Small upgrade system

Chapter 351 351 - Finishing The Fight In Just 2 Minutes

Chapter 351 351 - Finishing The Fight In Just 2 Minutes

Kira instantly sent her opponent backward. Har opponent unable to maintain his balance and send backward in front of that impact created by their clashes. She did not let go of this chance and instantly approached her opponent. Her opponent wasn't able to regain his balance when she attacked him once again. This time her opponent was unable to block her attack and her sword hit her chest. Instantly you can see the crack appear on the armor of her opponent. Not only that, because of the impact her opponent already became unconscious.

With that she also won the fight and came down from the battle ring. At this time you can say that many people were present in the stadium cheering for her and Saara. Because of the previous annual college competition all of them became famous, because of this naturally people supporting them.


1 hour later,

Finally it was time for Dan to fight. Both he and his opponent already came to the battle ring and both of them were already using their spirit technique. They are ready to attack anytime and just waiting for the signal.

The moment they got the signal both of them started to release Sword slashes toward each other. Because of this, you can see many impacts were created by the clash of those sword slashes. While releasing their sword slashes, both of them also get closer to each other and sometime later finally they come in front of each other and attack.

Once again a huge impact was created and both of them sent backward because of the impact. But both of them quickly stabilize themselves and then once again approach each other.

So, Like this both of them are fighting but you can see clearly that in this fight Dan has The upper Hand compared to his opponent. It wasn't that his opponent was weak but compared to him his opponent wasn't that strong. It takes almost 25 minutes for Dan to defeat his opponent. At this time, the medical team already came to the battle ring to check the condition of his opponent. Not only that, the referee also came to the battle ring and announced him as the winner of this fight. Once again many people started to clap and cheer for him. You can say that every one of them has their fans.


Sam, Tony and the girls were going toward the cafeteria because it was lunchtime so for 1 hour the match will be stopped. At that time everyone could eat their lunch and after 1 hour later the match would once again start. Dan, Saara, and Kira were resting, while Kenny and Tina were busy preparing for their match and because of this, they did not come with them.

Naturally before eating anything outside they were very careful. Well on the other hand this cafeteria is specially made for the students who will be participating in the battle. Around these cafeterias you can see a number of Warriors guarding that place not only outside but you can find Warriors inside of this cafeteria. Actually the Warrior association wanted to prevent the previous incident from happening. Because of this they increase the security around the cafeteria. But even with that it was natural for Sam and the others to become careful while eating food outside.

But fortunately a few days ago Sam bought a technique that will help him identify if there was poison or any other thing in his food or not. With that he has the confidence and because of this he also decided to go to the cafeteria to eat food.

Tony and the girls were talking to each other while Sam was busy in his own thoughts. Actually he was observing his surroundings while going toward the cafeteria. He still did not forget his main Motive that was to find the culprit who had previously poisoned him. At any cost he wanted to find that person and punish him. Don't know why but his instincts were telling him that that culprit will also present in this competition and because of this he was carefully observing the people around him. All this time he used his spiritual vision to observe all those people but until now he did not find anything suspicious about those people and because of this he was quite disappointed.

"Sam!!! What are you thinking about?" Suddenly the same came back to his senses after hearing Jeni's voice. Only then did he realize that they were already in front of the cafeteria. He just smiled toward her. After that all of them enter the cafeteria. The moment they enter the cafeteria they can see the entire cafeteria was full of people. They did not even have any empty space, fortunately they could also go upward. So they went to the next floor and fortunately they found an empty spot and sat down.


"Sigh, I am really very excited about this match. Don't know when it will be my time to fight, sigh." Tony said that while sighing. After hearing his complaint Sam and the others begin to laugh. All of them know that he was a battle maniac and he just can't wait to fight.

"Well even though I was curious and excited about the match, I am not a battle maniac like you." Suddenly at this time Jeni mocked Tony. Once again everyone began to laugh.josei

"But still guys after looking at the number I can tell that for today we won't be able to fight. Most likely we will only be able to fight tomorrow." Alexa said that. After hearing her Sam and the others also nodded. They also agree with him because it wasn't like the annual college competition where you only have some students who participate in the fight. In this annual college grade competition, any student could participate. Because of this, it takes this much time.

"But guys, what do you think about those students from the white Tiger Academy, Golden Dawn and Falcon academy? Compared to those other colleges these three colleges have powerful students. Most likely we need to be careful around those students so that they cannot take advantage," Elena said. After hearing that, everyone also agrees with her. Because they also think that only these three colleges will give them the challenge.

"Haha… most likely Alexa will be challenged by many students. Haha… even I will also challenge her." Suddenly at this time Tony said that while laughing. Alexa was the winner of the previous match and because of this she has the advantage of the points. So it was natural that many people were already planning to Challenger so that they could take the points from her.

"Hmm… don't expect me to lower my strength because it was you." Suddenly at this time Alexa said that. After hearing that you can say that everyone also smiles because they also did not expect or want her to lower her strength because of them. They also wanted to Challenge her and fight her with their full power.


1 hour later,

Finally once again everyone came back to the stadium because the match will start once again. If you look at the time then you will see that it was 3:00 p.m. the match started from 10:00 a.m. and most likely it will finish around 10:00 p.m. the organizer team already decided that after the first battle of every Grade, there will be some change in their plan. But before announcing that plan they need to wait for the first match of every Grade student to finish.

Come back to the battlefield you can see that Kenny and Tina also enter the battlefield. The moment both of them enter the battlefield you can see that many people started to cheer for them and also clap for them. Both of them went their separate ways.

Kenny and Tina already enter the battle ring and opposite to them you can see their opponents also present there. Both of them did not say anything and also already activated the spirit technique. They were ready to attack anytime.

The moment Kenny got the signal from the referee instantly she created a confused ray and shot that word at her opponent. That instantly confused her opponent and she took that chance to come in front of her opponent and begin to attack her continuously. She did not give any chance to her opponent to fight back.

1 minute later her opponent finally came back to her senses but you can see that she already became seriously injured. Kenny's opponent was a spiritual warrior and because of this, she did not want to give any chance. She already once again came in front of her warrior and attacked her once again. Finally in front of those powerful attacks are opponents unable to maintain her consciousness.

At this time the medical team already came to the battle ring and quickly began to heal her. On the other hand the referee also came to the battle ring, after that he announced her as the winner of this match. You can say that you can most probably be the fastest one to finish her fight. All those audience, when saw that she finished the fight in just 2 minutes and began to loudly cheer for her.

_______To be continued_______

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