Solo Player Arvin

Chapter 58 - -57<Cullen Estate-6>

Chapter 58 - -57<Cullen Estate-6>

Arvin memorized the map of the inner city as well as the location of the alley where he needs to dump the body of the old man when the elder showed him the map. Then he turned towards the elder and asked...

"What about my gear?"

"I would need to personally visit the old master and bring the gear. So it will take some time." The elder said.

"Ok. I wait here till then." Arvin said.

"Ok. I will be right back." The elder said and then he went out in a hurry.

Arvin then turned around to see Terumi was staring at him. He didn't know what was up with this woman and the old guy. From what he had observed the old man was a good guy and trusted by his colleagues. But this woman seemed to dislike that old man so much. He didn't what that old man was so bad that this woman cant stop despising him.

Arvin had some free time right now. So rather than talking to Terumi, he decided that he should take a look at the second problem that he had. And that was the quests issued by Hela. So Arvin went over to the sofa, sat crossed leg on it, and opened the status window panel to look at the quests that he had….



Quest- RACE to the TOP

Description- ????


Penalty- Death



Quest-Kill Alman

Description-Kill Alman before ascending to the second floor.

Rewards-10 mana stones

Penalty-Powers will be sealed for a month



Quest-Gather 500 souls

Description- Kill 500 souls with strength equivalent to Rank-C or above. You have to kill them before ascending to the second floor.

Rewards-40 mana stones




Quest-Showcase your strength

Description- Kill at least 3 people from the upper floors before ascending to the second floor.

Reward- Soul Reading

Penalty- Soul Reading will never be given out as a reward.


Arvin took a look at the quests and a frown appeared on his face. It was a very good thing that he had only one forced quest but that quest was to kill Alman. He was a monster. The only way that Arvin thought that he could kill him as if he ascends to the upper floors and then come back down here. That was the only way. But how was he supposed to do it now?

And what was up with the other two quests? He had to gather 500 souls? Even at the Kalgan forest where he ran and kill every living being in sight, he was only able to kill around 70 beasts in one month. But 500 souls… How was he supposed to accomplish that?

And even if he can kill 500 souls how the hell was he suppose to kill at least 3 people from upper floors? He didn't have that much strength. It would be hard to kill Alman alone. How the hell was he supposed to kill 2 more just like him. Then Arvin started thinking about what he should do and what not to do when Loki started speaking…

{SOUL READING? Woah… Hela you know what that skill can do. And you also know what is Arvin's strength is. How the hell will he be able to accomplish that?}

[That is up to him.] Hela said nonchalantly.

{Could you please change the specifics of the quests? Please… Do it for me.}

[No. If you want him to become stronger then he would have to go through all the challenges.] Hela said.

{But Soul Reading is a very important and useful skill. And if he is not able to complete the quest and then he may never have the chance to gain that skill.}

[That is a good skill. But he had to earn the right to use that skill. I can grant him free charity.] Hela commented.josei

'By the way, what is Soul Reading?' Arvin asked as he became curious about what the hell was soul reading.

[Complete the quest and find it out yourself. And father I forbid you to tell any specifics about that skill. Arvon if you want to know what the skilled does, then you would have to either complete the quest or fail the quest.] Hela said.

{Arr… You are just like your mother. Stubborn and…}Lopt growled.

[And what?] Hela asked with a tinge of anger in her voice.



'Loki… Is that skill worth my effort?'

{HELL YEAH… That is a skill which would help you wherever you go. It is a very damn important skill.}

'So is it worth it?' Arvin asked again because completing this quest was a very difficult feat for him.

{HELL YEAH! That skill will help you at every stage of your journey. And mark my words when you would read the description of that skill, you feel the same way that I am feeling right now.}

'Ok, then I would try to complete the quest.' Arvin said.

Arvin said that he would try to complete it, but it was easier said than done. After all from what he had observed, Alman and those people from the upper floors were so strong that they could kill him in their sleep. Arvin on the other hand was simply an ant if compared to them. It would take a lot of time and resources to be able to compete with them. But the problem was that he had a lot of time, but he didn't have a lot of resources.

Arvin thought that maybe thinking about the negative aspects he should think about the positive aspects. They all have a powerful skill that could kill him in a matter of seconds. He only had skills that could make him good in hiding and sneaking in someplace dangerous. Then should he try to poison them? That could work as he could sneak in and kill those people from the upper floor and poison them. But then he would need to find a very potent poison that could kill them. And where would he find that?

Then it occurred to Arvin that maybe he could kill them with the mana stone bomb that he will get. But will the bomb be effective enough for them? They are from the upper floors so their bodies might be powerful enough to negate the effect of the mana stone bomb. Then there is Alman. Even if he can kill those three, how was he suppose to fight Alman?

If Arvin tries to kill those three then he would face the forced quest penalty. And as his face was very famous on the first floor, Arvin didn't know whether he would be able to survive for the month without his powers. But if he tries to kill Alman with the bomb then a very important skill will slip out of his hands. And the way that Loki was acting in the name of that skill, Arvin could tell that this skill must be worth all this trouble.

Arvin then opened his eyes and thought that for now, he should focus on problems that are right in front of him. But then when he looked at Terumi, it was then it hit him…

'Wait for a second… My fake plan in which I manipulate those three from upper floors could also be used to kill Alman. If I can formulate a plan in which those three people try to kill Alman, then things will get a lot easier for me. Then I have to deal with what is left. But what if Alman kills two of those people and there is the only person is left for me to kill. Then what?'

[You just have to responsible for their death. It didn't matter how or who they were killed by.] Hela said.


[Yes. Death is death. It doesn't matter who is killed and how is killed.]

'That doesn't make any sense.'


'Well, this does open many gates for me. Wait does this logic also applies to the quest with 500 souls?'


'That is a relief.'

Arvin then started thinking about the angles that he could use to complete all the quest. He had seen the destruction that was caused by one of the blasts of Alman's attack. Many people died due to that attack. So all that he needs to do is make Alman and those three fight in a big city probably the one with a lot of people. Then when they would start fighting many people would die in their fight and thus completing his last quest.

As Arvin was thinking about his next action, the gate of the Terumi's office is flung open and the elder walked in carrying a sack made of old cloth. Then the elder came in front of Arvin and handed him over the cloth sack.

Confused about what was in the sack, Arvin opened the sack on his lap to see its content. In the cloth sack, there were some black color clothes tidily folded. Above those clothes, there were black color boots. And with that boot, there was a golden mask. That mask was in the shape of a low jaw. That mask would cover the lower part of one's face

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