Stealing Your Heart

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 759

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 759

Stealing Your Heart Chapter 759

Shen Peichuan immediately dropped silent. However, Qin Ya already heard him talking. She entered the ward and glanced around. “Who were you talking to just now?”

“Was I talking?” Shen Peichuan pretended to be steady.

Qin Ya nodded surely. “Yeah! You said ‘What would you like to eat?’ to someone, didn’t you?”

“Nah, I think you have heard wrongly,” Shen Peichuan denied as he touched his nose. Qin Ya was flummoxed. She was pretty sure she wasn’t hallucinating earlier.

She lowered her gaze to Su Zhan. He was still in a coma.

“Why did you come back so early? You already finished eating?” Shen Peichuan bent his head to look at his watch. It had only been ten minutes since Qin Ya left with Grandma Su. It wasn’t even enough for a short meal.

Earlier on, Qin Ya only realized that she forgot to bring her phone and her purse after reaching the cafeteria. She went back to Su Zhan’s ward to retrieve her belongings in a rush. After that, she still had to convince Grandma Su to eat.

“We haven’t eaten anything yet.” Qin Ya went to the table to get her phone and her purse. “I only realized I didn’t have any money on me as we were making our purchase.”

Shen Peichuan nodded understandingly. “Oh, I see. Hurry back, then. Don’t leave Grandma Su alone for too long. I’ll stay to watch Su Zhan.”

Qin Ya also nodded doubtfully as she took a quick glimpse of Su Zhan on the bed. It didn’t look like he had woken up earlier, but Shen Peichuan was indeed talking to someone just now.

“Mr. Shen, are you sure you don’t want me to get something for you to eat?” Qin Ya asked.

Shen Peichuan answered reassuringly, “It is fine. My wife is waiting for me at home.”

Qin Ya chuckled. “Oh right, I forgot you are married. Didn’t say this earlier, but I wish you a blissful marriage!”

Shen Peichuan responded, “Thank you.”

Before leaving, Qin Ya confirmed that Shen Peichuan didn’t want to eat one last time. After she left, Shen Peichuan let out a sigh of relief.

After making sure that Qin Ya had walked a great distance from the room, he nudged Su Zhan. “She’s gone now. Do you think she found us suspicious?”

Su Zhan opened his eyes. “What’s wrong with you? You don’t have the balls to lie to a woman?”

Shen Peichuan was speechless.

Why are you making it sound like I’m at fault now?

“Tsk, you better remember who’s stuck up to you for so long. Believe me when I say I will tell Qin Ya and Grandma Su right away about your big fraud. Then, I will leave you to rot in this room alone.”

“I’m sorry, okay? I was just nervous,” Su Zhan immediately explained himself. He was afraid of Shen Peichuan blowing his cover. He would rather be safe than sorry.

Shen Peichuan scoffed and sat on the seat. “You better watch out. The more lies you make, the more troublesome the situation will get. Better quit with your lies before it spirals out of control.”

Su Zhan replied, “I know. I will see how it goes. Can you get me a glass of water? I am so thirsty.”

As Shen Peichuan went to get a glass of water, he asked, “What do you want to eat?”

Su Zhan replied, “I am not hungry.”

Shen Peichuan nodded and helped him up before passing water to him.

Su Zhan shook his head. “I can’t move my hand. You know what you’ve got to do.”

Shen Peichuan was at a loss for words.

“Drop your act!”

“I’m serious.” Su Zhan could move but he didn’t want to as his body would hurt everywhere.

Shen Peichuan placed the edge of the glass at his lips. “I hope you choke on the water.”

Su Zhan raised his head and stared Shen Peichuan in the eye. “You evil spawn. What will you benefit from my death?”

“At least I will have my peace of mind,” Shen Peichuan sneered. “Drink faster. What if someone comes in at this time?”

“Nah, stop worrying. There isn’t anybody who will visit me now.”

Shen Peichuan deliberately removed his hand from Su Zhan’s back and made him fall back onto his bed. Su Zhan grimaced painfully and said, “Shen Peichuan, do you want me dead?”

Shen Peichuan put down the glass. “That sounds quite tempting.”

“Just leave. I don’t want to see you.” Su Zhan’s face was full of agony.

Shen Peichuan guffawed in response. “Does it actually hurt?”

Su Zhan glared at him. “What do you think so?”

The smile on Shen Peichuan’s face faded a little. “Phew, thank god you can still feel pain.”

It was Su Zhan’s turn to be speechless.

What? Do you think I am a toy? Are we still brothers?

Where is your conscience?

Are you for real? I’m in so much pain and you still want to torment me?

Shen Peichuan let the words slip out of his mouth, “You lied to both Qin Ya and Grandma Su. Shouldn’t I serve them justice by punishing you a little?”

Su Zhan didn’t know what to say.

“Whose side are you on?”

“I will always stand up for the weak and helpless.”

Su Zhan still remained silent.

After a while, he spoke, “Am I not the weak?”

Shen Peichuan broke into laughter. “You? The weak? Are you sure you are not the oppressor of the weak instead?”

No words could come out of Su Zhan’s throat.

He was completely speechless.

Shen Peichuan didn’t want to taunt him anymore and left Su Zhan alone to rest.

Not long after he settled down next to the bed, his phone rang. It was Sang Yu. She was bringing food to Shen Peichuan.

She asked him which ward he was in, and the latter told her the ward number.

Out of puzzlement, Su Zhan asked, “Who is it?”

“It’s Sang Yu,” Shen Peichuan replied.

“Oh, it’s her.” Su Zhan thought it was Qin Ya and Grandma Su.

Shen Peichuan crossed his legs and looked at his friend blandly. “Who are you referring to?”

Su Zhan blinked his eyes. “Your wife Sang Yu, of course.”

“And?” Shen Peichuan kept a straight face.

How can Su Zhan tell I am not very happy?

Su Zhan cleared his throat and replied with a question. “Did I say anything wrong? Is she not your wife?”

“Pft. Keep on acting dumb,” Shen Peichuan spat nonchalantly. “Later I’ll tell Qin Ya how to address her.”

Su Zhan didn’t know what to say.

Su Peichuan was clearly threatening him.

Does he still have a soul?

I’m so badly injured and he still wants to bully me?

Su Zhan figured that if he ever had the chance to drive drunk again, he would bring on Shen Peichuan and let him experience how it was like to be in his shoes.

At that moment, the door creaked open. Sang Yu stood behind it with bento boxes.

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