Chapter 382 VOL11/ CH 348

Chapter 382 VOL11/ CH 348: L AM BACK

It was a day like any other, at least in appearance.

The sun was shining brightly high above in the clear blue sky and the people, humans, were waking up with the illumination of the incandescent globe to work. The usual routine all humans followed every single day.

The air was slightly chillier, the proof that snow might fall at any time.

News of the growing hostility between Lustburg and Wratharis was concerning, to say the least. However, for normal humans, there was practically nothing they could do but pray. Pray for all of their worries and all the adversities to wash away.

If there was one thing that was making the people unsettled though, it was the absence of their prince.

Already, numerous rumors were set out that the prince just might have been part of the unlucky group who died unexpectedly during the exploration in the Astral Realm.

While such a thing had never happened before in the long history of Lustburg, there was always a first for everything.

The news was still only muttered in pubs and a few working places. But like any rumors, they were slowly growing and the more they did, the more unsettled the population in the capital became.


[Lustburg— Tower of Babel]

Sitting in her office, Milia listened quietly as agents of the fingers were giving her their daily reports. This one in particular detailed the growing rumors related to the prince's disappearance and untimely demise.

“Did you pick out the one spreading the rumors?”

“Yes, I have. They are mostly war slaves or descendants of the war slaves from Wratharis. We managed to get the names of most of them but we are awaiting further orders before acting out.”

Milia nodded to the agents' piece. Lustburg, despite being predominantly a human country, still had a very mixed population. Beastmen in particular really took a vast majority of the place in this mixed-populated kingdom going as far as to come second in terms of population percentage. This was, of course, due to all the wars that transpired over the long years between the two rivaling countries.

As it was now, many beastmen were naturalized citizens of Lustburg and considered this to be their home.

But the news about another incoming war was creating tension among the populace and that included the beastmen who were having trouble in determining their roots due to this harrowing situation.

Milia had to be very careful about her next set of actions. She couldn’t just order a strike to take them all down and have them beheaded for treason or slander against the crown.

If the Crown Prince were to be accused of racism or mistrust toward the beastmen who took this country as their home due to her actions, it would be hard to placate the general populace.

‘This is absolutely definitely way above my pay grade.’

The one who should be taking the decisions in this scenario should have been Lilith. But she was currently taking her hand off of anything related to governance or any sort of work in general. Milia knew that her state was abysmal. Her body was deteriorating at breakneck speeds and she didn't know how long she could hold on…

Persephone and Medea were doing just about everything that they possibly could, giving their best to ensure her survival but her body was slowly but surely giving out all of its functions. In another ten days, probably even less, Lilith might just simply fall over and die like a mechanical doll deprived of all its energy to remain functioning.

“Your highness…”

Milia muttered, tired but still holding on to that ray of hope. She simply needed to keep fighting on. On and on until her lord, her lover appeared and set everything straight.

But it was then…


The door of her office was busted open as a beautiful and busty elf entered the room, clearly short of breath as though she had just finished a marathon.


Standing up, Milia threw a confused glance at the tired elf. They might have worked together for only a few days, but she had more or less managed to understand the personality of that elf coworker of hers.

She knew that she was a steady woman who liked to do everything in order and not show a flustered appearance in any situation.

And yet, she seemed to be panicking right now for who knows what. Her face looked pale and her hair was messed up. It must have been an ominous situation of peril for her to end up like she was.

“What happened? Did something happen to the queen?!”

The elf shook her head vigorously, looking around the room nervously.

“No, no, no. It's just... I'm sorry.."

She took a deep breath before giving a beaming smile that contrasted with her previous look, throwing Milia into a spiral of confusion before her words registered in her ears, "It's about his highness, we just received a piece of great news from the Church. He is coming back today.”

The words echoed through the room and Milia opened her eyes wide into saucers before an ecstatic smile bloomed on her tired and haggard face.

“Today?! Now? Today of all days, he is returning?”

Clara nodded happily.


Milia grabbed Clara by the shoulders and hugged her tightly,

“Oh, thank you so much!"

She kept repeating the same phrase until her voice failed to be conveyed.

After that, she quickly stood up and called for the guards in the room.

“I want you to inform everyone that His Highness is returning today. We cannot be sloppy. Send the message to all the nobles from the Counts and up. Also, call the maids so that we can start the preparation as soon as possible."

She then focused on Clara once more. "What about the church? What are they doing? Do we have an exact time as to when he will come?"

"They say that he is still going to need time. But it should be in approximately 12 hours from now on."

Milia nodded, satisfied by her response.

“Then let us hurry and prepare the castle."

Milia's smile was so wide people would fear she was going to get a cramp. She had been worried about the absence of Sol for so long. But now, she just needed to hold on for a few more hours and her beloved lord would be back in her embrace.


In the queen's chamber, Persephone was sitting by Lilith's bedside as she helped in feeding her life energy.

Even though Lilith was currently still able to move, it was clear that she was getting weaker by the day.

Medea and Freya were also there with her while Lilin and Setsuna were standing guard outside. It was very hard for Lilin to see her mother slowly getting weaker like this but all she could do was stand here and pray for her recovery. Pray for a miracle so that she could recover from all her ailments.

"So... You really are planning to go to Wratharis? Don't tell me you're going to try and kill that mutt."

"*Cough* *Cough* You should know how weak I have now become. Since I am going to die anyway, there is no need to respect the rules. I just need to kill that crazy dog and die with him. The other kingdoms will not fault Lustburg for the dying act of a lunatic. At most, we will have to pay a fine. I just need Freya to teleport me and we are all set."

Persephone shook her head, "You really believe that it's what he would want?"

They didn't need to say a name. Lilith knew very well that what she was planning on doing would make him very sad. But what else could she do?

"I… all my life has been dedicated to fighting."

Lilith was born and created for that one and only purpose. She was a sword. A sword meant to sever the head of all the enemies blocking the path of the one she served.

"I do not want to die like a helpless woman. Not even at my last moments, please…"

Lilith did not fear death. She even wished for it to come, to embrace her in its rotten embrace. Even now that feeling never faded for a single bit. For her, death was the sweet release she sought. But she refused to die a useless and pathetic death.

She wanted to die like a warrior. The warrior that she was and will always be. Clashing her sword against another one and raining death on the battlefield.

"I...want to die as a hero."

Indeed. A hero. Like 'him'.

Medea opened her mouth, wishing to explain the news she had received about Sol. But she was interrupted when Lilin, Setsuna, and a battle maid entered the room with great strides.

An excited expression was plastered on Lilin's face as she delivered the ecstatic news,

"Sol is coming back!!!"


Slowly the news of Sol's impending arrival filled the streets. Everywhere, soldiers, slaves, and volunteers could be seen, decorating buildings and other infrastructures.

Commoners could see nobles in their carriages running toward the church like their life depended on it. It made for a funny sight but readily confirmed the reality of the news.

The citizens were happy to see the return of the Son of the Hero King. They saw Blessed as gifts sent by the heavens above. Indeed, the goddesses had granted them a gift.

But for the nobles who had lived for hundreds of years, such trivial events were nothing but a nuisance. Their only concern was to make a show of appearance and not be singled out. The way all traitors were coldly executed back then was still fresh on their troubled minds.

"Hehe. This is just my luck..."

A certain noble laughed softly as he left the church. He was an old man. One could easily guess his age by looking at him. But he still smiled cheerfully.

"Well, I just have to pray before I leave. If I don't do that, the goddess will surely curse me."

He then returned to the church where he looked around. There was no sign of the Supreme Daughter or the Holy Daughter. But she was supposed to be in that cathedral, so there was no problem.

"Let's go."

With that said, he passed through the gate and headed down the main road. There was a huge crowd gathered outside the palace. And he was sure that all of them were waiting for 'Him'. Their future king.


[Church of Castitas— Hall of Purity]

"How do I look?"

Standing in front of a mirror, Aurore asked as the nuns were working on her ceremonial outfit. For once it was not as showy as her usual one and covered all of her beautiful curves. But the feeling of holiness coming from her did not change a single bit.

"You look lovely, simply… Divine."

"Heheh. I do, right?”

Aurore did not feel any shame or embarrassment as they praised her beauty while skirting blasphemy. She had already known that she was beautiful since she was a child. In fact, she felt no need to hear these kind words from others.

However, the truth was that she had never seen herself as beautiful. It was only recently that she came to realize just how useful it was to have a beautiful physical appearance.

"I am sure his Highness will be entranced once his eyes land on you."

"Is that so?"

She gave a mysterious smile as she stood up.

"Let's go."


And she left the room, leaving the nun behind. Aurore then went into the chapel and prayed to purify herself.

For her, this act was not a mere formality. It was something much more than that. She had become accustomed to praying. Every night she would kneel in prayer and ask the goddesses for protection in front of the other nuns.

"It's time to meet my prince charming."

She muttered calmly.


A few hours later, as Camelia, Aurore, and Lilith, the current highest ranked in Lustburg stood in front of the portal that connected to the Astral Realm.

Light slowly began to fill the room as an aura of power and oppression spread throughout. For a moment, even Lilith felt goosebumps and instinctively reached for the sword dangling at her hips.

But Camelia only showed a bright smile, after all, she would never mistake this aura for anyone else. Even if it changed even more. Grew further and further than the small candle it once was.

"Welcome back, your Highness."

She bowed lightly, and once her words registered in the mind of those presents, all the nobles, no matter how highly ranked they were, all put one knee on the ground and kneeled in wait.

Walking through the portal, showing a dashing smile full of confidence was a man they remembered.

Sol Dragona Luxuria.

Crown prince and the unequivocal heir to the throne of Lustburg.

"I am back home."

He was back, stronger than ever before.

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