Small upgrade system

Chapter 210 210 - Home

Chapter 210 210 - Home

5 days before the annual inter-college competition,

Sam left the dungeon. Well, previously his teacher Alena told him to come back before the exam, so it won't be a problem for him. After coming out from the Dungeon Sam first went toward the restaurant to eat something good. Well, not that the food was finished that he brought previously in his inventory, but still he wanted to try something different after coming out from the Dungeon. You can say that it became his habit to eat in a restaurant.

After finishing eating, he left the restaurant and went to his car. He was going toward the parking area when suddenly he noticed some people that were coming from the dungeon. He notices Pijus and Lila. Pijus was from the royal School while Lila was from the base Scholl. She is also Elena's classmate and friend. But he cannot see Gustav here. Probably didn't go with them to the dungeon. Lila and Pijus weren't alone with them; he saw 6 other people. Most likely, those are their teammates. Well, but still it didn't matter to him, so he turned around and once again went to the parking area. As you know, Sam only has no Pijus because he is also from the Royal School and Jeni knows him. On the other hand, he knows Lila because she was a friend of Elena and she is from Base school.

Sam ignored them and went toward the parking area; he was unaware of the fact that Pijus had already noticed him previously. When Sam looks toward them, Pijus notices him. But when he saw that the person just turned his head and went to the parking area he also lost interest. But at this time he doesn't know why but he has a feeling that he knows this person but he cannot just remember where. But then his friends started to talk to him so he completely forgot about that person.

Sam, who was now in the parking area, went toward his car. Before coming to the parking area, he already wears a mask. Because previously when he parked the car in the parking area, he did not wear a mask at that time. So he unequips the mask.


He finally started his journey toward his home. It will probably take him two hours to reach his home. While going toward his house, he was thinking about something. Well, he was thinking about the statue that those Warriors told him about. Someday ago when he saved those Warriors and then asked them about the reason for the aggressiveness of the monsters, they told him about the statue and the reason.


"Those dark association Warriors made this statue. They can make those statues in various shapes. Well, most people knew nothing about this statue but we already saw that statue earlier and then we learned about the statue from the warrior. So this time when we entered the Dungeon we went directly toward that statue. Well, before telling you why I want to tell you the details of this statue. As I told you earlier, this statue can be in various shapes. But all of them have the same function. Those dark association Warriors made statues like this to college negative spiritual energy from the spiritual dungeon, or you can say ghosts dungeon."

"This type of statue is called the dark statue because those dark association Warriors made them. Those statues mainly collect negative spiritual energy. Also, because of this, those monsters were attracted to this type of statue. Because when they get near this type of statue they can absorb negative energy quickly compared to the normal situation. And as you know that absorbing the negative energy could break through into the next grade. Because of this, this type of statue was the favorite of those spiritual monsters, or you can say those ghosts."

" The dark association Warriors also place this type of statue in the spiritual or ghost Dungeon to collect the negative spiritual energy. Most likely they can also absorb the negative spiritual energy, but they won't be able to openly collect the spiritual energy from the Dungeon that easily without altering the warrior association. Because of this, those dark association Warriors like to place this type of statue in the spiritual dungeon or ghost dungeon."

" So previously my friend and I searched about this statue and we were surprised after reading the description of the statue. We were surprised and then without that, we could bring that statue outside of the Dungeon. If we could give that statue to the Warrior association or college association. With this, we can get many resources. Because of this, we wanted to take that statue but who would ever think that just touching that statue, will crack it? Benny was the one who approached the statue to put the statue in the storage ring, but just when his hand touched that statue that cracked. Well, from then you can say that those monsters started to chase us. To those monsters, we steal an elixir from them because these monsters became aggressive to kill us, so they could just take that statue back, or you can say the elixir." Rafik told him all of this.

After hearing all of this Sam became shocked for some time because he never heard about this. Who would ever think that those dark association Warriors needed negative spiritual energy?


__________Flashback end_______

Sam thought about that but he will only get to know about that when he will search for it in the warrior network. But before that, he needed to reach his home.

[2 hours later]

Sam finally came back to his house. His mom and dad weren't in the house because they were in the dungeon. He already gets their message on his phone. Also, his sister Gloria didn't come back from her Dungeon adventure. Most probably she will come back before this inter College examination.

Fortunately, Sam doesn't need to eat right now. He directly went toward his room and went to the bathroom. After freshening up, he lay down in his bed. Only then does he open his mobile and then open the warrior network. Where can we search for that statue?

After searching for some time, he finally found that statue. This statue was called the dark statue. Statue was made of a material that collected negative spiritual energy from the air. The material's name you won't be able to find here. Most likely, they only found this material in a high-grade dungeon. And the warrior association also did not want to share this type of material that could harm anybody. So those dark association Warriors made this type of statue.

The warrior association still doesn't know the reason behind making these types of statues, but they are guessing that those dark association Warriors are using some method to absorb the negative spiritual energy. Even though they try to stop those that association Warriors, the warrior association won't be able to always present in the dungeon, and because of this, you can find this type of statue in the ghost Dungeon or spiritual dungeon.

Also, because this type of statue absorbs negative spiritual energy, the monster who also absorbed the negative spiritual energy likes to stay near this type of statue.


Sam sighs and puts down his mobile phone. He finally found out about the statue and its details, but this was just getting complicated. Who knows why those dark association Warriors wanted to collect negative spiritual energy?

Sam always likes to avoid complicated things, but it looks like he won't be able to avoid those complicated things. He always somehow gets involved in this type of complicated thing. He just hopes that he doesn't get in this case.


The next day, 21 November,

Sam gets up from the training ground. As always, I woke up early and then started absorbing the crystals. As you know, after coming back from the Dungeon he always rests for one day and because of this today he wouldn't train or fight with his robot. After getting up from the ground, he did some light exercise and then left the training ground.

Right now, he was going to the kitchen to make something for his breakfast. But when he went to the kitchen, suddenly the doorbell rang. So Sam went to the door to see who it was at this time. Right now, the time is only 7:00 a.m. so he was curious to know who it was.

When he opened the door, he saw that it was his sister and teacher. Both of them were still wearing their armor, so most likely they came back from the dungeon. Both of them enter the house when Sam says good morning to them. After that, he went to the kitchen to make breakfast for himself, his teacher, and his sister.

It took him some time to make the breakfast and after that; he called them into the dining room. While he was cooking, Gloria and Alena were already freshened up. So after hearing Sam's call, both of them went toward the dining room.

________To be continued________

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