SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 948 Godlike Power [Pt 2]

Chapter 948 Godlike Power [Pt 2]

"[Blitz: Cloak Model]" I grinned, instantly shrouding myself in a golden lightning cloak.

"That's similar to my—"

"Yeah. Exactly."

Without wasting much time in response, I launched myself at the Boss Monster, leaving the rest of the small fries for Kuzon to handle.

Knowing him, he would take care of them all in no time. Perhaps he could even do it in a shorter time, but we sort of established an unspoken rule to only use our base abilities.

Which meant... no Arcana abilities or transformations like Mage Mode.

Certainly no Original Magic.

'This doesn't count since I'm just covering myself in a Spell.'

I was constantly exploring the various applications of my existent Spells, so this variation was something that I had developed in my head, but hadn't gotten the chance to use.

'Blitz is a combination of Light and Lightning Magic. Using those properties on myself will make me much faster than normal, and it'll also improve my damage potential.'

In a flash, I was already face to face with the Grand Orc Boss, watching it's disgusting lips curl up in a stupid grin.


Lifting it's heavy club to pummel me to the ground, it rushed toward me with immense ferocity.


Rather than the club shattering my bones and forcefully sending me falling, the entire thing shattered in that hit.


"Pathetic." I smiled at the shocked Monster.

Its trembling hand dropped the remnant of its broken weapon, instead grabbing the axe on his grasp with both his hands.

A fierce look of determination formed on its face and the weapon was wildly flung in my direction.

The beast must have had the expectations that I would be cut down by such a dull and crude blade, but—


The contact of my fist with the giant axe only led to the the latter shattering and breaking apart.

'Well, I did use a bit of Strengthening nd Protective Magic, just in case, but it's as expected...'

The Axe seemed to have some Mana emanating from it, but it was hardly worth much.

'This world would consider it a Magic Item, though, and it'll fetch for a great price. It's really...' I almost sighed in exasperation.

In any case, that was an irrelevant distraction. My focus returned to the Boss Monster.

'Now that you have no weapons, what will you do?'

"ROOOOOOOOOAAAAARRRRRRR!!!" Ah, of course... it was going to roar.

As soon as it concluded it's roar, its slimy green skin began pouring out ominous dark red energy.

Like blood, but even more malevolent, the energy seeped out of its skin, and it's rageful face became even more ominous.

It's muscles twitched, and then bulged. It's size also seemed to be increasing at a rapid pace.

'So this is it's trump card, huh?'

In a mere couple of seconds, the Boss had transformed into twice it's initial size, now a giant that stood ten meters tall.

It had horns now, and its skin was bright red, with black tattoos all over it.

'Its more akin to a Demon than and Orc now...' I gave a smirk of amusement.

I noticed a glow in its mouth, and instantly understood it was going for a breath attack.

'There's no harm in seeing it try, but... naaa!' I generated a barrier around it's face, causing the breath attack it burst out to backfire, damaging it's ugly facade instead.


It's deafening cry did not bother me in the slightest.

I simply watched it recover from the smoky most that enveloped it's face.

I could see some of its bones peeking out, but they were soon covered by flesh thanks to its healing factor.

'Interesting.' It brought a lot of thoughts to my mind.

Was the Boss' healing factor unlimited? If not, how long would it last before reaching it's limits.

My guess was that it had to do with its Mana capacity, and so far it seemed like the monster still had a lot.

'Maybe stalling and letting it wear itself out would be a nice way to go about it, but I've grown bored already.'

I smiled, raising my hand a little. "[Blitz: Spear Model]."

Instantly, a bright golden lightning spear formed on my open hand. It sparkled and called, leaking out pure destructive power.

"Perfect." I gripped in tightly, already aiming at my choice location.

'I don't want to damage the Monster Core since it'll be useful to these people, so maybe...'

The Boss Monster roared once more, leaping at me in a futile attempt at revenge. Unfortunately for the poor soul, it's life was practically over.

"Hut!" I flexed my muscles and launched the Blitz Spear, sending it charging in an unstoppable straight line.josei


Like a stroke of golden light, or more akin to a single horizontal line of ascending lightning, the spear pierced the Boss's head, electrocuting it's entire body, while exploding right at the center of its brain.


In a massive burst of Blitz, the Boss Monster lost its head, and it's entire body's nerve connections and synapses exploded beyond repair.

In short... it was my victory.

"Fuuu... now that it's over, what about Kuzon?" I smiled, looking around me.

What else did I expect from him? As soon as I observed my surroundings, I realized that all the other Orcs were long dead.

Not a single one was left alive.

'Hm? Looks like the Gate is closing...' The portal began shrinking in size, a testament that we won.

I disabled my Magic Buffs, descending to observe the dead monsters. It seemed they were all electrocuted to death.

"Looks like you're done on your end too." Kuzon suddenly appeared before me, a confident smile locked on his face.

"Pretty much."

"Pfft. Showoff." He grinned wider. "Still, I wonder what would happen if we had another rematch."

I didn't know if Kuzon was making a subtle challenge, or simply giving a statement of curiosity. However...

"I wonder what would happen indeed."

... He wasn't the only curious one among us.





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