Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 639

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 639

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 639

Lin Xinyan said nothing.

It was because she did not know how to tell him, or how to relate the message to him.

“Xinyan, if you have something to say, you can just tell me. The more you hesitate, the more unsettled I will be,” Su Zhan was fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat, getting more and more nervous by the second..

If it were going to be something good, Lin Xinyan would definitely not look so conflicted.

Therefore, there was only one answer. And it could only be something bad.

Lin Xinyan looked at him. “Everything that Ya does, she has her own reasons. You shouldn’t…”

As she was speaking, Su Zhan’s gaze wandered off and was staring out of the glass window. Following his gaze, Lin Xinyan saw the scene outside where Qin Ya was getting out of a car while holding onto Shao Yun’s arm.

Lin Xinyan sighed. She still acts like that, even though I have asked her not to.

“Xinyan.” Su Zhan’s gaze turned back towards her and bitterly said, “The thing you have a hard time trying to tell me… Is that she actually has found another lover?”

Lin Xinyan tried to console him, “Please calm down.”

Su Zhan smiled bitterly and leaned back on his chair, “So she found herself an old man to spitefully show off to me?”

“I’m not trying to rub salt on your wound. I just don’t want you to cling unto me and pester me anymore,” a testy reply suddenly came out from nowhere.

While Su Zhan was talking, Qin Ya and Shao Yun had walked in together and overheard him, thus resulting in the interjection.

Su Zhan stared at her for two seconds before suddenly getting up and grabbing her wrist, “I have something to tell you.”

“If you have anything to say, you can just say it here.” Qin Ya tried to free her hand.

Su Zhan’s eyes were bloodshot red, and despite her struggle, he managed to pull her away stubbornly.

Struggling with all her might, Qin Ya could not break free of Su Zhan’s iron grip. After all, the strength of a man was way beyond a woman’s. Thus she was led, albeit dragged, all the way to the street outside the restaurant.

“Su Zhan, let go of me this instant!” Qin Ya raised her voice, tinged with a faint sign of anger.

Su Zhan pushed her against the wall in the alley. “Speak now! What are you trying to do?” he demanded.

“Just like what you saw earlier,” Qin Ya replied, staring back at him indignantly.

It was like she was stating the truth blatantly.

Su Zhen narrowed his eyes and questioned, “With that old man?”

“Methinks someone who is older is much better than you. Isn’t there a saying that goes ‘an older person knows how to care for others better’? He definitely knows how to care for me a lot better than you do,” Q in Ya gritted her teeth as she uttered these hurtful words.

Su Zhan’s face was burning red as if it were burnt by fire.

Rubbing her reddened wrist, she continued berating, “He can give me the sense of security that I long for, and he cares for me. Apart from our age difference, there is no other issue. Besides, age doesn’t matter in the face of true love. Love will conquer all!”

Ignoring Su Zhan’s furious face, she continued, “What I regret the most is that I am not able to give him my undefiled virginity. In fact, he does not mind nor despises me for that, something which I am really grateful for…”

All of a sudden, he grabbed her neck and pressed her against the wall once more.

Growling at her, he spat out, “You are lying to me!”

Qin Ya was unrelenting. “If you don’t believe me, I can call him out now and kiss him in front of you. Or if you want to witness a more passionate scene, I can prove it to you…”

Staring at her stubbornness, Su Zhan could not hold onto his fury any longer. His red eyes moistened and formed a thin layer of water right beneath his bottom eyelids. He could only murmur in a hoarse voice, “Qin Ya, if you continue to be like this, our relationship is really over.”

“You and I… we’re over. I’m done with you a long time ago. It’s just that you didn’t see it,” she bluntly retorted, as her hands, hanging by her side were tightly clenched into fists.

Her nails were digging into the flesh of her palms. Reasoning within her mind, she assured herself that this was for the best. The pain can keep me awake and keep me calm.

“I, Qin Ya, am not turning back nor reminiscing the past. It’s impossible for you and I to rekindle our relationship. Not ever!” Knowing that she was hurting Su Zhan even while making this vow, she could also feel her heart stabbed by a knife too.

“Good. Good. Very good. Very well-spoken,” Su Zhan retracted his hands reluctantly. Every time he muttered the word “good”, he reminded himself in his heart to call it quits. Just give up and let go. Sensing warm water flowing out of his eyes, he quickly turned his head away, not wanting Qin Ya to see his tears.

With his back facing Qin Ya, he solemnly said, “I won’t pester you again in the future. You and I… this is the end of us!” Right after uttering those teary words, he hurriedly walked away.

Left behind, Qin Ya slumped against the wall and did not move. Staring at his back and watching him leave, she felt inexplicably numb. She felt as if a large swath of cotton was stuck in her throat, making it hard for her to breathe. She could only force herself to draw in the air with her open mouth as tears streamed down her face without restraint.

Su Zhan did not leave the place but instead went back into the restaurant. He wanted to prove to Qin Ya that his feelings for her were dead, and he would no longer cause any more trouble for her.

Meanwhile, Shao Yun was complaining to Lin Xinyan, “I couldn’t help but to agree to her plan.”

She understood perfectly well that once Qin Ya had made up her mind, the latter would come up with all sorts of ways to definitely drag Shao Yun into helping her with her act.

Shao Yun shook his head and sighed, “I really don’t want to do this. As the saying goes, I would rather demolish ten temples than ruin a marriage. I have just turned into the hated antagonist, haven’t I?”

Sighing along with him, Lin Xinyan assured him, “Since she is the one making the tough decision, just go along and help her.”

Blinking with surprise, Shao Yun got curious. “Don’t you want to persuade her? Talk some sense into her perhaps?”

“With her determination, she can’t be persuaded.” Lin Xinyan had wished upon the stars that things would turn out differently. Only heaven knows how much she wanted to sit down with Su Zhan to have a good, long, serious talk.

However, Qin Ya had a knot in her heart. And with her current mental state, she was not willing to face her true feelings.

Not only Su Zhan, even if Qin Ya were to meet another good man, she would still not open her heart to talk about her deepest, honest feelings.

There’s simply no solution.

Qin Ya had to make a mental breakthrough before she could see through the matter. Else, no one could ever help her.

“It’s such a pity. I can see that that young man is a good person,” Shao Yun gave his opinion regarding Su Zhan. Although he did not know Su Zhan personally, without even knowing the latter’s ability nor personality, Shao Yun had a good impression of him.

“Looks like this is the only way.” Shao Yun said in resignation as he wondered, “What has happened to Ya that she would go to such an extreme…”

Lin Xinyan saw Su Zhan approaching from the distance and quickly patted Shao Yun to alert him. Shao Yun immediately understood her gesture and stopped short, leaving his sentence unfinished.

At that moment, Su Zhan had already settled himself in, pulling out his chair and sitting down as if nothing had happened.

With a careless and undaunted look, Su Zhan ventured, “Why don’t we order some food?”

Lin Xinyan stared at him for two seconds, knowing that he only pretended to be okay based on the uneasy air that emanated off from him.

He casually beckoned the waiter and said, “Order please!”

Soon a waiter rushed over with a few menus in hand.

Taking one of the menus, he took a glance before asking without even looking up, “Jinghao, is this your treat?”

Zong Jinghao glanced at him briefly and grunted in agreement.

“I’ll have this, this, this, and also this.” Pointing to the menu, Su Zhan raised his head and looked at Lin Xinyan, “Xinyan, what do you like to eat? I’ll help you place an order.”

Lin Xinyan just looked at him, trying to gauge his feelings, then she said nonchalantly, “Whatever you think is good. I’m fine with anything.”

Su Zhan nodded and added a few more dishes to the order before looking at Zong Jinghao, “How about you? I know you prefer bland food, let me help you to order.”

Without waiting for any validation, he ordered two more dishes. Everyone on the table knew that he was heartbroken and was in a bad mood, so they let him order whatever he wanted.

“How about you, old pal?” Su Zhan boorishly addressed Shao Yun.

Shao Yun did not utter a word.

In his mind, he was thinking to himself. Who is your “old pal”?

He held himself back from speaking his mind. After all, he was the “culprit” who had “stolen” his girlfriend.

“I’m just a guest. Anything will do.” Shao Yun tugged at the collar of his shirt. It was still his favorite fashion: a short-sleeved floral shirt with beige trousers and white lace-up shoes. That was his trademark.

His favorite way to dress-up.

“Then I’ll help you order.” Thus he placed a few more orders with the waiter.

The waiter noted them down and followed-up, “Is there anything else you need?”

“That’ll be all, thank you.” He closed the menu and handed it over to the waiter.

Qin Ya joined in the table late, after the dishes were served. She came in through the door with her makeup reapplied, but those present could still see that her eyes were red.

Su Zhan did not look at her at all.

Initially, Qin Ya thought that Su Zhan had left. However, when she saw him there, the emotions that she had managed to suppress within her began to bubble up again.

She could not take it nor sit and eat, acting as if nothing had happened. She was afraid that her sanity would not be able to bottle up her emotions any longer. Stretching out her hand to grab Shao Yun’s arm, she spoke out, “I don’t feel like eating anymore. I need you to accompany me back.”

Shao Yun turned and looked at Qin Ya intently. Seeing the tear stains still on her face, he guessed that she had cried before joining them. Immediately, he stood up and said, “Let’s go then.”

As he spoke, he took the initiative to put his arms around her shoulders. He was always very close to her but had always treated her like a relative. Even then, he did not hesitate to put up such an act.

After all, she had addressed him as her Uncle. That made him her relative.

Knowing that she must be feeling sad and uncomfortable, he was sincere with his intent to comfort her.

Su Zhan suddenly raised his head and coldly remarked, “Is it because of my unbearable presence here that you can’t even sit and have your meal?”novelbin


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