Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 473

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 473

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 473

Lin Xinyan lowered her head and kissed her daughter’s head. Her daughter was not the only one who would miss the Zong Jinghao. But she knew she was doing the right thing. If the man knew about the truth, what would he do? Would he stop wreaking vengeance on Wen Qing for her sake; or continue what he was doing, ignoring who she was?

Even though Lin Xinyan couldn’t care less about the Wen family, they were still blood related. This fact would create a gulf between the couple eventually.

Instead of putting the man in a difficult situation, she would rather leave his life for the time being and let him do what he wanted. If she were to stay by his side, he would more or less take her feeling into consideration. She didn’t want him to make some decision that he would regret for the rest of his life.

Despite having all that in her mind, she didn’t know how to answer her daughter. All she could do was hug the little girl tightly.

“Mommy…” Zong Yanxi buried herself in her mother’s embrace. “Don’t cry, Mommy. Please cheer up, okay?”

“As long as you two are by my side, I’ll be fine.” Speaking, Lin Xinyan kissed the little girl’s forehead.

She then looked out the window, at the crowded street. It was only less than an hour since they left but she couldn’t stop missing him.

Seeing that her children had quieted down, she took her phone out. There was a lot of things she wanted to say to Zong Jinghao but she had no idea where to begin with.

She stared blankly at her screen. As it dimmed, she would press the button to bring up the locked screen again.

On the other side, Zong Jinghao finally reached the hospital. Zhuang Zijin was stunned upon his arrival. The man had only visited her once, on the day she was admitted. His friend Shen Peichuan, on the other hand, came quite often.

“How’s Yan?” Zhuang Zijin broke the silence. She was worried about Lin Xinyan’s reaction the other day.

Zong Jinghao immediately felt something was off. He was told that Zhuang Zijin wanted to talk to him about Lin Xinyan, which was why he came to the hospital instead of meeting with Li Zhan at the office.

Judging from the elder woman’s expression, he could tell that that was not the case.

What is Xinyan thinking about? What is this feeling…

Zong Jinghao seemed to have realized Lin Xinyan’s plan. He quickly turned around and was about to leave when Zhuang Zijin stopped him. “When Yan came to visit me last time, she’d already known everything. Please take good care of her, especially when she’s pregnant now. I shouldn’t have told her those things. Can you please tell her that I’ll stop talking about that from now onwards?”

Zong Jinghao turned back to look at the older woman. “What did you say?”

Zhuang Zijin walked to the window and decided to tell him the truth since he was Lin Xinyan’s husband.

After preparing herself, she finally spilled the beans. “Yan is now your wife, so you have the right to know about this. I’m not Yan’s biological mother. Her mother is a woman called Wen Xian.”

As the story continued, Zong Jinghao learned that after Zhuang Zijin married to Lin Guoan, she had been seeking medical help for infertility issue. When she finally got pregnant after months of treatment, the couple were beamed with joy. It was a time when Shen Xiuqing still wasn’t part of the equation, and when her husband hadn’t shown his true self.

Zhuang Zijin thought that was the beginning of her happiness, but it was the opposite instead.

Seven months into the pregnancy, she accidentally found out that Lin Guoan was seeing another woman, which was Shen Xiuqing. The shocking news came too much of an impact on her, causing her to go into premature labor. Due to that, her baby girl had a heart failure and did not make it in the end.

Just as she was completely devastated, Wen Xian came to her with a baby.

The latter claimed that the baby belonged to Zhuang Ziyi, her stepbrother. She didn’t know much about him other than he was the child of her father with his ex, but his identity was never announced to others. Only the closest to their father knew about him.

At that time, Wen Xian believed that Zhuang Zijin was the closest family Zhuang Ziyi had and would be the best choice to entrust her daughter with.

Due to the torment from losing her baby, Zhuang Zijin found solace from the baby in Wen Xian’s arms. After all, that was her niece!

She could tell Wen Xian wasn’t herself that day. A name and necklace was all the latter left for the baby. The only other request was for her to promise that the baby would marry the Zong’s only son in the future, without explaining why.

Zhuang Zijin decided to raise the baby as her own, but she didn’t want Lin Guoan to find out about it. She decided to lie to her husband, telling him that their premature baby had survived.

As for the marriage, she told her husband it was arranged because she was close with Madam Zong.

Unsure if it was because of the baby, her husband turned into a new leaf and spent all his time accompanying both of them. He even treated her way better than the old times. Seeing that, she decided to give him another chance, wishing her family of three could live a happy life from thereafter.

Little did she know, Lin Guoan was just putting up an act because he was eyeing after her asset.

She had been living under a false pretense that the man had cut off all ties with the mistress. Only when he finally got his hands on all of her wealth did everything came crumbling down for Zhuang Zijin. The husband finally showed his true color and forced her to sign the divorce paper.

Now that Zhuang Zijin thought about it, she couldn’t believe just how idiot she was to have trusted the words of a bast*rd. Not only was she left in a completely devastated state, but she also lost everything.

All that was left in her was her hatred toward her ex-husband.

Tears rolled down Zhuang Zijin’s face as she reminisced about her past. “Yan has lived a harsh life in the past. I really hope the both of you can live your life out in happiness. Please forgive my pessimistic thoughts in the past. I will do my best to survive through this, or at least until the baby is born. Even though Yan is not my biological daughter, but after years of struggling together, we’ve become much more than that.”

“Does she know about this?” Zong Jinghao asked in a deep voice with mixed feelings.

“She left before I could finish my story. Perhaps she didn’t want to know about the truth. Now that you know about it, I hope you can take good care of her.” The woman begged as Lin Xinyan was the only person left in the world whom she cared about.

Zong Jinghao’s expression tightened and he quickly left the hospital.

Since Lin Xinyan had met with Wen Qing, it was no doubt that the truth had been revealed. That explained her abnormal behavior.

Zong Jinghao’s chauffeur, who was waiting outside the hospital, opened the car door to the backseat when he noticed him coming out. However, instead of getting into the car, the man asked for the keys

and said, “I need the car. Take a cab back.”

Finished speaking, he got into the car, started the engine and jammed his feet onto the pedal, speeding as fast as he could toward the mansion.


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