Chapter 383 CH 349

Chapter 383 CH 349:PRESSURE

The moment Sol appeared in the church’s main hall, after passing through the door, all the nobles gathered took a deep breath out of pure astonishment.

Be it physically or in terms of the aura he naturally exuded, the prince they remembered was very different from the one that was now standing before their eyes.

The prince of old, while talented, lacked the experience only those who truly treaded on the thin line of life and death held. Furthermore, as talent did not translate into power, he lacked the raw almighty power to make the nobles truly fear and respect him with all their hearts.

For this very reason, many of them often joked that the only difference between Sol and the Puppet King, Neptune, was that Sol was lucky enough to have powerful women surrounding him.

But now?

The aura he was exuding… It was unmistakable as to what realm he was treading on right now. Sol was currently at the Duke rank and a powerful Duke at that. The natural pressure he exuded was a testament to that fact. This alone was enough to put him at the very top of the kingdom. If Lilith and Camelia were left out of the equation then Sol could quite possibly be the most powerful person on the side of Humanity, currently.

How long had it been since he had awakened? Not even a year had passed since that fateful day. Nay… From the perspective of the crowd gathered here, was it even three months in? And he had already become a full-pledged Duke?

Not even Mars Luxuria had managed to accomplish such a feat.

This knowledge, more than anything, managed to put dread in all of their hearts. Every single one of them, without exception, was forced to accept this reality.


Many nobles on the weaker side of the spectrum had difficulty breathing due to how overpowering the natural pressure of his presence and mana were. His very existence had putten pressure on this realm that naturally weighed on the individuals residing in it.

Furthermore, Sol was in his hybrid dragon appearance right now, minus the wings. Therefore, that state alone amplified his already exemplary aura and pressure.

“Your highness…”

A gentle inflection of Camelia’s voice caught Sol's attention and with just a look of her gentle blue eyes, she was able to convey her thoughts to him.


Looking at his surroundings, Sol was confused for a very short instant before realization finally dawned on him. He couldn’t help but leak a bitter chuckle at the sight.

The pressure he was emanating was not done intentionally on his part. Be it Tiamat, Anubis, or the dragons, in general, they were all so powerful that they would leak a certain pressure and aura that was impossible to withstand normally. Without emanating an equal pressure to offset the ones they leaked, one would simply be crushed to death by their presence alone.

Furthermore, the Dragon realm’s gravity was far higher than that of the mortal world, making it essential for him to offset it too. This was another reason why he had to always keep a certain output of his energy running to offset or in the early days endure the constant pressure and shackles that caged his body and soul.

At first, it was quite straining to pull off but as he got used to that place it became a subconscious act that he would do without even thinking.

But that subconscious act of his was enough to nearly knock out all the nobles present here to celebrate his arrival. This very scenario was an important reminder to him. The feeling that he once received after meeting Tiamat for the very first time. An oppressive pressure that crushed all those she deemed to not be worthy to be graced by her presence.

‘So is this the feeling of coming back to the starting village after reaching a high level?’

“Everyone… Rise…”

Simple words, but they sounded like orders that could not be defied by anyone. Lest heavenly punishment may befall then and there.

Slowly standing up, all the nobles were gazing at him with a plethora of emotions brimming in their gazes.

The Crown Prince.

One who had stayed outside the prying eyes of the world for nearly fifteen years. Fifteen long years, enough for a dynasty to fall and a new one to take its place.

And now…

That boy obscured and veiled from the clutches of reality…

He was now standing in front of them in all his glory…

Sweeping the room with a glance, Sol could see the few acquaintances he had, in this realm, from the Duke's side.

He could also see his loved ones, all dispersed in the room in different places.

The corners of his mouth were pulled into a radiant smile at that sight, “I am surprised to see you all gathered here and now. But very well… Let it be known that I have come back successful after a perilous journey.

“I, Sol Dragona Luxuria, signed a contract with an S-ranked Divine Beast of the Phoenix race and was recognized by the goddess for my deeds. Let it be known by everyone…

“That the Crown Prince… is now ready to become the new King.”

Lightning boomed in the heavens as the cry of a bird, nay a beast of unparalleled power filled the sky… While the flame of judgment swiftly bloomed to cover the entirety of the skies, as though stretching beyond the very limits of the horizon itself.

It was a day like no other that all those present in the Capital would never forget.

It was the beginning of the era of their new King!!!


After Sol spoke those words and chased out the nobles from the church, they were greeted with an unbelievable sight outside. Whenever they would gaze above at the sky, their hearts would be filled with terror as they looked at the large black phoenix standing on the peak of the cathedral and looking down at them with its ominous eyes.

Even though the look and color of that phoenix were slightly different from what they remembered, no one dared to even entertain the thought that this was a fake.

As all humans were blessed by Luxuria and Castitas, they could feel it in their very blood as what that beast represented. This was indeed a phoenix. A powerful and mighty phoenix and Sol, their new king, once again did the impossible by becoming the first human to have ever formed a contract with a Phoenix.

All the nobles could feel it. The sky that was once covered by Mars’ shadow was slowly being dispersed by the light of a new Sun, as ironic as that may sound to one.

They did not know what this would mean for the future of Lustburg.

Not all Kings had been necessarily good for this kingdom, after all. But they knew that there was nothing they could do except comply and obey.

This was the Divine law of this world.

Likewise, Tyr Highland, alongside Ares and Athena were also gazing at the sky as they left the church…

“We should go back to the castle.”

“Grandfather…Do you think she will be a problem?”

Tyr could only form a bitter smile at those words, “I do not know. Either way, now that the prince is back, I suppose the fight to decide his fiancee and concubines will be fiercer than ever.”

He chuckled at last before gazing at his granddaughter, “You should prepare. Until you rise to take my place, you will work as his Knight.”


Tyr shook his head as he walked away. Things were going to be rather interesting from here on.

He looked up as small snowflakes began to fall.

‘Winter had finally arrived.’ josei


While the nobles were leaving and thinking about the future of the kingdom, a red-haired woman wearing what amounted to basically underwear, sat in a bar with a drink in hand as she slept lightly.

Even though she was extremely attractive and wore clothes so skimpy that even a whore would blush in shame, no one dared to approach, much less disturb her sleep.

As long as one wasn’t dumb, it was easy to know that some people simply couldn’t be messed with and this woman was like a red herring to that proverb.

Letting out a sigh, the woman looked up at the sky, “Damn. I thought I would have a few more days to play around in here. I seriously forgot the time difference between this place and there, after being here for so long.”

She stood up and approached the bartender before leaving a few gold coins on the counter, “Take this.”

The bartender’s eyes bulged at this sight as those coins were old coins from a few generations ago. Their value was superior to current gold coins as they were very valuable for a certain type of people.

“Madam… You… You might have a mistake.”

“Oh?” The woman tilted her head before understanding the situation, “I like honest men like you. You can keep them. Also, your wine is not bad but you can make it better.”

She chuckled and wrote a recipe before handing it to him and leaving a very confused bartender with one of the finest wine recipes and a hefty sum of money.


Once outside, she stretched her body, showing her graceful form to the world before walking toward the tower of Babel.

She didn’t want to stay in the mortal world for too long anyway. It was time to talk business.

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