Small upgrade system

Chapter 209 209 - Asking Questions

Chapter 209 209 - Asking Questions

Those humanoid ghosts didn't even get the chance to react. They also weren't even able to spot the enemy that was attacking them. Sam was at this time very close to them and because of this, the speed of the fireballs was high. Also, because he was using the concealment technique, those ghosts were unable to spot him and because of this, they were unable to dodge the attack.

After killing all those humanoid ghosts, Sam did not relax and focused on those 18 zombies. Those skeletons were very far away from him, so he decided to kill those zombies before killing them. He quickly once again brought out his slayer, then went toward those zombies. One after another, he quickly killed all of those zombies. While he was killing the Zombies, those skeletons were very confused because they were unable to find the enemy who was killing those zombies, but they still shot arrows at those zombies. Well, not that exactly toward the Zombies, but ahead of those Zombies. As you know, when a monster reaches D-grade, his intelligence increases. Because of this increased intelligence, they thought that someone was attacking those zombies from ahead of the Zombies, and because of this, they shot arrows in that direction.

But those skeletons were wrong because Sam was beside the Zombies while he was killing them. Killing those Zombies only takes him 5 minutes. Some zombies try to escape using their ground technique, but Sam did not give them the chance to escape.

After everything, they quickly approached those skeletons who kept shooting their arrows, but none of them went toward Sam. While approaching those skeletons, he also brings out an energy recovery potion. He gulped down and focused on those skeletons. Compared to the Zombies and humanoid Ghosts, these skeletons are agile, but they still did not move as fast as Sam. Sam also uses his full speed to attack those skeletons. Well, he was thinking that if he delayed any longer, many monsters could come in this direction. Because of this, he wanted to finish this fight as quickly as he could.


While Sam was approaching the skeletons, Rafik and many of his teammates were now conscious. They were still injured, but they became conscious when Sasha and her teammates heal them. Shasha, after recovering her spiritual energy, decided to heal those light element users first so that when they become conscious, they could also heal the others. In their team, they have 12 light element users, including Sasha. Because of this, she decided to heal them first.

Sometime later, many of those Warriors became conscious. Well, previously Sasha already used her power to stop them from bleeding, and because of this, they didn't bleed right now. But still, they were very weak right now because of the injuries. All of them quickly brought out their health potion and gulped down. This will heal their body.

When all those Warriors became conscious, they finally noticed that firewall that was surrounding them from every direction. At this time Benny, who also was conscious, went toward Rafik, to ask him about the firewall.

"Leader, what happened? Why is there a firewall surrounding us from every direction? Leader, did you cast this firewall that protects us from those monsters?" He asks Rafik about the firewall.

" Haha… do you think I can change the color of my fire to blue? I still did not reach that level. If I could cast this type of firewall, then why did I not use that to protect ourselves from those monsters? This firewall was cast by another warrior who came here to save us. I am still not sure if he belongs to the warrior association or not, but one thing was clear: he came here to save us. Just to feel the power of this firewall, I just recently learned to cast the firewall, but still, my firewall wasn't that strong enough to defend itself from those attacks. Because of this, I did not cast the firewall." Rafik explained all of this to him and his other teammate.

"Try to recover your energy as quickly as you can because that or your was fighting those monsters on his own. We need to help save you, so focus on recovering your energy," he also told them.

After that, it took them some time to recover their health and energy. Well, they did not completely recover their health or energy. But still, they have the condition to fight. Also, all of them completely became conscious. Even though many of them still did not have the condition to fight, they were still ready to fight with those monsters. But when they were ready to use the hole, suddenly the firewall started to disappear. Well, previously they tried to destroy the firewall but after seeing that it wasn't working, they decided to use the hole that was made by those Zombies when they came inside of the firewall.

"Prepare everyone. It looks like our savior was in danger. We need to help him," Rafik quickly told everyone when he was ready to attack anytime. All those Warriors hearing his word are also ready. All of them started to cast their spells. It took some time for that firewall to disappear completely. Rafik and her teammates were finally able to see what was happening outside of those firewalls.


At this time, Rafik and all his teammates have shocking expressions. When previously that firewall disappeared, they finally noticed that they could not find any monsters. Instantly it made them very confused because they never thought that one warrior could kill all these monsters at the same time. Rafik and his teammate quickly searched everywhere around that place but still did not find any trace of those monsters and also their savior. Because of this, they are very confused.


Well, at this time Sam was busy collecting those loot. He also used the concealment technique, and because of this, those warriors weren't able to find him. This takes him some time to collect all that loot. Only when he finished collecting those loot did he notice all those Warriors. Well, after killing those skeletons, he already deactivated the firewall because to maintain the firewall he needed to use his spiritual energy. Also, because the firewall was made of blue flame, it needed 30% energy to maintain the firewall this long. Also, because of this, he quickly finished all those monsters so that he did not have to maintain the firewall that long.

Sam, at this time, quickly went toward those Warriors because he wanted to know about the statue that they were talking about. He was very curious to know what statue they were talking about. So he quickly deactivated his concealment techniques and then went towards those warriors.


At this time, those Warriors who were busy looking around suddenly got shocked because out of nowhere, a person suddenly appeared. Well, that person still has some distance from them, but they already looked and searched in the direction previously and they did not find anything there, but how the hell now a person suddenly appeared there? For a moment, all of them instantly became alert and they were ready to attack that person, but at this time Rafik and Sasha quickly told them to stop. They already recognize that warrior. He was the one who had previously helped them.josei

"Don't need to alert everyone. He is our savior," Rafik quickly told them. Only then do all those Warriors relax.

They also start walking toward Sam while Sam was coming too much to them. Sometime later, Sam was in front of them while Rafik came toward him and extended his hand for a handshake.

"Thank you very much. If you weren't here, we would be dead. Thank you very much." He said to Sam.

Sam also extended his hand and both of them shook hands.

" No problem," he said to him in a rough voice.

Only then do those who still did not fully recover quickly sit down on the ground. Right now, they need to focus on recovering their energy. It was fortunate that those light-element Warriors weren't that seriously injured. Because of them, those Warriors quickly recover. Previously, many Warriors were also poisoned by the Zombies, but because of the holy ray, they were able to detoxify the poison. Well, if you imagine that those Warriors will be turned into zombies if they get bitten by the Zombies, then you were wrong. Those zombies have poison in their mouths. When they bite you, that poison will enter your body, and then quickly your blood will become solid and it won't be that long before you will die. Fortunately, those health potions are also able to detoxify the poison effect.

"I have a very important question to ask you. Can you tell me the reason why the hell all those monsters were ready to kill you guys on any coast? I know that all the monsters present in the Dungeon really wanted to kill the humans, but still, those monsters were very aggressive toward your group. So I am very curious to know about the reason. I never saw something like this." Sam did not waste any more time and directly asked Rafik this question.

_______To be continued__________

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