Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 640

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 640

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 640

As if answering his own question, Su Zhan laughed awkwardly and said, “Don’t worry. I no longer long for you. If my presence here is choking you, then let me be the one to leave. You don’t have to go. Please stay.”

Taking off his napkin and putting down the knife and fork in his hands, he stood up and said once more, “Just sit down and eat. I’ll leave to make you feel at ease and eat in peace.”

Having said that, he turned to Xinyan and bid her farewell, “Xinyan, I’ll take my leave now.”

Xinyan could not say anything, so she could only watch him leave.

After Su Zhan left, she pulled Qin Ya to make her sit down once more.

Even after she obediently sat down, she had lost her appetite. Xinyan handed her a sheet of tissue and comforted, “Cry if you want to cry. Let it all out, dear. You will feel better after crying.” novelbin

Sensing they were not needed, Jinghao and Shao Yun left. Glancing at them, she had initially felt that the setting here was not appropriate, but she kept her opinion to herself.

As for the two men, there were reasons for them taking their leave as well. Jinghao had something to say to Shao Yun.

The latter had helped him greatly last time, but due to both of them being busy, neither of them had the luxury to sit down and talk their hearts out.

After this incident, Jinghao knew that Xinyan’s father was not a plain Joe. Otherwise, there would not have friends like Shao Yun.

Although he had not done much, the clues in his hands were valuable and rare. After all, he could not track and trace the incidents which happened long in the past.

“Is everything all right?” Shao Yun asked curiously.

When he was not putting on his mischievous smiley face, he looked scary – the type that would make any unfortunate children who set their eyes on him cry in fear.

However, when he was not so serious, and when he had his playful smile on, he instantly became very approachable.

Very rarely would he suppress his smile, for he always carried a jovial, gleeful look.

Jinghao revealed, “A task force has been set up to investigate this case. Since it has caused such a huge trouble, the matter must be tightly monitored and investigated.”

Shao Yun nodded his head in agreement, “If you need any help, just give me a holler.”

As far as he was concerned, she was not an outsider. After all, Xinyan’s husband was his close buddy’s son-in-law.

Jinghao did not want to put too much burden on him. With the current trouble in hand, it was already quite a handful to handle.

“Let me drop Qin Ya back first.” Xinyan was seen walking over, for she had also lost her appetite. Plus she did not feel like staying here for too long. Also, since Qin Ya did not want to go back to the villa, she wanted to take her out to relax.

Jinghao offered, “Let me send you back.”

He was worried about Xinyan, she was pregnant, yet she had to take care of others. He was afraid that she would overexert herself.

During times like this, Qin Ya definitely did not want to have too many people around her. Xinyan rejected his offer, “We’re not thinking of going home yet. We would still like to have a stroll somewhere. I’ve already booked a room in Narada Hotel. You can send him there for a rest.”

Originally, she had intended for Shao Yun to stay in the villa. However, it had run out of available rooms. There were already two maids, added with the presence of Zong Qifeng and Cheng Yuwen as well as Qin Ya and the children. The remaining rooms were the utility room and the study, but she could not make those available. Left with no choice, she booked a good hotel.

Shao Yun waved his hand and said, “Just tell me the place and I’ll get there on my own. I’m already old enough. I don’t need anyone to fetch me here and there like a kid.”

Xinyan smiled, “Uncle, you have not eaten much for lunch. If you’re feeling hungry please do order something to eat at the hotel. I’ll pick you up at night and show you around.”

“Don’t worry. I can take care of myself. You can take care of Ya. Do whatever you need to do, I’ll be alright.” Shao Yun gave her the nonchalant look, the kind to indicate that he could fit in anywhere, anytime to put her at ease. “Just tell me the location of the villa, and I’ll go there by myself tonight.”

Knowing full well Shao Yun’s character, Xinyan had no choice but to tell him about the address before leaving with Qin Ya.

As for whether Jinghao was the one sending him back or perhaps he got back on his own, she had no idea.

“Shall we go to the movies?” Xinyan suggested, trying to break the awkward silence.

Qin Ya remained silent.

Lin Xinyan let out a sigh and said in resignation, “I’m pregnant, therefore I can’t accompany you for a drink. If you feel awful and couldn’t bear the pain anymore, perhaps I can talk to Su Zhan for you.”

Qin Ya shook her head, “No, I don’t regret making this decision. Giving him up hurts though.”

Xinyan sighed, “I can totally understand your feeling, but I don’t know how to comfort you.”

“Why don’t you take a walk with me?” Having said that, she took Xinyan’s arm in hers.

Xinyan nodded. It was a hot noon, but it was quite cooling walking under the dense canopy of the Chinese parasol trees.

When Qin Ya had made up her mind, she had prepared thoroughly for it emotionally. However, it still needed some time to get over and transition to a new life.

She believed she could survive the pain on her own. After all, she had persevered through the past pains, and now she would definitely endure this one as well.

Compared to hers, Su Zhan did not fare much better.

After leaving the restaurant, he went out alone for a drink to heal his broken heart.

All by himself, he ordered quite a few bottles of foreign wine. Since Su Zhan was a regular here, the manager knew him quite well. Seeing him sitting alone with alcohol in hand, the latter offered, “Shall I call a lady to accompany you?”

Su Zhan continued to pour wine into his glass, pretending to ignore what the manager had offered.

“It’ll be a bummer to drink all by yourself. I have a girl here who is a good drinker. It’ll be better to have one or two to accompany you. Definitely way better than drinking away your sorrows alone.”

Su Zhan started to feel irritated. He felt that the manager was acting like a pesky fly, buzzing around his ears while he was in his bad mood.

“You’re crazy, right? I’m here only for a drink, yet you keep insisting on getting me a lady. I’m a clean freak, okay? Just stay as far as you can from me, and stop bothering me!”

Losing his patience, Su Zhan let loose his ire on the chatty manager.

“I only take pity on you seeing you drinking here alone. My intention is good. Don’t try to bite back on my kindness, you ingrate…”

“What are you babbling about? Who are you calling an ingrate?” Su Zhan glared at him intently, the blue veins on his temple popping up suddenly as he cajoled, “I’ll forgive you if you call yourself an ingrate too. Come, let me hear it.”

The manager rebuked him coldly, “You have had too many drinks.”

Just as the words left his mouth, as he was turning to leave, Su Zhan grabbed hold of his shirt, “So you’re leaving just like that after insulting someone? Who do you think I am? A cowardly turtle?”

The manager stared at the hands that were grabbing his shirt before looking at his face. “Hey buddy, don’t cause any ruckus here. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being ruthless later,” he said threateningly.

“Ah, so you’ll be rude to me?” Su Zhan was persistent as he egged the manager on. After all, he was still upset and was straining to control himself.

Grabbing the manager’s collars, Su Zhan roared, “Are you going to hit me? Gimme some! Bring it on!”

The manager could feel Su Zhan’s breath against his face, reeking alcohol. Frowning, he patiently reminded, “You will do well to let me go. I don’t feel like teaching you a lesson.”

“C’mon! Show me your guts! Teach me a lesson! Or are you a coward? If you’re a coward then don’t bother barking your empty threats like a dog…”

The manager could not bear it any longer and calmly called for backup. “Take this madman away.”

“You’re the crazy one!” Su Zhan was mad drunk and was emboldened by liquid courage.

The manager glared at him with fury before narrowing his eyes, “Hey kid, are you looking for a good round of beating?”

Su Zhan drunkenly nodded, “Yes I am! I’m looking for one!”

At this moment, he really felt like fighting someone. His pent-up frustration and disappointment in him were reaching a tipping point. He felt like dying.

His words sounded like a genuine provocation. Narrowing his eyes, he called two bouncers who rushed over and commanded, “Beat him up! Teach him a lesson!.”


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