Steel, Guns, and the Industrial Party in Another World

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: Trial Voyage

TL: Etude

The weather was exceptionally clear, with the blue sky merging seamlessly with the ocean at the horizon. Fluffy white clouds adorned the clear sky, and a gentle sea breeze, tinged with a hint of salt, blew softly, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and bliss.

It was an ideal day for a stroll along the beach or for a picnic, and indeed, the shores of Port Fran were bustling with people. Most of them were residents of the town, including fishermen, merchants, and women cradling their children.

However, their gathering wasn’t for leisurely activities like walking or picnicking. Instead, most of them were gazing toward the western seas, occasionally bursting into exclamations of wonder or engaging in small groups to discuss animatedly.

Out at sea, a peculiarly shaped vessel, which seemed quite bizarre to the local populace, was sailing swiftly.

This strange ship had no oars; it was only about twenty meters in length. At its bow, a long, slanting bowsprit jutted out like a sharp sword piercing forward. The deck had just one mast, installed with a backward tilt. In front of the mast, together with the bowsprit, they supported four triangular sails. At the very top of the mast hung two horizontal sails, and behind it stretched a huge mainsail, resembling a shark’s dorsal fin cutting through the water.

This was the newly completed sloop from the shipyard, its unique design creating a distinct aesthetic. The people on the shore were captivated by its majestic appearance.

“Ha ha ha! I’m absolutely in love with this beauty!” exclaimed Quik, the former pirate leader, from the deck of the sloop. He had been entrusted with the crucial task of steering the vessel during this test. Paul, recalling from memory, had designed a steering system composed of pulleys and ropes, which the shipwrights had installed on the sloop. Now, the ship’s rudder could be adjusted relatively easily by just one person turning the wheel on the deck.

Under Quik’s operation, the sloop constantly changed its course, sometimes sailing in a straight line, other times circling over the vast sea.

Of course, since it was a sailboat, the coordinated efforts of the sail handlers were indispensable. They had to adjust the sails promptly according to the wind direction to ensure the ship maintained its momentum.

There were over a dozen people on the deck of the sloop, including Rubin, the shipyard supervisor, old shipwright Benjamin, and “Naval Commander” Austin.

Rubin was thrilled; the model that Lord Grayman had envisioned had finally been realized.

Benjamin, on the other hand, was moved to tears. His long-held dream had come true that day. Although the ship was still small, it was just the beginning. Count Grayman had promised to build even larger sailing vessels.

Since it was a maiden voyage, a rowing and sailing boat followed behind as a precaution, ready to rescue anyone if necessary.

The wind was strong that day, enabling the sloop to reach speeds of several knots. Initially, the accompanying boat could easily keep pace, but as the day wore on and the rowers’ strength waned, combined with Quik’s adventurous maneuvers, it gradually fell behind.

Some sailors made faces and strange noises at the rowing and sailing boat lagging far behind, creating a lively atmosphere on the deck.

Among these overly excited people, only Austin remained calm, arms crossed over his chest as if deep in thought.

Suddenly, a sailor with a telescope shouted to him, “We’ve received a signal from the shore, they’re asking us to return immediately.”

Austin immediately commanded, “Set course for home!”

Quik muttered in disappointment, “I was just starting to enjoy myself…”

However, his months in the military had taught him not to disobey orders. With a turn of the wheel, the sloop veered and headed towards the shipyard harbor.josei

Two months later, Paul visited Port Fran once again.

Accompanying him were several heads of the Administration Council, including Hansel, Chief of Staff Schroeder, Head of the Equipment Department Kelly, Head of the Logistics Department Ron, and two female advisors, “Betty” and Ladi. Many were eager to see the new type of vessel that the Count had talked about.

After exchanging pleasantries with the mayor and others who had come to greet them at the city gates, Paul led the group straight to the shipyard.

When Paul arrived, the sloop had already set sail for its trial voyage.

It wasn’t that they didn’t wait for him; he had previously ordered that once the ship was built, a message would suffice, and everything should proceed according to the planned schedule without necessarily waiting for his arrival.

Time was of the essence, and any delay in the schedule was unacceptable.

Fortunately, the Kent family had temporarily shelved their plans for war, so upon receiving the news, Paul hurried over, bringing with him twenty naval cannons.

Seeing the silhouette of the sailboat on the distant sea, he felt an immense excitement and couldn’t wait to see it up close. He had the people on shore send a signal for the sloop to return, and soon it was making its way back to the shipyard harbor.

“Lord Grayman!”

Austin saluted Paul with military precision.

Paul smiled and returned the salute, “Thank you for your hard work, Commander.”

Austin humbly replied, “Not at all, the hardest work was done by Supervisor Rubin and Master Benjamin.”

“Ha ha, I certainly won’t forget these two contributors,” Paul said as he shook hands with Rubin and Benjamin, expressing his gratitude.

“I must also thank you, my Lord!” Old Benjamin held onto Paul’s hand for a long time.

Paul joked with him, “Master Benjamin, from now on, you can build as many ships as you like here, as long as you don’t find it too exhausting.”

Benjamin repeatedly assured, “Not exhausting, not exhausting at all, how could it be!”

Then Paul patted Rubin on the shoulder, “Let’s go, Mr. Supervisor, lead me on a tour of the ship.”

Rubin proudly said, “Lord Grayman, I can’t wait to show you this ship, you will surely fall in love with her.”

After boarding the sloop, Paul inspected every part of it and was very satisfied.

He asked, “Gentlemen, does this beauty have a name yet?”

Rubin responded, “Lord, this ship is of great significance, only you are qualified to name her!”

Paul laughed at this flattery and said, “Then I won’t be modest.”

Paul pondered deeply, thinking of a name that would elevate the ship’s stature.

Finally, he resignedly thought, “Ah! I really have no talent for naming things. Well, simplicity is best, I guess.”

“I’ve decided!” Paul pointed vigorously towards the sea and announced loudly, “This ship shall be named ‘Hope’, representing our aspiration to conquer the seas!”

The people around him burst into applause.

Austin nodded approvingly, “As expected of Lord Grayman, the name ‘Hope’ is most fitting.”

Supervisor Rubin also nodded, “Indeed, indeed, such a profound and meaningful name chosen by the Count.”

Hearing his subordinates’ comments, the Count felt a surge of grand ambition within him.

He declared grandly, “You must continue building new dry docks and expand the shipyard’s capacity. We will build! Build grandly!”

Austin, Rubin, Benjamin, and the others were overjoyed at this proclamation.

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