Leonard, who didn't move a single step and was standing still from a distance, had heard Keith and replied, "Don't make me laugh, your punch is obviously weaker than mine. I bet that your punch didn't deal any damage to him as well."

Right after saying that, Sakim on the other hand, came to a halt after sliding his feet for a good while. So knowing that the other party wouldn't let him escape, Sakim waved his hand as countless skills appeared in the midair and surrounded him. Those were the skills he had stolen from the many players previously.

If the other party wouldn't let him escape, then he would just force his way out. Sakim was just hoping that even if these skills wouldn't bring any damage to the other party, it should at least serve as a distraction.

"Look at that! He even cast many skills at the same time because he's actually more than fine after your useless attack." Leonard remarked with a wide smile. His tone of voice was obviously mocking Keith. But of course, he knew as well that those skills weren't really cast by Sakim but were only stolen by him from the many players a while ago.

"Heh! We both know that those skills weren't really his'." Keith replied with a wry smile as it appeared that he was not provoked by Leonard. But then, seeing the many skills unleashed by Sakim, he felt rather excited. A wide smile couldn't help forming on his lips as if mocking the puny retaliation of the other party.

However, before he could make any more moves, he saw Jino rushing in Sakim's direction. With a wide smile, he said, "It's now my turn!"

Keith then frowned. And the same went for Leonard. But what else could they do? Since the three of them didn't want to let go of the vessel as they wanted to fight him already, the three of them came into an agreement. They had decided that each of them would take turns when attacking the vessel because they felt that it was a bit too overkill if the three of them attacked at the same time. That being said, Leonard and Keith could only watch Jino helplessly seeing the ongoing excitement.josei

So as Jino was getting closer, fire with extreme heat appeared and coated his right hand. The surrounding area couldn't stand the extreme heat as it burned in a fire. So with a wide smile revealing his canine teeth, Jino swung his right hand. Five claws made of fire formed huge and long horizontal cuts in the midair as five fire blades came towards Sakim threatening to cause destruction at any moment.

"Claws Of The Dragonfire!"

What the h... Sakim's heart skipped a beat witnessing such a horrifying sight. The extremely hot temperature in the surroundings made him drenched in sweats. However, he didn't even notice it as all of his attention was stolen by the huge fire blades coming at him.

So knowing that his life might be put in danger if he didn't do anything, Sakim raised his hand forward with his eyes flashing with a cold glint.

"Steal!" Sakim couldn't help saying. But what the hell? Was this for real?

Sakim had just found out that these fire blades were couldn't be stolen by him. It would really be good if he could steal it and use it for himself but to think that it wasn't possible as it appeared that there was some kind of force preventing him to do so. It really was just a pity that something as precious as this was couldn't be kept by him.

"Go!" Sakim commanded authoritatively. Since his attempt to steal the incoming attack had failed, he should just use the many skills surrounding him to block it. With these numbers, even if the other party's skill was far stronger than any of the skills he had stolen, Sakim thought that it would be enough to block and survive that furious fire blades.


The many skills surrounding him then rushed to greet the incoming fire blades. Be it the balls or pillars of elemental skills or the huge weapons formed by skills, they all rushed at the fire blades. Even with a glance, anyone could tell that it would form a giant explosion once the two sides collided against each other.


And just like what was to be expected, the moment the five fire blades collided against the many skills unleashed by Sakim, it immediately caused a huge and terrifying explosion. A loud boom then resounded in the area reaching even from the far away distance. Accompanied by it were mighty shockwaves pushing away everything on their path. Just a few moments later, a mushroom of black smoke was then formed reaching even into the sky. Furthermore, the ground kept burning with fire adding more and more black smoke to cover the sky.

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