Small upgrade system

Chapter 92 92 - Killing Elephant Beetles.

Chapter 92 92 - Killing Elephant Beetles.

"Sam..... Sam, wake up," Jeni said to Sam while she was trying to wake him up.

"Don't worry, I am not sleeping. Usually like this, I recover my energy while using my recovery technique." He opened his eyes and told her.

"I think you all are now ready to hunt monsters. Then let's go. I want to increase my points," Sam looked at them and said.

"Hmm, I also agree. Let's go," Jeni also agrees with him. She also doesn't want to fall behind.

All four of them came out of the cave. Sam decided on a direction and all of them went in that direction. Just a few minutes later, they spotted 5 cold crocodiles. Those crocodiles were now drinking water from the river.josei

Sam, wasting no time, brings out the bow. He also coated the arrows with his spiritual energy and shot them. He shoots three arrows toward the crocodile and successfully kills them.

Jeni already behind him. She attacks two crocodiles with her thunderbolt. These electric bolts contain 10k volts of electricity, and because the crocodiles were in the water, they became dead bodies. The remaining crocodile also got injured by the thunderbolt. Kenny and Tina attack the remaining crocodile with their sword and successfully kill him. You can say this all happens within one minute. Now, you can imagine how fast they were.

Their speed also impressed Sam. Previously, he felt that they would be a burden to him, but watching their teamwork, he was now feeling embarrassed. But what can you say? Was it his fault to underestimate them?

He doesn't know, but Jeni also had the same thought as him. She also thought Sam cannot maintain his speed. He will be the burden, but yea, she knows she was wrong.

Nobody tells anyone anything. After putting the body of the monster in the inventory, they left the place. Because in his life detector, he could detect monsters. Just a few miles away from them, those monsters.

This life detector wasn't his. Jeni gives him this device, seeing his life detector is only a medium-grade device. Sam's life detector has a range of 1 km, but this new device has a range of 5km. In the 5km area, they can detect any life. Previously, when Jeni entered the tent to rest, a few minutes later, she came out from the tent and gave him this new device. Jeni was grateful and because of this, he gifted him with this device. It was like saying thanks to him and also they were now together as a team.

Sam suddenly signal them to stop. Because in front of them were 15 elephant beetles. With those monsters, a group of five warriors were fighting. Just looking at them, you can tell that no one in the team reached the D-grade. Even two of the members of the team were intermediate E-grade.

"How the hell do they get the courage to fight with those dangerous beetles? Even a peak E-grade warrior will have a hard time fighting against them," Sam thought, seeing their fight. Those beetles have a monstrous defense. It was like they were wearing some kind of Armor, also their attack power was insane.

Jeni suddenly came beside him and whispered.

"Should we help them?"

"Not now. We will wait for some time. I think you forget that we all have the bracelet that will teleport us if our life is in danger," Sam also whispered. He wasn't a saint who always helped others. He also needed points.

She nodded and looked at Kenny and Tina. They also nodded and agreed with him. It was the college exam where the more points they collect, the more benefits they will get. If those monsters send those warriors to back the association, then it will be helpful for them. Because their competitors were decreasing.

All five warriors were close combat fighters. Because of this, the battle wasn't in their favor. These beetles have the strongest defense. Their attack did minor damage to these beetles. If they want to damage their beetles' defense, then their attack power needs to be stronger than those beetles' defense.

As you guessed, these beetles weren't their favorite. Those two intermediate E-grade warriors try their hardest to fight against those beetles, but their bracelet gets activated and teleports them. Those other three warriors were still trying to fight those beetles.

"Why aren't you helping them? Looking at their dress, I can tell they are also from the Base school," Kenny asked Sam with a low voice.

" Haha... Those students belong to the elite students from my school. I am just nobody at school. I think they will feel humiliated if I help them," he said to them. Those five also belong to the Base school, but Sam wasn't planning to help them. In this exam, everyone was his competitor.

It surprised Sam and the girls because those warriors could kill three beetles. But the next moment they got teleported to the warrior association. Sam doesn't know where they will teleport, but it doesn't matter to him. Because he wasn't planning on getting eliminated like this.

"Now girls, it was our time. Kenny and Tina wait for my signal. When I will give you the signal, only then you two will attack them. Understand," San told them. Kenny and Tina nodded after hearing Sam's order.

"I will attack them with my arrows and Jeni, you will attack them with your thunderbolt spell. Understand," Sam said to Jeni. She also nodded after hearing Sam's order.

They didn't know why after hearing Sam's order, they all agreed to him. It was like Sam became their leader and they also accepted that fact.

Sam already coated five arrows with his spiritual energy, and he was ready to shoot. He looks at Jeni and she looks at him. They both nodded.

Sam released those five arrows continuously toward those five beetles. Quickly and silently, these arrows went toward the Beatles, and they pierced through their skull. Which surprised all the girls. They all know how powerful the defense these beetles have, but those arrows are still easily pierced through their skull.

Jeni was speechless, but she still attacked those beetles with her thunderbolt. But these aren't your normal thunderbolts. Previously, the thunderbolt was yellow, but now this thunderbolt is white. This was the white lighting which contained 50k volt electric Power. Which instantly killed three beetles. Their insane defense also can't win against 50k volt electric Power.

"Now, attack," Sam blurted. Instantly, Kenny and Tina attacked those beetles. Only four more monsters remain. Kenny and Tina attacked them with their strongest techniques. Sam and Jeni didn't interfere with their fight, but they were ready to help them. It was Kenny and Tina's fight. It took some time, but they could kill them.

"Nice," he said and showed a thumbs-up sign to them.

He didn't notice, but Jeni was looking at him all this time. This Sam was the first interesting warrior she has ever seen. He keeps bringing surprises. Even when being a peak E-grade warrior, he instantly killed 5 of those beetles. How did he do it? It was still a mystery to her. Until now, he met many warriors, but no one was as interesting as him. They like to befriend her because of her grandmother. They all were afraid of her. But this Sam was different. He didn't even care about her identity. He only cares about eating.

"Well done, you two," Sam said happily. He always wanted this type of teammate. This was the fun of hunting when you hunt with your teammates. He already vowed that he will find good teammates like these girls. They really were good teammates. Previously, he thought they would never listen to his order, but he thought it was wrong. They said nothing unnecessary when he was giving the order. Because of this, Sam was happy.

"Well, girls, we will take some rest. We all need to recover our energy. The deeper we will go, the more danger we will face. Also, remember we need to beware of those warriors from the dark association," Sam said to them while he was collecting his arrows and those five monsters' bodies.

Jeni, Kenny, and Tina all agreed with him. Previously, they used much power to finish those beetles, and now they needed to recover those energies.

'What happens if they continuously fight monsters and use almost all of their energy, then suddenly those warriors from the dark association attack them?' These were questions they were thinking about right now. Fortunately, they weren't in that kind of situation. They all sit down near the river.

But unexpectedly, Sam brings out the food. Which makes all the girls once again speechless. They roll their eyes and focus on recovering their energy. After seeing that no one was interested in eating, he ate alone.

"Food is the love of my life. Without food, I can't do anything," Sam suddenly said this while he was enjoying his food. After hearing these lines, the girls once become speechless.

[A/N: What did you expect from a foodie?]

'Is he only thinking about food and hunting? Like how can someone eat this much food?' they asked themselves, after seeing the quantity of the food that Sam was eating.

They don't know, but when Sam broke through the grade and became an early D-grade warrior, his eating capacity also increased.

___________To be continued___________

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