Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 758

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 758

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 758

Qin Ya pursed her lips. “I will take care of Su Zhan. Don’t be too sad.”

Grandma Su’s eyes were even redder now. She felt deep remorse for her previous misjudgment of Qin Ya.

However, she only held on to Qin Ya’s hand in silence.

Even though Qin Ya appeared to be calm on the surface, the emotions in her were rioting.

“Don’t be angry at me, will you?” Grandma Su almost sounded like she was pleading with Qin Ya.

“Okay,” Qin Ya replied in a monotonous voice without giving Grandma Su’s request much thought. She wasn’t trying to come off as passive-aggressive, yet her response was curt.

In fact, Qin Ya sympathized with the old woman despite being hurt by her before. She just couldn’t ignore the tears welling in her eyes.

Grandma Su wiped her tears away. “Do you think we should move Su Zhan to a better hospital? Perhaps there are better hospitals overseas.”

Even though Grandma Su worried that the doctor might make bad judgments, she still secretly hoped that the doctor had misdiagnosed Su Zhan’s condition, and her grandson would wake up in no time.

Qin Ya knew what was bugging Grandma Su. “But the doctor said we have to keep Su Zhan still for the time being. He hurt his head.”

Grandma Su nodded in a hurry. She also knew the severity of a head injury.

“Then, what should we do?” Grandma Su was in total despair. She wanted her grandson to be better, but the only thing she could do at the moment was to worry for him.

Qin Ya consoled Grandma Su, “The doctor also said there’s a fat chance that he will wake up. We just have to wait patiently.”

“Is that so?” Grandma Su clenched her hands around Qin Ya’s hands tightly, as if she had met the angel that would rouse her grandson from his uncertain slumber.

Qin Ya answered firmly, “Yep.”

She turned her head to look at the man lying on the bed. He was as still as a statue, and as silent as the woods in late winter. His grandmother’s desperate weeps didn’t get to him at all.

In all honesty, Qin Ya didn’t know when Su Zhan would wake up too.

But at the moment, she had to come to a decision. She didn’t want Su Zhan to be caught in the conflict between herself and his grandmother anymore. “If he wakes up soon, I will… find us a surrogate to bear our children.”

It was not easy for Qin Ya to make the decision as it was out of the boundaries she had for herself. She just couldn’t accept having another woman conceive her child, even if the child were biologically both hers and Su Zhan’s.

Qin Ya would rather adopt than consider surrogacy.

Grandma Su was stumped as if Qin Ya had just spoken to her in another language. Under her subconsciousness, she took Qin Ya’s hand in hers. After a long while, she uttered with her hands tremoring, “Thank you so much. Thank you.”

Even at this moment, Grandma Su was still concerned about the Su family not having an heir.

It was as clear as day how important the Su family having a descendant was to Grandma Su.

Shen Peichuan was standing outside the whole time. He could hear the entire dialogue of the two women inside the room. He shook his head and let out a sigh.

He walked into the room. “Qin Ya, why don’t you bring Grandma Su to the cafeteria for something to eat? You should get something too. I will keep watch.”

Qin Ya replied, “I’m fine. Why don’t you bring her instead? I’ll stay here.”

“I think it’s better if you grab something to eat now. You still have to stay up overnight to look after Su Zhan. Listen to me. Go and rest for a bit. Find something to eat, and come back later. You don’t want to exhaust yourself.” Shen Peichuan was tugging at Qin Ya’s arm.

Qin Ya finally agreed as Shen Peichuan’s words made sense. She said, “Then what do you want to eat? I’ll buy it for you.”

“I am having dinner later at home.” Shen Peichuan recalled that Sang Yu was waiting for him at home.

Qin Ya responded, “Alright then.”

She pushed Grandma Su out of the ward and headed for the hospital’s cafeteria. Shen Peichuan waited for the two of them to leave before shutting the doors. He then ambled to the side of the bed and poked Su Zhan gently. “You can wake up now. There’s no one here.”

Shen Peichuan was actually quite amazed by the ideas Su Zhan had. Even when he was so badly injured, that man could still come up with a plan to fool the world.

Earlier that night, Su Zhan already got out of the operation room without any critical dangers to his life.

Su Zhan wrinkled his brows. “You are hurting me.”

Everything might be a hoax, but Su Zhan’s injuries were not. He was badly wounded, but not to the extent where his life was threatened.

It was all going according to his plans to make Qin Ya and Grandma Su give in to his ways.

Out of his expectations, Qin Ya was the one who made the first step to compromise.

Su Zhan sighed internally. He made a promise to himself to treat Qin Ya well from that day onwards.

Shen Peichuan grabbed a chair and sat next to Su Zhan. “Look at what you have done.”

Su Zhan chuckled bitterly. “Qin Ya is just a soft person, unlike my grandmother. She’s tough as a rock. I can’t believe she still wouldn’t yield to her pitiful grandson even when he’s in such a bad shape.”

Shen Peichuan purposely prodded Su Zhan on his wound. “Stop making so much fuss. You won your bet anyway.”

“Ouch! Damn you! It really hurts!” Su Zhan’s brows were scrunched together as he yelped in pain.

Shen Peichuan decided to have mercy on him. Then, he asked, “When are you going to wake up? You’ve already achieved your aim.”

Su Zhan contemplated for a bit before replying, “I cannot wake up that soon. I intend to make it as realistic as possible. They can’t find out about this. Perhaps I have to sleep for a few more days?”

Shen Peichuan squinted at him. “You rascal. I can’t imagine what goes on in that scary mind of yours.”

“Well, all I can say that God made me too smart, don’t you think so?” Su Zhan sounded smug. From now onwards, he didn’t have to be trapped between his grandmother and his wife anymore.

“Tsk, I am going to tell Qin Ya and Grandma Su the truth now. Let’s see how cocky you can be after that.” Shen Peichuan pretended to head for the door.

Su Zhan hurriedly grabbed him by his hand. “Don’t go, my kind sir. I am wrong!”

“That’s more like it. Also, you owe me a meal. And an 82’ Lafite.” Shen Peichuan was not going to let Su Zhan take advantage of him without paying a price.

Su Zhan answered mirthfully, “Alright. I’ll even treat you to two bottles of it.”

Now that everything was settled, it wouldn’t hurt to spend a bit more.

Shen Peichuan scoffed. “There’s always a rainbow after the storm.”

Su Zhan gave an effusive reply, “I guess so.”

“Tsk. Don’t get too full of yourself.” Shen Peichuan just couldn’t stand how puffed up Shen Peichuan was.

Then, Shen Peichuan spoke on a serious note, “By the way, we have to revoke your driver’s license. You also have to pay about sixty thousand in total as compensation.”

The other party involved in the accident was also injured. Their vehicle had to be sent to the maintenance center. Since insurance companies would not cover any accidents arising from drink driving, Su Zhan had to fork out the compensation from his own wallet.

Su Zhan replied, “Yes sir. It’s not a big deal anyway.”

As true as it could be, money was nothing to Su Zhan now he had tackled the greatest issue troubling him.

Shen Peichuan asked, “What would you like to eat?”


The door was pushed apart.

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