Small upgrade system

Chapter 352 352 - Mysterious Pills

Chapter 352 352 - Mysterious Pills

Tina on the other hand did not finish her fight that quickly because she didn't learn the light control technique. But on the other hand she can use her spirit technique while using her movement technique. With that she gets an additional speed.

Tina is also ready to attack her opponent the moment she enters the battle ring. The moment she gets the signal from the referee, she uses her full speed and attacks her opponent from every direction. It was like 4 to 5 Tina attacking her opponent at the same time from every direction. Well because of her high speed you are almost unable to see her.

Her opponent was also ready to attack her but he did not get that chance. He can also use the spirit technique and he was ready to use that to attack her but in front of her speech, he was unable to do anything. Right now in front of those continuous attacks from every direction he can only try to defend himself. Even with that you can see that his armor has already begun to crack and he was also receiving injuries because of those continuous attacks.

5 minutes later Tina finally stopped while maintaining the distance between her and her opponent. Well, using the spirit technique while using his movement technique really puts a lot of stress on her body and because of this he can only maintain this for 5 minutes. But even with that you can see her opponent was badly injured. But most likely he was waiting for this chance and because when he suddenly noticed that Tina stopped attacking her he tried to locate her and when he saw her, he did not waste anymore time and instantly began to release sword slashes toward her. Even though it was very hard in his condition to release those attacks, he still wanted to fight back.

On the other hand Tina was recovering her stamina and spiritual energy but she already expected her opponent to attack her and she also prepared for that. Even though right now she won't be able to use speed technique, that does not mean you won't be able to dodge those attacks. Instantly using her full strength, she jumped away from that place.

Unfortunately nobody could use potion at this time, or the situation could be different. She can see that because of the blood loss the situation of her opponent begins to worsen. She just needs to give a final blow to her opponent and she will win this match. She already recovered some of her stamina and spiritual energy, so she decided to use that. Once again she instantly appears in front of her opponent and gives him the final attack that sends him outside of the battle ring.

The medical team already came toward her opponent while the referee went to the battle ring and announced her as the winner of this match. Once again those people who support her begin to cheer for her. Right now she was very low on her stamina and spiritual energy but she wasn't showing that. She was smiling toward those in the audience while leaving the battle ring. Fortunately, Kenny was present there to support her.

In those audiences you can see Tony and the others also cheering for her. With that all of their friends ready to qualify for the next battle. Sam at this time is also happy for his friends but at this time she is still focusing on the battlefield. Because right now in the battlefield you can see Aliya was fighting. Well in these few months not only Tony and the others but she also improved very much. Before she went to the battle ring Sam already said good luck to her. Right now he can see that she has improved very much in these few months and most likely she could give her friends a tough fight.

Sometime later,

Finally Aliya won against her opponent and at this time, same decided to leave the training room. Well most likely today they won't be able to fight and because of this he wanted to go back to his hotel. All this time they were training and fighting with their robots. They only stop fighting when it is time for their friends to fight and because of this all of them are quite tired.


"Guys, most likely something happened to the first year's white tiger team. I already noticed Pijush and the others but I did not notice Gustav all this time. Do you think something happened to him? " Jeni asked when they were going back to their hotel. Well, they almost already meet the familiar people that they previously met in the annual college competition, but the only person they still did not see was Gustav. Because of this it was really strange.

"Most likely he was still busy with his training. But if he becomes my opponent then I will really show him the difference between us. He really makes me very angry," Tony said while maintaining a serious face. Actually not only him but the others were also very angry at him because of his previous behavior.

"Just forget about him. Most likely he will be fighting in a different stadium and because of this we did not see him. As you can see, only some students from the White Tiger Academy were present in the stadium and most likely they were fighting in a different stadium." Alexa said that. As you know the warrior association was helding the match in every stadium present in the Venus city, and it was really possible that they were fighting in a different stadium. After hearing her words, all of them nodded. Right now they should forget about him and those other unnecessary things and they should only focus on their next match. Nobody knows which type of opponent they will face in their next match. The opponent could be very powerful or very weak. Still they will maintain their seriousness in every fight.josei


Right now in the training room of The White Tiger Academy you can see a person was practicing. He is Gustav. He was practicing for tomorrow's match and you can see that he also improved very much in these few months. But the most surprising thing was that he was eating something that instantly made him very powerful and after that to release that Power he practiced very hard. Nobody knew about this, he did not tell anyone about this. While you are taking that feeling you can see that he is almost going into a berserker mode, where it was very difficult to surpass the anger. Nobody knows about those pills or even he did not tell anyone about them. But right now if someone observes those pills with their spiritual vision then they will notice the dark energy that was present in those pills.

So like this he was practicing in his training room and he also prevented those other Warriors from entering his training room. Tomorrow most probably from 10:00 a.m. the match will start and before that he wanted to prepare himself.

How did he get those pills? Nobody knows the answer, but one thing was for sure that definitely those pills have some kind of connection with the dark association. Because only the dark association uses the dark spiritual energy to increase their power. So it is quite possible that he also has some kind of connection with the dark association.


Next day,

Already you can see that the people were going toward the stadium with excitement. Once again today they will see interesting matches. Also today will be the match between intermediate D-grade warriors, because of this, those people are excited. Almost every first year's main member of the three kings and even the Dark horse will be present in this match and because of this, it was making them very excited. You can say that even the Saints were very interested about today's match because children from their family will be participating in this match.

Sam, Alexa, Tony, Jeni and Elena, already started to go toward the stadium. When they will go to the stadium the referee will shuffle their name and only then will they see the name of their opponent. But one thing was that Sam and the others were probably fighting students from the other colleges. Because even though the referee will be shuffling their name, the chances are very low where they will fight against students from their college.

So one by one everyone already came to the battlefield and the referee already started to shuffle their names. It only takes 1 minute and they are already able to see the name of their opponent. Just looking at the name some of them became excited while some of them became scared. Because right now some of them will face strong opponents while some of them will face weak opponents. But you can say that Sam and his friends did not celebrate after seeing the name. They will never underestimate their opponents.

______________To be continued__________

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