Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 474

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 474

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 474

Just when he reached his destination and got off his car, Li Zhan happened to arrive just seconds later and chased after him.


Zong Jinghao paused and turned around.

“I was waiting for you at the company but you never showed up. That’s why I come to see if you are here. Here, I know why you want to see me.” Li Zhan said as he took out a letter. “You’ll understand once you read this.”

The older man’s face was expressionless. He knew what was written in the letter. Taking over the note from Li Zhan’s hand, he looked at the latter. “Don’t come here ever again.”

“Why?” Li Zhan only knew the front part of the story. What he didn’t know was that Wen Qing was the one who caused all the tragedy.

He still believed that Lin Xinyan’s identity would bring forth a happy ending as Wen Qing would stop separating them from each other now.

Zong Jinghao did not answer the question. The younger man had nothing to do with Wen Qing’s crime. Yet, that did not mean he wanted to have anything to do with Li Zhan any further. “Just leave.”


Zong Jinghao walked into the door and instructed his bodyguards, “Don’t let anyone in.”

Li Zhan, who was now stopped by the bodyguard, yelled, “Isn’t this a good thing? My dad won’t separate the both of you now! I just don’t understand why are you doing this to me? My father had

done a lot of bad things in the past, but he has gotten his retribution now! Does Xinyan not care about who he is to her at all?”

Zong Jinghao didn’t even slow down and went on to close the door behind him. Not giving up, Li Zhan tried to pushed past the bodyguards. “Let me in! I just want a word with him!”

“Sir, I’m sorry. But we have our orders.” The bodyguards made themselves clear.

Li Zhan stomped his foot out of frustration before leaving.

When Aunt Yu noticed Zong Jinghao’s return, her expression changed immediately. “I thought you’re having dinner with Mrs. Zong and the children? Where are they?”

The man was now sure that Lin Xinyan was set on leaving from the start and it pained his heart. He tried his best to hide his emotion as he looked at Aunt Yu. “When did she leave?”

She looked at the clock and replied, “Around two or three hours ago.”

“I see.” Zong Jinghao nodded and went up the stairs. After moments of hesitation, Aunt Yu decided to keep silent.

Zong Jinghao pushed his bedroom’s door opened. Nothing had changed since this morning. Lin Xinyan left everything behind. Soon, he finally spotted a minor change. The supposedly empty table in front of the window was now decorated with a bouquet of flower.

Standing in front of the window, he opened the letter Li Zhan gave him. The content did not bring many surprises to him.

Yet, there was one single paragraph that he reacted to.

There’s another thing you should know. I’m pregnant with Ziyi’s child, a girl. I told Qifeng that when she grows up, I want her to marry Jinghao. Once again, my selfishness got the better of me. I wanted my daughter to reprimand all the mistakes I’ve done to the Zongs.

Lost in thought, his phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated. He quickly took it out and realized it was a message sent from Lin Xinyan.

His hand was trembling as he opened the message.

I guess you know about everything now by the time this message reaches you. I thought of breaking the news to you at first, but I just don’t have the courage to face you.

Funny huh? I’m usually not that weak. But when it comes to things like this, I’m scared.

Please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye; Forgive me for bringing our babies with me. I wanted to leave them with you, but I can’t. I need them. With them staying by my side, I feel better.

If I’m given a chance, I’d hope to grow up in an ordinary family. That way, we could live a quiet yet peaceful life. Unfortunately, life is life. There’s no ‘ifs’ in this world.

I could still recall the day your mother shielded me and the children from the accident. Nights and nights after that I could still see her lying above me and said, “Yan, please take good care of him and the children.” I know I’m breaking the promise for not staying by your side, but at the very least, I will watch over the children.

Jinghao, do what you want. Don’t let vengeance and regret linger around you.

Don’t look for me. It’ll make me feel sorry. I hope time can heal everything. One day, if we met, that’s when we’ll hug each other tightly.

I always thought that I’ll never find true love, but I was wrong. It wasn’t until now I realize I’ve completely fallen for you. Even just minutes after I’ve decided to leave, you can’t stop appearing in my head. I love you, Jinghao, I love you so so much…

Let us look forward to the day we meet again. The day where you’ll be you and I’ll be I. No one and nothing will come between us again.

Finally, I just want to ask, will you miss me?

Zong Jinghao dropped his head as he stood by the window silently. He bent over from the pain in his heart as he hurried to call Lin Xinyan’s number.

The taxi she was in had already left B City. Just as she was about to turn off her phone and throw away the sim card, her phone rang. Her heart tightened as she stared at the caller ID.

After moments of hesitation, she answered it just as the call was about to get cut off. Even though they knew who was the other person on the other side of the phone, none of them spoke.

It felt like years had passed when Zong Jinghao’s hoarse voice finally sounded. “I’ll miss you.”

Lin Xinyan rested her head on the window as she bit her lip. The frown on her forehead showed how much pain she was in as tears finally rolled down her cheeks and into her mouth. The woman couldn’t control herself any longer and cried silently.


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