Small upgrade system

Chapter 91 91- Making Everyone Speechless

Chapter 91 91- Making Everyone Speechless


Sam activates his concealment technique and in front of Jeni's eyes, he becomes invisible. It was like he merged into the darkness.

Jeni and her teammates also react quickly and hide. The sound of footsteps gets closer and closer. Sam and the girls were now looking toward the entrance. They saw a person slowly enter the cave.

"Sam, Jeni, don't worry. I am a warrior from the warrior association. You can see my badge. You can come now. Saint Markus sent me to tell you something," the man said, seeing no one in the cave. Most likely, they were hiding. Sometimes they got attacked by a group, so it was a natural thing for them to hide.

Seeing the badge was real, Jeni sighed in relief. Thankfully, it was the warrior from the association. She and her teammates finally came out from their hiding place.

The warrior looked around, but he didn't see Sam.

"Mr. Sam, you can also come out. I am seriously from the warrior association," He said after not finding Sam.

" You don't need to worry about me. You can continue with the explanation. Why association sends you here, tell us," Sam said to him while making his voice echo through the cave. With this, no one can tell where he was.

The warrior sighed after seeing that Sam still didn't believe him.

Wasting no time, he explained.

"Saint Markus, send me to inform you that someone from the dark association was behind the previous attack. He/She controls those students who have weak mind protection. Saint thinks that their primary target was the students from the top 10 list. So, Ms. Jeni and Mr. Sam, you two also are on the list. I came here to alert you about them. Don't let your guard down," He slowly explained the situation.

"Also Miss Jeni, your grandmother sent you this," He said and brought out a necklace.

Jeni equips the necklace. This necklace has a shield-like pendant. The shield was blue and green.

"Miss wearing this necklace, your defense and healing power will become 4 times stronger than before," the warrior explains about the necklace.


" Also Mr. Sam, Miss Alena, send something for you," He said while bringing out a bracelet.

" Oh, thank you for the hard work," Sam suddenly appeared behind him and said. He wears the bracelet in his right hand. The bracelet was black, but it had red stripe lines.

Seeing Sam's sudden appearance surprised him. Because previously he didn't even sense him, now he suddenly appeared behind him. Just thinking about that if he was an enemy, what will happen to him, made him gulp down. He was a peak D-grade warrior. Still, Sam's sudden appearance makes him scared.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Sam. It was a gift from Miss Alena. This bracelet can double your attack power and also increase your speed. Also, the important ability of this bracelet was that it increases your control over fire," the warrior explains the bracelet's ability to Sam. But one thing was confusing, 'Why did someone like Miss Alena give this bracelet to him?' He had this question in his mind but said nothing.

"Mr. Sam, Saint Markus, and Saint Vena want you two to stick together until they solve this matter. Mr. Sam is hunting solo and Ms. Jeni's one teammate is injured. It will be quite good for both of you to stick together," He said to them. Actually, it was not only Saint Markus and Saint Vena's ideas, but Sam's family, Alena, and Jeni's father also agree on this matter. They should stick together and help each other until they solve the matter.

The warrior left the cave after finishing his explanation.

San was now eager to try his new powers. Just wearing the bracelet makes him feel stronger than before.


Name: Sam Kainer

Health: (600 / 600)

Strength: 17+5

Agility: 16+5

Physique: 16

Intelligent(mental power): 19

Spirit: 09

Grade: (D-) (early)

Potential: Special (+)

Upgrade point: 984K. "

Seeing his strength and agility that increased by 5 points made him surprised. He didn't even think this bracelet could increase his strength and agility. Just looking at you can tell it wasn't Your regular medium-grade artifact. It was actually a high-grade artifact that made him speechless.

"Wait a moment," Sam said to them and left the cave. A few minutes later, he came back. He actually went outside to check if he could sense anyone near his cave. Even with the life detector, he didn't sense anyone. But become doubly sure he also makes many traps around his cave.

"Don't worry, everything is alright. I didn't find anyone near the cave. The main thing is you all should rest. I will be on guard," Sam said to them. He can tell those didn't even rest from yesterday. Jeni was better compared to other girls.

Jeni looked at her teammates and nodded toward Sam.

"Wait, don't sleep on the ground. Here, let me set up my tent. You can rest there," He said to them when those girls were about to sleep on the ground and bring out his tent.

Seeing that he brought out a tent made the girl speechless. Seeing how many things he brought out made them speechless. It was like Sam wasn't here for the exam; he came here for a picnic. But saying nothing to him, they enter the tent. They know it was his personal matter.

Sam sat down in a corner of the cave. He will also take some rest. But even when he was taking a rest, he didn't let go of his guard. It was a habit he developed in the dungeon. He always goes to the dungeon solo because of this. He developed this type of habit.

"Name: Sam Kainer

Grade: E-grade (peak)

Potential: Special

Point: 60. "

Sam looks at his points. He finally collects 60 points. Now that he got some free time, he thought it suddenly came to his mind.

"A few minutes ago, that warrior said that I and Jeni were on the target list. The warrior also said that only students from the top 10 list were on the target list. That means I am also on the top 10 list."


" How the hell did this happen? Where have all the geniuses gone? I didn't even collect that many monsters. Even with that, I am on the top 10 list," Sam thought. He didn't know what he should do in this situation? Should he become happy because he was on the top 10 list? Or should he become sad because some high-grade warriors are targeting him because he was on the top 10 list? He releases a deep sigh.

"But if I am on the list, then mom, dad, and sister saw that. Did I make them proud? " He thought while thinking about his family. Just imagining his mother, father and sister were proud and smiling. Imagining their smiling face improves his mood.

"So, what if I am on their list? What can they do to me? Are they wanting to control my mind? Haha, I also like to see if they can break my mind's protection. I don't think those grade warriors can enter the dark forest. That means only the students who were controlled by them will attack him. Haha, just let them come," Sam murmured and smiled slightly. He will enjoy fighting with them. Just thinking about the fight makes his heart pumped up.


In the Lais City's hall room,

Seeing the smile on Sam's face makes everyone in the room speechless. Everyone in the room was worried about them, but here Sam was, laughing like a fool. He also brings many foods and also brings a tent. Like he came to a picnic. Seeing this, everyone in the room didn't even know how to react.

"Haha hahaha... Hahaha," Markus suddenly laughed.

"This boy was calm compared to other students. Haha, Alena, where do you find this weird boy? I would die laughing," Markus said while he laughed. In this tense moment, Sam's behavior makes everyone's mood light.

"Granduncle, he was Gloria's brother. Please forgive him," Alena said to him.

"Don't worry, don't worry. We aren't angry at him. It's just we should be thankful to him. He makes our mood light. Haha, what an interesting boy," Markus said while waving his hand. He really didn't get angry at Sam, he just got interested in him.

" Hahaha... Gloria's brother is funny. Also, I think he was very good at hiding himself," the Principal of the Royal academy said to her. He also got interested in him because anybody can tell that Sam was a master at hiding himself. A perfect assassin-type warrior. It was just that his potential was not that good.

"Hmmm..... I hope this boy does nothing to my granddaughter," Vena said with a haughty expression.

"Don't worry Vena. I think this boy is more powerful than Jeni. I don't know why he is hiding? But I have a feeling that we will get to see his power," Markus said while looking towards the screen. On the screen, Sam was laughing like a fool.

______________To be continued____________

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