Small upgrade system

Chapter 211 211 - Trap

Chapter 211 211 - Trap

Finishing their breakfast, Sam went back to his room. Gloria also went back to her room while Alena left the house. She was going back to her house. Previously, she was here to see if he came back from the dungeon or not.

This time came back to his room and sat down in the chair. He was thinking about the previous incident. Well, some time ago, when Alena was here, he informed her about the statue and the incident that happened in the Dungeon. Hearing the incident, Alena became surprised. She then told him that this was most likely done by some low-grade Warrior. Because those high-grade dark association Warriors like to place this type of statue in the high-grade Dungeon. But she was surprised because who could have expected that someone put the dark statue in Venus city's dungeon? Because the white tiger college was in that city like the central city, the security in Venus City was also very good. Because of this, she gets surprised when she hears that.


Name: Sam Kainer

Health: (880/880)

Strength: 90

Agility: 85

Physique: 80

Intelligent(mental power): 79

Spirit: 53

Grade: (D) (early)

Potential: Rare

​ Upgrade point: 400k "

Sam looks at his status. His strength already reached the limit. So he only needed to increase his other status, then he could try to break through. You also quickly use 200k upgrade points to upgrade his Ballor boxing and spirit eye techniques. For now, you will save that 200k upgrade point.

After that, he closed his system window. Right now he was very happy because, as you can see, he already got the limit breaker. After killing that many monsters, he gets a limit breaker. This time, he got a technique from that dungeon.

" Poison Hand ( D-grade)

[Using this technique, you can turn your hand into a poisoned hand that could poison anyone. Only those people who have high poison resistance won't be affected by this.] "

Well, it wasn't that bad of a technique. Most likely he got this technique from the Zombies. Well, it could be better if he gets any technique that helps him fly in the sky, but what can he say? Now he was thinking about what he should do. Should he learn this technique or not? As you know, he already has many techniques so he was not sure what he should do.

[A/N: Should he learn this technique?]

Well, he decided to put this technique inside of the inventory, he can decide later if he should learn this technique or not. Right now, he was thinking about what we should do right now. Well, he doesn't need to go to the academy today. He also knows that he needs to rest. Because of this, he was feeling bored and didn't know what to do. Well, after not knowing what to do, he just opened the warrior network and searched for the previous year's annual college competition. Today he doesn't have anything to do so he can watch the previous year's college competition. As you know, he did not come to the annual college competition to see his sister's fight the previous year.


When Sam was busy looking at the previous year's college competition, Alena was at her house. Also at this time, she already informed the warrior association about the previous incident. Because she wasn't sure if those students who were with Sam in that dungeon informed the warrior association or not. So she informed the warrior association.

Well, when she was in the warrior association about that, she got to know that those students already informed them because when they came out of the Dungeon they were very weak and injured. At this time, warriors from the warrior association helped them and that time those students informed them about this incident.

"So did you send some warrior into the Dungeon or not?" Alena asked Maria. Maria was the one who picked up the phone, or you can say Alena directly called Maria to inform her.

"Don't worry about that. I already sent some warriors who will stay outside of the Dungeon and some more years who will go inside of the Dungeon. We already got to know the place of that statue, so those warriors will stay near that place." Maria informs her.

" Good. I also think that those dark association warriors will come to that place to collect their statues. Also, I wish you not to publish this news because if those who were here from the dark association get to know this news they won't go to that dungeon." Alena said to her.

" Don't worry about that. Fortunately, me and 3 of my colleagues were present at that time when those students told us about the incident. I have complete trust in my colleague that they will never publish this news. I also told those students not to tell anyone about this until we did not catch those dark associations of Warriors." Maria told her.


At this time, a group of 5 warriors going toward the ghost Dungeon in Venus City. Well, as you can guess that they were the warriors from the dark association that place the statue in this dungeon. But because those Warriors and those students did not publish that news about the statue, this dark association's warriors were completely unaware of the fact that the statue was completely gone.

They were going toward the Dungeon but suddenly one warrior ask their leader,

"Boss, is it just me, or do you also feel that the security in this dungeon has increased? " He asked his leader.

" Hmmm… I also notice that, but that doesn't affect us. Be sure not to make any suspicious moves. Just act like normal Warriors who came to the dungeon to hunt monsters." The leader said to his team. All four of his teammates nodded after hearing him. With that, they were going toward the entrance of the Dungeon.

But at this time they were completely unaware of the fact that the Warriors from the Warrior association were observing all the Warriors that were coming toward the Dungeon very carefully. Also, 10 Warriors are already in that place where the Warriors from the dark association put the statue. All of them were hiding and waiting for the warriors from the dark association.


It is now 5:10 p.m.,

Sam already finished watching the video of the previous year's annual college competition. Well, not that he watches all the matches, but he only watches his sister and some other interesting matches. But even that takes him a lot of time.

He was now going for an evening walk. Because it was November, you can already see the moon in the sky. Still, Sam went outside of his house and began to walk around his colony. With this, you wanted to pass the time. Today, he did not completely absorb all the spirit crystals. There were still 3 crystals left to absorb.

[A/N: Haha.]


Next day,

Suddenly, a punch was coming toward Sam's face, but he quickly responded and dodge the attack. He also wasn't slow because he also, at this time, quickly punched the robot. But the robot easily avoided his punch and jumped backward. But suddenly, at this time, a robot came behind Sam and attacked him.

Sam already senses that robot. So he quickly responded and tried to defend himself from the attack, but still, the speed of the robot was greater than him and because of this, he got hit by the punch. Well, he previously set the limit of those robots' power to peak D-grade. Because of this, the speed and the power of the robot were greater than his. When he said those robots had the power to intermediate D-grade, that doesn't give him that much pressure and because of this, he decided to increase the power. Right now, as he expected, the power of the robot already increased very much and it was very hard for him to defend himself.

Well, even though he can fight with the intermediate D-grade robots, it was completely different when he set the limit of those robots to peak D-grade. This was giving him a hard time, but this kind of pressure Sam really wanted.

Sometime later, Sam finishes his fight. He quickly brought out a health potion and gulped it down. He was badly beaten by those two robots. Because of this, he quickly gulped down the health potion to heal all those injuries.

Sam looked at the time. It was 10:00 a.m. well, at first easily remembered that he needed to go to the college but then he remembered that because of the inter-annual college competition they didn't need to go to the college right now. Their teachers already informed them that they could stay in the house to practice for the inter-college competition. So every student was busy practicing for the internal college competition.josei

'Haha,' Sam smiled after remembering that he didn't need to go to the college and left the training room. Right now he was hungry and wanted to eat something, so he was going toward the kitchen. Yesterday he had already prepared a lot of food for him. Because like him, his sister was also busy practicing, both of them didn't have time to cook.

_____To be continued______

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